Sexual Assault Resources
We're Here for You
Our office is committed to creating a safer and more supportive campus community.
If you have experienced sexual assault or harassment, we provide a range of services to help, like counseling and medical care. We also offer prevention and education programs to help students understand how to identify and prevent sexual violence.
*We are the only department on campus where a student can report a sexual assault to a professional staff member and remain anonymous.

If You're Assaulted
If you or anyone remains in physical danger call 911.
The following recommendations are up to you. You can choose what feels right for your situation; please do not feel like you must take any of these actions. If you want to know more about your options, please get in touch with our Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Caitlin Henriksen.
Preserve all physical evidence of the assault. This helps if you choose to pursue criminal or civil persecution. Don't shower, bathe, douche, eat, drink, wash your hands or brush your teeth until after you have had a medical examination. Save all of the clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault. Place each item of clothing in a separate paper bag. Do not use plastic bags. Do not clean or disturb anything in the area where the assault occurred.
Get medical care as soon as possible. Go to a hospital emergency department or a specialized forensic clinic that provides treatment for sexual assault victims. Collection of evidence is best done within 120 hours of an assault. Testing can be done by a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) through St. Vincent Emergency Room at 920-433-8383. Even if you think that you do not have any physical injuries, you should still have a medical exam and discuss with a health care provider the risk of exposure to sexually transmitted infections and the possibility of pregnancy resulting from the sexual assault. For concerns about sexually transmitted disease (STD) or pregnancy, contact your health care provider or the UW-Green Bay Wellness Center 920-465-2380. If you suspect that you may have been given a rape drug, ask the hospital or clinic where you receive medical care to take a urine sample. Drugs, such as Rohypnol and GHB, are more likely to be detected in urine than in blood.
Contact a friend, family member or someone else you trust who can be with you and give you support.
Write down as much as you can remember about the circumstances of the assault, including a description of the assailant.
Get information whenever you have questions or concerns. After a sexual assault, you have a lot of choices and decisions to make - e.g., about getting medical care, making a police report and telling other people. You may have concerns about the impact of the assault and the reactions of friends and family members. Talk with a counselor who is trained to assist rape victims. Counseling can help you learn how to cope with the emotional and physical impacts of the assault.
If sexual violence occurs, our office will support you and help you reclaim your health, both mental and physical.
Though victims are never at fault for what happened, there are ways of preventing sexual violence.
For Male Victims
Sexual violence can happen to anyone, no matter their gender. If an incident of sexual violence occurred, we are here for you.
Additional Community Resources
Brown County
- Brown County Sexual Assault Center, 920-436-8899 (24hrs), 319 Crooks Street, Green Bay
- Golden House (Domestic Abuse Program), 920-432-4244, 1120 University Ave., Green Bay
- Brown County Crisis Center, 920-436-8888, 300 Crooks Street, Green Bay
- Brown County Non-Emergency Dispatch, 920-435-9111
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), St. Vincent’s Hospital, 920-433-8384, 835 South Van Buren St., Green Bay
Manitowoc County
- Incourage (Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center), 920-684-5770 (24hrs), 300 E. Reed Ave., Manitowoc
- Manitowoc County Non-Emergency Dispatch, 920-683-4200
- After Hours Crisis Line, 1-888-552-6642
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), Aurora Medical Center, 920-794-5125, 5000 Memorial Drive, Two Rivers
Marinette County
- Sexual Assault Center, 920-732-7300 (24hrs), 1907 Ella Ct., Marinette
- Rainbow House (Family Violence Program), 715-735-6656 (24hrs), 1530 Main St., Marinette
- Tri-County Safe Harbor (Family Violence and Sexual Assault Center), 906-789-9207, 905 1st Ave., S, Escanaba, MI
- Marinette County Non-Emergency Dispatch, 715-732-7627
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), St. Vincent’s Hospital, 920-433-8384, 835 South Van Buren St., Green Bay
Sheboygan County
- Safe Harbor (Family Violence and Sexual Assault Center), 1-800-499-7640 (24hrs), 929 Niagara Ave., Sheboygan
- Crisis Center, 920-459-3151 (24 hrs), 1202 N. 31st St., Sheboygan
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center, 920-451-5553, 2629 N 7th Street, Sheboygan

Rape Drugs
Learning about rape drugs can help you prevent incidents from occurring.
Understanding these drugs can help individuals protect themselves and others from being victimized. By knowing what to look for and how to identify potential signs of drug-facilitated sexual assault, individuals can take steps to reduce their risk of being targeted.
How to Help a Friend
Keep what is said confidential.
Provide a safe environment. If possible stay with your friend.
Listen and accept what you hear. Do not press for details. Allow your friend to reflect on what has happened and to share some of her or his feelings.
Validate the survivor's feelings by using their words.
Confirm the seriousness of the problem and let your friend know that she or he is not to blame. Many victims tend to blame them selves for the offenders actions, especially if the perpetrator was an acquaintance.
Encourage your friend to obtain a medical examination if they have not done so already, but in other respects resist your natural desire to give advice. Survivors of sexual assault need to regain a sense of control over their lives. Allow your friend to make their own decision about their next steps.
Seek emotional support for yourself. Call or stop in the UW-Green Bay Wellness Center 465-2380 located in 1400 Student Services or contact the Sexual Assault Center 436-8899. Be patient and understanding. Survivors have their own time table for recovery.
Accept their choice of solution to the assault even if you disagree with what they have chosen to do. It is more important that they feel empowered to make choices and take back control than it is for you to impose what you feel you think is the correct decision.

Get Support
If you need help, please get in touch with Caitlin Henriksen, our Sexual Assault Response Coordinator.