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Faculty Resources

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You support our students; we support you.

Looking for teaching resources, research resources or something else to help you and our students succeed? You've come to the right place!

A professor talking to a student in a science lab.A faculty leader leads developmental group discussion.A biology professor handles rats in a lab.Gaurav Bansal being awarded a professorship.


The Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) provides consultations, a self-service toolbox and opportunities for professional development.



From establishing of new degrees to making minor modifications to existing courses, this guide gives an overview of approval procedures.

Curriculum Guide


These syllabi guidelines are a resource for faculty as they develop or revise their syllabi, to help maintain content consistency.

Syllabi Policy

Teaching & Research Resources

African American female speaks with faculty member
Civic Engagement

The Center for Civic Engagement serves as a liaison for engagement between UW-Green Bay and our greater communities.

Center for Civic Engagement

Faculty and staff attending the Office of Professional and Instructional Development

The Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID) is a Universities of Wisconsin office that advocates for faculty and instructors in all things teaching and learning.


Hand holding an award
Professorships & Endowed Chairs

Through the generosity of donors, we are able to award faculty with named professorships and endowed chairs, to celebrate our distinguished scholars and recognize their achievements.

Environmental Science student and professor perform research outdoors
Grants & Research

Here to support your research endeavors, the Office of Grants and Research will encourage and guide you through the funding process, and to answer grant funding questions.

Grants & Research

Man beside flat screen television with photos in the background
Research Council

This committee of faculty representatives plays an advisory role to the Provost, to enhance the University's ability to realize its potential for distinction in all fields of study.

Research Council

Psychology student performing EEG research on volunteer
Institutional Review Board

This board reviews research projects involving human subjects to uphold two broad standards: 1) subjects are not placed at undue risk; 2) they give uncoerced, informed consent to participate.

Board Review