2025 - 2026 Administrative Calendar
Date | Activity |
June 2 | New faculty position requests due to Academic Deans |
July 15 | New faculty position requests due to Provost |
August 1 | Provost and Deans will decide on new faculty positions by this date (102/103 funded) |
August 15 | First day of 2025-2026 appointment period (9 months) |
Early September | Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor informs the Unit Chair of their desire to seek promotion by submitting portfolio through the Title Review Request |
September 15 | New faculty position requests due to Academic Deans for new 131 funded positions (subject to projected enrollment growth) |
September 21 | Chairs (Program/Unit/Grad) submit Spring & Summer 2026 timetables into workflow in CLSS |
September 28 | Associate Deans approve Spring & Summer 2026 timetables in CLSS |
September 29 | Spring & Summer 2026 timetables close for classroom assignments. ( September 29th through October 12th) |
October 1 | PARS due to Chairs for AY 2024-2025 |
October 13 | Spring & Summer 2026 timetable review by RO and Associate Deans (October 13th through October 19th) |
October 15 | Requests due to Provost for new 131 funded positions (subject to projected enrollment growth) |
October 20 | Publish Spring and Summer 2026 Schedule of Classes |
October 27 | J-Term 2026 registration begins |
October 31 | The Vice Chancellor and Chancellor group will meet by this date to determine what instructional positions will be funded through 131 |
November 3 | Recommendations from Executive Committee Chairs for promotion to Associate Professor or Full Professor due in appropriate Dean's office |
November 3 | Spring 2026 priority registration begins |
November 7 | Recommendation/approval from the Unit Chair for Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor promotion due to the appropriate Dean through BP Logix |
November 14 | RO syncs Fall 2026 J-Term 2027, Spring 2027, Summer 2027 terms into CLSS |
November 14 | Requested promotion recommendations from Dean sent to Personnel Council & Committee of Six |
November 17 | Promotion recommendation for Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor requested by Dean to the Personnel Council if Dean disagrees with Executive Committee's recommendation |
December 13 | Fall 2025 Commencement |
December 15 | Programmatic and curricular changes submitted to CoursLeaf, approved at the unit level and started into workflow |
January 2 | Faculty send lab mod requests to Unit Chair/Director for review |
January 9 | Unit Chairs/Directors rank their area's requests using the lab mod summary sheet and submit to Dean/Division head |
January 15 | Programmatic and curricular changes approved by the Deans. Other catalog changes submitted to course leaf. Narratives/overviews started into workflow |
January 16 | Recommendations for promotion to Associate or Full Teaching Professor from Personnel Council due in Dean's office |
January 16 | Recommendations for promotion to Associate or Full Professor from Personnel Council and Committee of Six due in Dean's office |
January 23 | Each Dean/Division head ranks their area's lab mod requests & submits to the review committee via TEAMS |
January 30 | Special course fees due to budget office |
January30 | First day lab mod review committee (Deans, CIO) will review requests. This review extends through February 27. |
February 8 | Chairs (Program/Unit/Grad) submit Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetables into workflow in CLSS |
February 15 | Programmatic and curricular changes approved by GEC, AAC and GAAC |
February 15 | Associate Deans approve Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetables in CLSS |
February 16 | Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetables closed for classroom assignments (February 16 through March 1) |
February 27 | Lab mod review committee sends recommendations to the Provost |
February 27 | Recommendations for promotion from Associate/Full Teaching Professor due from Dean to Provost (through BP Logix) |
February 27 | Recommendations for promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor and tenure recommendations due from Dean to Provost |
March 1 | First semester reviews for NEW faculty and Teaching Professors hired in August due to Deans. |
March 1 | Annual reviews (annual performance and post-tenure) for faculty due to Deans |
March 2 | Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetable review by RO and Associate Deans (March 2 through March 13) |
March 9 | Emeritus nomination letters due from Unit( for faculty) or Supervisor( for staff) to Dean(faculty) or Divisional Leader(staff, if nominated by someone other than the Divisional Leader) |
March 16 | Catalog published |
March 16 | Publish Fall 2026 Schedule of Classes |
March 16 | Publish J-Term 2027 Schedule of Classes |
March 16 | Summer 2026 registration begins |
March 18 | Emeritus nomination letters signed by this date by Dean (for faculty) or Divisional Leader (for staff) |
March 20 | Emeritus nomination letters signed by this date by Provost (for faculty) or Area Leader (for staff) |
March 20 | Deans to report renewals to Provost |
March 30 | Fall 2026 priority registration begins |
April | The sabbatical submission deadline will be in the Spring semester each year and the due date may flex. Please coordinate requests with the Associate Provost. |
April 1 | Final Emeritus status letters due from Chancellor's office to the candidates. This notification will also cc SOFAS and HR. |
April 3 | First date lab mod award notifications could be sent out |
April 27 | Chancellor sends recommendation for promotions to Board of Regents |
May 16 | Spring 2026 Commencement |
May 24 | Last day of 2025-2026 appointment period (9 month) |
Due to the Workday transition, due dates for performance evaluations for Academic Staff, University Staff and Limited employees will be different than previous years and will be announced ASAP.