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2025 - 2026 Administrative Calendar

Current Year: 2024-2025 | Previous Year: 2023-2024

June 2New faculty position requests due to Academic Deans
July 15New faculty position requests due to Provost
August 1Provost and Deans will decide on new faculty positions by this date (102/103 funded)
August 15First day of 2025-2026 appointment period (9 months)
Early September Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor informs the Unit Chair of their desire to seek promotion by submitting portfolio through the Title Review Request
September 15
New faculty position requests due to Academic Deans for new 131 funded positions (subject to projected enrollment growth)
September 21
Chairs (Program/Unit/Grad) submit Spring & Summer 2026 timetables into workflow in CLSS
September 28
Associate Deans approve Spring & Summer 2026 timetables in CLSS
September 29
Spring & Summer 2026 timetables close for classroom assignments. ( September 29th through October 12th)
October 1PARS due to Chairs for AY 2024-2025
October 13
Spring & Summer 2026 timetable review by RO and Associate Deans (October 13th through October 19th)
October 15
Requests due to Provost for new 131 funded positions (subject to projected enrollment growth)
October 20
Publish Spring and Summer 2026 Schedule of Classes
October 27
J-Term 2026 registration begins
October 31
The Vice Chancellor and Chancellor group will meet by this date to determine what instructional positions will be funded through 131
November 3Recommendations from Executive Committee Chairs for promotion to Associate Professor or Full Professor due in appropriate Dean's office
November 3
Spring 2026 priority registration begins
November 7
Recommendation/approval from the Unit Chair for Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor promotion due to the appropriate Dean through BP Logix
November 14
RO syncs Fall 2026 J-Term 2027, Spring 2027, Summer 2027 terms into CLSS
November 14
Requested promotion recommendations from Dean sent to Personnel Council & Committee of Six
November 17
Promotion recommendation for Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor requested by Dean to the Personnel Council if Dean disagrees with Executive Committee's recommendation
December 13Fall 2025 Commencement
December 15Programmatic and curricular changes submitted to CoursLeaf, approved at the unit level and started into workflow
January 2Faculty send lab mod requests to Unit Chair/Director for review
January 9
Unit Chairs/Directors rank their area's requests using the lab mod summary sheet and submit to Dean/Division head
January 15
Programmatic and curricular changes approved by the Deans.  Other catalog changes submitted to course leaf.  Narratives/overviews started into workflow
January 16
Recommendations for promotion to Associate or Full Teaching Professor from Personnel Council due in Dean's office
January 16
Recommendations for promotion to Associate or Full Professor from Personnel Council and Committee of Six due in Dean's office
January 23
Each Dean/Division head ranks their area's lab mod requests & submits to the review committee via TEAMS
January 30
Special course fees due to budget office
First day lab mod review committee (Deans, CIO) will review requests. This review extends through February 27.
February 8Chairs (Program/Unit/Grad) submit Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetables into workflow in CLSS
February 15
Programmatic and curricular changes approved by GEC, AAC and GAAC
February  15
Associate Deans approve Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetables in CLSS
February 16
Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetables closed for classroom assignments (February 16 through March 1)
February 27
Lab mod review committee sends recommendations to the Provost
February 27
Recommendations for promotion from Associate/Full Teaching Professor due from Dean to Provost (through BP Logix)
February 27
Recommendations for promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor and tenure recommendations due from Dean to Provost
March 1First semester reviews for NEW faculty and Teaching Professors hired in August due to Deans.
March 1
Annual reviews (annual performance and post-tenure) for faculty due to Deans
March 2
Fall 2026 and J-Term 2027 timetable review by RO and Associate Deans (March 2 through March 13)
March 9
Emeritus nomination letters due from Unit( for faculty) or Supervisor( for staff) to Dean(faculty) or Divisional Leader(staff, if nominated by someone other than the Divisional Leader)
March 16
Catalog published
March 16
Publish Fall 2026 Schedule of Classes
March 16
Publish J-Term 2027 Schedule of Classes
March 16
Summer 2026 registration begins
March 18
Emeritus nomination letters signed by this date by Dean (for faculty) or Divisional Leader (for staff)
March 20
Emeritus nomination letters signed by this date by Provost (for faculty) or Area Leader (for staff)
March 20
Deans to report renewals to Provost
March 30
Fall 2026 priority registration begins
The sabbatical submission deadline will be in the Spring semester each year and the due date may flex.  Please coordinate requests with the Associate Provost.
April 1Final Emeritus status letters due from Chancellor's office to the candidates.  This notification will also cc SOFAS and HR.
April 3First date lab mod award notifications could be sent out
April 27Chancellor sends recommendation for promotions to Board of Regents
May 16Spring 2026 Commencement
May 24Last day of 2025-2026 appointment period (9 month)


Due to the Workday transition, due dates for performance evaluations for Academic Staff, University Staff and Limited employees will be different than previous years and will be announced ASAP.