Report a Concern
Your Voice Matters
By sharing your concerns, whether they are about another student or faculty member or yourself, you're helping us create and maintain a culture of support and care. Once you share your concern, the Dean of Students staff is able to guide people to the resources they need.
*Submitting one of these reports is not a substitution for calling 911 if immediate assistance is required.
Self Reporting
If you are a student in need of assistance, please fill out this form and we will connect you to the best person or resource to get you moving in the right direction.
Students of Concern
Some of the twists and turns along the college path take students to a dark place. Others just get lost or stuck. By completing this form it is an opportunity to offer a student help so they can get back on the path that brought them to UW-Green Bay campuses: the path to a degree. Help a student the way you would want to be helped.
Bias and Hate Incidents
The purpose of this form is to report to the university incidents motivated by bias or hatred which occur on and off the UW-Green Bay campuses in an effort to record, respond and prevent future behaviors. By reporting such incidents, you help the university community to maintain a positive learning, living and working environment.
General Concerns
Sometimes you see or hear of something and you think to yourself, “Someone should do something about that." Now is your chance to do something. If we don’t know about it, we can’t fix it. So tell us about issues that you believe should be addressed by filling out this form. Thank you for your help.

Need More Information?
Please reach out to our team, like Mark Olkowski, Associate Dean of Students. We also welcome any feedback about UW-Green Bay you think could help us better serve students.