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Food Resources

food to help you Thrive

Not having enough food to eat is a growing issue for college students.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, four million students across the U.S. are food insecure. Food is one of the most basic of needs, and if it's not met, it's hard—or impossible—for students to thrive. To help meet this need, the Dean of Students Office offers several resources through Phoenix Cares to students across all four campuses, as well as a list of additional resources in our communities.

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Students in UW-Green Bays Campus Cupboard

Food Resources on All 4 Campuses

Find food pantries and organizations both on campus and throughout all communities that help meet the basic needs of individuals and families.

Campus Cupboard

Available on our Green Bay, Manitowoc and Sheboygan campuses, Campus Cupboard is a food bank free to students with food and toiletry items provided by UW-Green Bay employees and other students. There are even some clothes and household necessities. If you are a student in need, stop by with your student ID. You can also donate items to provide for our campus community.

Meeting Your Needs

Foodshare (SNAP)

SNAP is a helpful resource no matter what campus you attend. You may qualify if you:

  • meet all financial and non-financial SNAP eligibility criteria AND are eligible to participate in State or Federally financed work study during the regular academic year, as determined by UW-Green Bay OR
  • have an expected family contribution (EFC) of 0 in the current academic year.

To find out if you qualify, fill out an application or download the “MYACCESS Wisconsin” app on your phone. Click the green “Apply Now” button and then “Start a new application.” You will be asked to provide employment, income and residency information.

In 3-5 business days you’ll be notified via phone, mail or the app whether you’ve been approved or denied. If approved, a short phone consultation will be scheduled. For further details about this program expansion, please visit their website.

Apply for SNAP

Green Bay Campus Food Resources


PHLASH Meals provides students in need (i.e. facing economic challenges, unemployment, inequality, violence, etc.) with five (5) on-campus meals per request. Meals are usually available within 48 hours and can be used at any on-campus dining location. If accessing a meal at the Marketplace inside the Cloud Commons, meals will be available when swiping your ID. At any other campus dining location, students should indicate they are using a "transfer meal."

*Only one (1) request of PHLASH Meals is allowed each month.  Meals expire at the end of the spring academic term.

Request Phlash Meals

Frozen Meals

Pre-packaged flash-frozen meals are available in the Commuter Lounge (lower level of the University Union, behind the Phoenix Club). Visit the freezer anytime, as much as you need, to grab a frozen meal that can be reheated in the microwave. Food is sourced from leftovers in the Social House as a way to reduce food waste and help students who are in need of extra meals.

Community Resources

In addition to on-campus resources, there are many organizations throughout the Green Bay community that provides food:

  • Paul's Pantry: more than just an emergency food pantry, Paul's Pantry provides people with enough food every week, for as long as needed, so they can spend money on shelter, utilities and other necessities.
  • Brown County Food Pantries: provides a list of all food pantries across Brown County.

Manitowoc Campus Food Resources

Marinette Campus Food Resources

Sheboygan Campus Food Resources

Bailey Briner

We're Here for You

Meet Bailey Briner, our Student Support and Conduct Coordinator. If you need more information about food resources, get in touch with her or any of our team.

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