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Wisconsin Math Placement Test (WMPT)

The Wisconsin Math Placement Test (WMPT) helps ensure you enroll in the right math course for your current skill level. This is a key part of setting yourself up for success at UW-Green Bay, and it’s required for most new students.

Who needs to take the Math Placement Test?

About Admissions Testing

All First-Year Students

All incoming first-year students are required to take the math placement test unless they have transfer credit for a qualifying math course.

Some Transfer Students

Some transfer students may also need to take the test if they do not have prior college-level math credit. If you’ve already taken a college-level math course and have transfer credit for Math 094, 099, 100, BUSAN 220 or PSYCH 205, you may be exempt. Be sure to confirm your status with your academic advisor.

Why Take the Math Placement Test?

Your test score determines which math course you are placed in. This helps avoid being enrolled in a course that's too easy or too difficult for your current skills. Doing well on the test can place you in higher-level courses, saving you time and money in your academic journey. If you score too low, you may be placed in a remedial course, which doesn’t count toward degree credit but is necessary to build the foundation needed for higher-level courses.

Math Placement Test Details

The Mathematics Placement Test is designed to assess your skills, not your speed. Most students have ample time to complete all questions. Questions cover math fundamentals, advanced algebra, trigonometry and geometry.

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Format: Multiple Choice
  • Calculator: Scientific & Non-Graphing Calculators allowed
  • Scratch paper: You may use scratch paper and a pencil to work out problems

About the Math Test

Testing Options

You can choose between two options. Option 1 is preferred. You may use scratch paper and a pencil to do preliminary calculations.

1. Online, unproctored

You can take the test online at your convenience. We are using Math Test A, and not Test B. Choose a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, where you can sit comfortably at a computer. 

How to Test Online

2. Paper & pencil testing

If you do not have reliable internet or computer access, you can arrange a paper and pencil test on campus by appointment. For more information, contact the Office of Testing Services.

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How to take the Math Placement Test online

We recommend you test early! Complete the test at least 10 days prior to your registration date so that your scores are on file. Follow the steps below.

  1. Register Online: Begin by visiting the Wisconsin Placement Testing website. If you are a new incoming student for Fall 2025, you will not take your Placement Tests until March 15, 2025 or later, after the registration period opens.  (The testing platform is currently shut down through March 15.)
  2. Login Information: You will need your UW-Green Bay username and password. If you need help, contact the GBIT Service Desk at 920-465-2309.
  3. Sign up for Math Test A: When registering, be sure to select Math Test A (not Test B). This is the version required for UW-Green Bay.
  4. Check Your Email: After registering, you will receive an email with instructions on how to take the test. Be sure to follow the directions carefully and take only the tests required for your program.

WMPT Placement Chart

Students are typically placed in appropriate mathematics courses depending on (1) their scores on the Wisconsin Mathematics Placement Test (WMPT), and (2) when they took the WMPT. Students should consult the chart that matches their testing date, as follows. Placement depends on what your major is and thus what track you need to follow. Refer to the math course sequence guide (pdf) to determine the appropriate course to enroll in and speak to your advisor if you have any questions.

Current Math Placement Chart

The chart below is effective March 2017 for current students testing March 2021 to present.

LevelMFNDAALGTAGCourse Placement Options
1150-415150-850150-850MATH 094 or MATH 100 or BUSAN 220 or PSYCH 205 + PSYCH 097
2416-465150-850150-850MATH 099 or MATH 100 or BUSAN 220 or PSYCH 205 or MATH 102
3466-850150-525150-850MATH 101
4466-850526-850150-525MATH 104, MATH 260, CHEM 211 with MATH 104, ET 105
5466-850526-850526-850MATH 202, CHEM 211, PHYSICS 103

Prior Math Placement Charts

These charts are no longer being used and are for historical purposes only.

March 2020-February 2021

For students who tested from March 2020 to February 2021. There were special circumstances due to COVID-19.

Placement depends on what your major is and thus what track you need to follow. Refer to the math course sequence guide (pdf) to determine the appropriate course to enroll in and speak to your advisor if you have any questions.

1150-415150-850150-8500-170-490MATH 094 or MATH 100 or BUS ADM 220 or COMM SCI 205 + COMM SCI 097
2416-465150-850150-85018-20500-540MATH 099 or MATH 100 or BUS ADM 220 or COMM SCI 205 or MATH 102
3466-850150-525150-85021-24550-590MATH 101
526-850150-52525-26600-630MATH 104; MATH 260; CHEM 211; ET 105
526-85027-36640-800Math 202; COMP SCI 240; Physics 103

March 2017 - February 2020

For students who tested from March 2017 to February 2020. 

Placement depends on what your major is and thus what track you need to follow. Refer to the math course sequence guide (pdf) to determine the appropriate course to enroll in and speak to your advisor if you have any questions.

MFNDAALGTAGCourse Placement
150-415150-850150-850MATH 094 or MATH 100 or BUS ADM 220
or COMM SCI 205 + COMM SCI 097
416-465150-850150-850MATH 099 or MATH 100 or BUS ADM 220
or COMM SCI 205 or MATH 102
466-850150-525150-850MATH 101
526-850150-525MATH 104; MATH 260;
CHEM 211; ET 105
526-850MATH 202; COMP SCI 240; PHYSICS 103

March 2005 - March 2017

For students who tested from March 2005 to March 2017.

MBSCALGTRGMathematics Course Options
150-375150-850150-850Math 094
376-435150-385150-850Math 094
386-435150-850Math 101
436-545150-850Math 101/260; Bus Adm 216
546-850150-850Math 104, 201; Chem 211; ET 105
436-850150-345150-850Math 094
346-425150-850Math 101
426-545150-850Math 101/260; Bus Adm 216
546-850150-525Math 104, 201; Chem 211; ET 105
546-850526-850Math 202; Comp Sci 240; Physics 103

April 2002 - February 2005

For students who tested from April 2002 to February 2005.

E-ALGI-ALGC-ALGTRIGMathematics Course Options
150-449150-850150-850150-850Math 094
450-524150-389150-850150-850Math 094
390-569150-350150-850Math 101;Chem 108
351-850150-850Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205
570-850150-350150-850Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205
351-850150-850Math 104; 201, 282, 282; Chem 211; Engineering 105
525-850150-389150-299150-850Math 094
300-850150-850Math 101; Chem 108
390-569150-299150-850Math 101; Chem 108
300-850150-850Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205
570-850150-309150-850Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205
310-479150-850Math 104, 201, 281, 282; Chem 211; Engineering 105
480-850150-509Math 104, 201, 281, 282; Chem 211; Engineering 105
510-850Math 202; Comp Sci 241; Physics 103

April 2000 - March 2002

For students who tested from April 2000 to March 2002.

E-ALGI-ALGC-ALGTRIGMathematics Course Options

Math 094

Math 094

Math 101; Chem 108

Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205

Math 101; Chem 108

Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205

Math 104, 201, 281, 282; Chem 211; Engineering 105

150-389150-299150-850Math 094

300-850150-850Math 101; Chem 108

390-569150-299150-850Math 101; Chem 108

300-850150-850Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205

570-850150-309150-850Math 260; Bus Adm 215; Comm Sci 205

310-479150-850Math 104, 201, 281, 282; Chem 211; Engineering 105

480-850150-509Math 104, 201, 281, 282; Chem 211; Engineering 105

510-850Math 202; Comp Sci 241; Physics 103

Prior to April 2000

ScoresCourse Placement
WMPT AB 0-422 or BC 0-389Math 094 (remedial, non-degree credit); must be completed by the end of the second semester)
WMPT AB 423-468 or WMPT BC 390-466; with 1 yr. H.S. AlgebraMath 101; 225-108
WMPT AB 469-611 or WMPT BC 467-608; with 2 yrs. H.S. AlgebraMath 101, 260; Bus Adm 215; 225-108; Comm Sci 205
WMPT AB 612-850 or WMPT BC 609-678; with 2 yrs. H.S. AlgebraMath 104, 201, 281, 282; Comp Sci 256; Chem 211; Engineering 105
WMPT BC 679-850; with 4 yrs. H.S. Math, including TrigComp Sci 241; Math 202; Physics 103
Pam Gilson

Have Questions?

For questions about math placement testing, contact Pam Gilson at or 920-465-2221.

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