Placement Testing
Placement Testing helps us place you in the right math and world language courses for your skill level. These assessments are important, because they ensure you're enrolled in the appropriate math and world language courses for your skill level. You want to be in a course that's hard enough to challenge you, so you learn, but not so hard that you can't be successful. This saves you time and money by avoiding courses you may not need. And if you do well enough in the course you test into, you may even gain retroactive credits for the lower level courses you didn't have to take.
Class Placement
Find out more about how UW-Green Bay assesses your skill level, so you can start in the right class for wherever you are in your journey.
The Math Placement test is required for all new first-year students and some transfer students prior to registering at UW-Green Bay, or within their first semester.
World Language
Placement tests are optionally available for French, Spanish and German. You're strongly encouraged (but not required) to take the World Language Placement Test if you have studied a foreign language in middle or high school, and you plan to continue your study in college.
The English Placement Test isn't used at UW-Green Bay. Your ACT English or SAT Reading score is used for placement, instead. Don't take the Wisconsin English Placement Test.
Note: It's important that you do your best on these tests. You may need to take remedial classes if your scores are low.
Testing Options
There are two options for placement testing, depending on if you're newly admitted or a currently enrolled at UW-Green Bay.
Admissions Testing
Regional Placement Testing is now only offered online. The name is a carry-over from when there used to be regional in-person testing events for admitted students, but it still refers to the time period in the spring/summer for new freshmen to complete placement testing prior to their first semester in college. Their purpose is to place you in the appropriate level math and world language, so you know which courses to register for.
- Offered: In the spring and summer
- For: Incoming first-year students and some transfer students
- Format: Online, unproctored, using your own computer
Current Student Testing
We call these tests Residual Placement Testing. Their purpose is to allow current UW-Green Bay students to take placement tests at any time. Maybe you missed the Regional Placement Testing period, or changed your mind and decided to pursue a foreign language, or perhaps you want to retake an exam to better your grade.
- Offered: Year-round
- For: Current UW-Green Bay students
- Format: Online, unproctored, and free, or Paper-and-pencil by appointment (with a $10 fee)

Have Questions?
For questions about Regional Placement Testing, contact Pam Gilson at or 920-465-2221.