CLEP Exams
College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) Exams
You can earn college credit with CLEP Exams at UW-Green Bay. CLEP exams are national, standardized tests that allow you to earn credit for college-level knowledge in various subjects. By passing CLEP exams, you can skip certain courses and move closer to graduation.
What are CLEP Exams?
CLEP exams are standardized tests that allow students to earn college credit for knowledge they've already gained, whether through self-study, work experience or previous education. Administered by the College Board, these exams cover material typically taught in introductory college courses. By passing a CLEP exam, students can bypass certain courses and receive credit, helping them save time and money on their degree. CLEP exams are available in a wide range of subjects, from math and science to humanities and business.
Take a CLEP Exam
Anyone can take CLEP exams at UW-Green Bay. Whether you’re a current student or someone looking to gain credit for prior knowledge, CLEP offers an opportunity to accelerate your degree. You may send your scores to any institution that accepts CLEP credit.
CLEP Exam Cost
Each CLEP exam costs $120 (a $95 {$97 as of 7-1-25} test fee plus a $25 administration fee).
CLEP Practice
For CLEP practice tests, you can visit the following resources. Note that these websites aren't affiliated with the College Board.
How CLEP Credits Work at UW-Green Bay
Your CLEP exam credits will be added to your UW-Green Bay transcript only if you're currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student. You cannot earn CLEP credit for courses or experiences where you’ve already received credit. If you've taken a course and didn’t do well, you can’t use a CLEP exam to improve your grade.
Credit Eligibility
CLEP credits will only be added to your UW-Green Bay transcript if you’re enrolled as a degree-seeking student. You cannot earn CLEP credit for courses or experiences for which you’ve already received credit.
Transfer Caveat
Each institution sets its own policies regarding CLEP credits. CLEP credits that are accepted at UW-Green Bay may not be accepted at another university. If you plan to transfer, check CLEP policies at both institutions before taking an exam.
Passing Scores
If you earn a high enough score, CLEP exams translate into specific course credits at UW-Green Bay. Use the UWGB CLEP Equivalency table to check how your CLEP exam scores translate to UW-Green Bay credits. If your score isn't high enough, you must wait three months after the original test to retake any failed CLEP exam.
FREE Online CLEP Courses
A series of free online courses on CLEP subjects is now available through the Modern States Education Alliance. The courses are taught by college professors from leading institutions, and delivered online via the Modern States website. All the courses are free, as are any required textbooks and other materials.
Freshman Year for Free
Modern States is offering "Freshman Year for Free" and is paying the $95 {$97 as of 7-1-25} test fee and scheduling fee for students who enroll in the courses and take the exams.

Have Questions?
If you have questions about how your CLEP exams translate into UW-Green Bay credits, we'll do our best to help. For more information on how to earn college credits with CLEP, you can also visit the College Board CLEP website.