National Residence Hall Honorary
What is NRHH?
The National Residence Hall Honorary is an organization comprised of the top 1% of student leaders on campus. NRHH has two core values: recognition and service. NRHH recognizes the outstanding achievements of the people working and living on campus: residents, executive staff members, RMs, Housing Staff, faculty, custodians, and many other categories. In addition, NRHH provides service to the Green Bay community with community service projects such as Zoo Boo, making dog toys, and writing cards to children with terminal illness. The main goal of NRHH is to make people feel appreciated.
There is an NRHH chapter at many schools nationwide. UWGB’s NRHH is in the sub-branch GLACURH, or the Greater Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls. NRHH representatives along with RHAA attend regional and national conferences to gain information from other universities and to give back input.
NRHH is continuing its growth in ways UWGB has never seen before. If you need a helping hand with a program or a presentation, or if you are just looking for some good advice, please come to NRHH for help. NRHH meets in the Community Center in the Multipurpose Room every other Wednesday at 7:30 PM.
Be a part of the Phoenix Flame Chapter at The University of Wisconsin Green Bay!