Kingfisher Farm
On the Coast of
Lake Michigan
Nearly 60 acres of forests, grasslands, shorelines and more!
Nestled just 8 miles south of Manitowoc, Kingfisher Farm is a natural paradise that promises to enchant visitors with its rich biodiversity. This pristine area showcases a late-successional beech-maple-basswood climax forest, characteristic of the Central Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape in eastern Wisconsin. In early May, the forest floor bursts into a vibrant display of native wildflowers. The lowlands along Point Creek's floodplain are rich with northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) and black ash (Fraxinus nigra). This unique area is a haven for small mammals, including the elusive southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) and the tiny American pygmy shrew (Sorex hoyi).

Reserved for
Kingfisher Farm is strictly a research area.
Because we want to keep this area as pristine as possible for researchers, public use is not allowed. The property was donated in 1989 by philanthropists Robert A. Levin, a former President of Antioch University, and his wife, Kay W. Levin, a writer commemorated by an annual award for non-fiction literature in Wisconsin. If you're visiting the farm for research, follow I-43 to County Road C exit. Follow C east to end at Lakeshore Road (LS). Turn right (south) on LS. Follow access road (bear left, continue across field) to house at edge of woods. Park in gravel lot just to the west off of the driveway.

Meet Your Guide
Meet Andrew LaPlant, UW-Green Bay alum and Natural Areas Manager. In addition to leading ecological restoration efforts, he also facilitates outdoor classroom experiences for students. If you have questions about Kingfisher Farm, he can help!