About Green Bay NERR Programs
"Rest" Up
Promoting Research, Education, Stewardship and Training.
At the local level, a Bay of Green Bay NERR will offer a coordinating force to manage, restore and protect the Green Bay ecosystem, with a focus on four sectors: research, education, stewardship and training. Through the NERR designation, we can address coastal management issues through each sector.

Managing the NERR
The management plan is currently being drafted in collaboration with the Bay of Green Bay NERR partners along with tribal nations, communities and the landowning partners of the sites within the reserve boundaries. For an example of what the management plan might look like, view The Lake Superior Reserve Management Plan. For each area of REST, we'll have at least one staff position. As the NERR develops, additional staff may be necessary:
- Green Bay NERR Director
- Tribal Engagement Coordinator
- Stewardship Coordinator
- K-12 Education Coordinator
- Coastal Training Coordinator
- Research Coordinator
Joining a network of reserves across the U.S. means that UW-Green Bay’s local research will help contribute to the NERR System-Wide Monitoring Program, a NOAA initiative designed to assess the health of estuaries across the Great Lakes and ocean coasts. Reserve staff collaborate with partner research programs, interpret research findings and promote the use of the reserve by other researchers. Additionally, they engage with regional and Great Lakes research institutions to enhance connectivity and collaboration across research activities.
The Bay of Green Bay NERR provides hands-on laboratory and field-based experiences for children and adults. Educational programs offer a variety of learning opportunities, including on-site and classroom outreach activities. Initiatives may include K-12 programs in partnership with local schools, field-based internships for university and college students, and community education events. A highlight of the education initiatives is the Teachers-on-the-Estuary program, which supports educators in integrating estuary and wetland science into their curricula.
Building from the University’s Eco-U® history, the Bay of Green Bay NERR will be a regional, and Great Lakes, organizing force around conservation. The Reserve’s stewardship initiatives focus on maintaining the health of the estuary through collaborative efforts with landowning partners and coastal land managers. These partnerships support stewardship activities and watershed programs aligned with the Reserve’s mission and objectives, ensuring the long-term vitality of the estuary.
Training programs at the Bay of Green Bay NERR aim to equip local and state officials with the tools needed to incorporate data into decision-making processes. These efforts focus on translating and delivering scientific data and information to coastal communities. Reserve staff work with other coastal training organizations and professionals to fulfill training objectives, connecting scientific insights and stewardship strategies to practical applications for communities.
Looking toward The Future
We aim to be the most technologically-advanced NERR in the country.
To achieve this vision, we're working on collaborating with organizations across UW-Green Bay and NE Wisconsin.

Surround-Sound Exhibit
In collaboration with UW-Green Bay’s music program and funded by the Wisconsin Sea Grant, we're creating a surround-sound exhibit capturing both sounds and stories from above and below water.

Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection
The Green Bay Estuary Digital Archives Collection gathers and digitizes historical maps, photos, videos and data sets related to the Green Bay watershed. This project was funded by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Visitor Center
A visitor center will be built for hands-on and place-based education. Through this center, we can draw visibility to the unique features and beauty of the Green Bay Estuary, promote regional outdoor recreation and contribute to area tourism.

Career Prospects
A reserve means more job opportunities for our talented region.
In addition to one coordinator position per area of REST, there are also opportunities for student involvement in the NERR programs through internships and research experiences. Across the nation, reserve programs help sustain more than 10,000 jobs, provide training to more than 13,400 people and assist more than 2,000 community decision makers and 570 businesses nationwide.

Ask an Expert
As the NERR Tribal Engagement Convener, Robert Fish helps UW-Green Bay honor the First Nations people who are the original stewards of the land where the NERR resides. If you have questions, he can help.