Current Schedule
NAS Seminars Spring 2024
This semester, some talks will be virtual and some will be in person with a virtual option. Links to virtual seminar sessions will be emailed to the NAS Seminar distribution list, and can be shared. Please Email to be put on the list or to request a link.
All are free and open to the public.
February 2

Research for Restoration at The Ridges Sanctuary
Tony Kiszonoas
Director of Research
The Ridges Sanctuary
February 16

Oh, the things you’ll see! Info about the Apr. 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Dr. Brian Welsch
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
March 1

Using Pseudoscience as a Basis for Developing a Small Campus Research Program
Dr. James Kabrhel
Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
March 22

Lake Sturgeon in the Menominee River
Zach Nordstrom, Steve Hughes, and Erica Stegens
Graduate Students
University of Wisconsin - Green bay
April 5

Pacific salmon conservation biology
Dr. Mandy Banet, Ph.D.
Director of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity
University of Wisconsin - Green bay
April 19

Developing a LoRaWAN Sensor Network for Water Quality Monitoring on the Bay of Green Bay
Dr. Mike Zorn, Ph.D
Professor of Chemistry, Associate Dean
UW-Green Bay
May 3

Topic TBD
Dr. Paolo Segre, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Biology
UW-Green Bay