Kpoti Gunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, NS
ES 307A
Richard J. Resch School of Engineering
I received my first undergraduate degree in agricultural engineering from the University of Lome-Togo and a second one in Environmental Sciences from Bellevue University in Nebraska. While at the University of Lome, I discovered my passion of Water management, which deepened further with an added interest in water pollution during my environmental science studies at Bellevue University. After my graduation from Bellevue University, I joined the agricultural and biological engineering program at the Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio where I completed a Master and PhD in Environmental Engineering, with a focus on sanitation, agricultural water management, and modeling of water systems. (hey I am a buckeye, Guilty!).
After graduation, I collaborated in a multidiscipline research team on drainage water recycling on agricultural field, in a Post-doctoral position at the Ohio State University. Our work focused on assessing the performance of agricultural fields drainage water capture and recycling across the Midwest, and included field work, modeling, and cooperation with farmers and stakeholders. Then I moved to another Post-doctoral position with the USDA agricultural research service in State college in PA, where my work focused on modeling of watershed hydrology with focus on nutrient loads reduction into the Chesapeake Bay. I mostly investigated the impacts of climate change on agricultural management resilience. Lately, I have joined the Wisconsin Water Action Volunteer (WAV) to help with collecting vital information on waterways across Wisconsin, and most particularly in Brown County, and to continue learning about stream monitoring.
Throughout my graduate student career, I worked as teaching assistant for 4 undergraduate courses that were highly rated by enrolled students. I started as Assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay in January 2020, and have taught several courses so far, including Fluids 1, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Hydrology, Solid Waste Management, and Introduction to Environmental Engineering. My research interests include agricultural water management, wastewater treatment, hydrologic system modeling, stream ecosystems restoration, and groundwater management. I have developed also interests in climate change impacts of agricultural systems and water resources.
In my personal life, I like working out and walking while listening to a good audio novel. I have always loved dancing and have built a lot of interests and practices in Latin dance styles and argentine tango. I don’t have a family yet, but it is in planning. I have a piano and spend some of my evenings playing and dreaming that I will make it onto the big stage one day.
After graduation, I collaborated in a multidiscipline research team on drainage water recycling on agricultural field, in a Post-doctoral position at the Ohio State University. Our work focused on assessing the performance of agricultural fields drainage water capture and recycling across the Midwest, and included field work, modeling, and cooperation with farmers and stakeholders. Then I moved to another Post-doctoral position with the USDA agricultural research service in State college in PA, where my work focused on modeling of watershed hydrology with focus on nutrient loads reduction into the Chesapeake Bay. I mostly investigated the impacts of climate change on agricultural management resilience. Lately, I have joined the Wisconsin Water Action Volunteer (WAV) to help with collecting vital information on waterways across Wisconsin, and most particularly in Brown County, and to continue learning about stream monitoring.
Throughout my graduate student career, I worked as teaching assistant for 4 undergraduate courses that were highly rated by enrolled students. I started as Assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay in January 2020, and have taught several courses so far, including Fluids 1, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Hydrology, Solid Waste Management, and Introduction to Environmental Engineering. My research interests include agricultural water management, wastewater treatment, hydrologic system modeling, stream ecosystems restoration, and groundwater management. I have developed also interests in climate change impacts of agricultural systems and water resources.
In my personal life, I like working out and walking while listening to a good audio novel. I have always loved dancing and have built a lot of interests and practices in Latin dance styles and argentine tango. I don’t have a family yet, but it is in planning. I have a piano and spend some of my evenings playing and dreaming that I will make it onto the big stage one day.