
Allison "Al" Loomer
Associate Professor Emeritus of Science and Environmental Change
Al was a teacher for 50 years, beginning at age 20 at a junior high in Wolfville, NS. He also taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Royal Canadian Air Force (meteorology, 1942 to 1945), Milton College (1945 to 1955), and UWGB and its two-year predecessor (1955 to 1983). He frequently was recognized by his students as one of the outstanding teachers at UW-Green Bay. He also was very active in faculty activities, including parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate for 14 years and Faculty Representative to the Athletics Committee. In later years, he particularly enjoyed his involvement in the Retired Faculty Club and in important University events such as commencement. Upon his retirement in 1983, he was honored with Professor Emeritus status by the University.

John Reed
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
John’s final academic years (1970–1983) were spent at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay where he was Professor of Ecosystem Analysis and of Environmental Studies. It was during these years that he contributed so much to the Ecological Society and to biology in general on the national scene.
In 1969–1970, he spent a year at NSF as Section Head of Environmental and Systematics Biology. In 1971, he was a member of the U.S. delegation to the Man and the Biosphere Conference of UNESCO in Paris, France. One of John’s most important personally rewarding contributions was his service from 1972 to 1974 as Chairman of the Executive Committee, U.S. National Committee for the International Biological Program(I.B.P.). John also served (1972–1973) as a consultant to the Council on Environmental Quality and the Federal Council on the role of ecology in the federal government; the U.S. Committee for Man and the Biosphere (1973–1975); member of the NAS-NRC committee on International Environmental Programs (1973–1975); member of the steering committee for the Man and Biosphere Program (1977–1978); and the Great Lakes Research Facility advisory council (1978–1979).

Donna Randall
Assistant Professor Emerita of Science and Environmental Change
Donna taught at UW-Green Bay from 1968 to 1987

Keith White
Professor Emeritus of Biology
A UWGB Cofrin Arboretum prairie pioneer, White joined the then-new UWGB in 1968 as a founding member of the biology and ecology faculty. He made the first prairie plantings on the bayshore campus in 1973, in an area of former farm fields along South Circle Drive. Five years after he retired in 1989, the University named and dedicated the Keith White Prairie in his honor.
White was widely acclaimed among his colleagues and UW-Green Bay students for his dedicated teaching and mentoring of students. Field trips and an extensive collection of slides based on his research and field work experiences over many years were important elements in White’s teaching repertoire.

Alice Goldsby
Associate Professor Emerita of Microbiology
Alice earned her baccalaureate degree in biology and English from Lynchburg College in Virginia in 1942 and then worked for two years at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, as a research assistant in bacteriology and parasitology. In 1944 she accepted a position as a parasitologist and veterinary assistant at North Dakota State University in Fargo. She then decided to pursue graduate science training, taking a sabbatical leave to complete a master’s degree in zoology from Utah State University in 1952. In 1953 she moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where she worked briefly for American Scientific Laboratories before beginning her doctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in veterinary sciences and pathology. Her doctoral dissertation, which she completed in 1962, was on Chemical and Bionomical Factors Influencing Swine Nematode Populations. In 1958, while continuing to write her dissertation, she became the head of the parasitology department of Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories in Kansas City, Missouri. And in 1963, she accepted a research scientist position at Loyola University in Chicago.
In 1964, when Dr. Goldsby decided to focus her talent on the next generation of scientists, she accepted a faculty position at the University Center-Green Bay Campus, where she received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in 1966. When the new four-year University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus opened in 1968, she became a member of its founding faculty. After 26 years of service, she retired as Associate Professor Emerita in May of 1990.

Thomas McIntosh
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
Thomas was a member of the founding faculty at the UW-Green Bay (1968), and was instrumental in the design layout of the Environmental Science and Laboratory Science buildings at the campus. He joined as an Associate Professor and Assistant to the Dean in what was then the College of Environmental Sciences (CES).
In addition to teaching and active research, publishing, and presenting in his areas of expertise, Prof. McIntosh had a long history of administrative service at UW-Green Bay. In his second year he was promoted to assistant dean of CES, the following year to assistant dean in the office of the Dean of Colleges, and the next year to associate dean in that office. In 1975 he was named assistant chancellor for student and administrative services, and a year later as special assistant to the chancellor. He later served as senior adviser to the chancellor for nearly 10 years. In the early 1980s, Prof. McIntosh was chair of the Science and Environmental Change academic unit. In addition, he served the institution through committee work and other responsibilities. Prof. McIntosh was active in professional organizations and in the community in areas relating to his expertise. He won the 1992 UW-Green Bay Founders Association Award for Excellence in Community Outreach. He retired and was named Professor Emeritus in 1994.

Harold "Jack" Day
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Control
Jack Day joined the UWGB faculty in 1970 as the Chair of Environmental Controls. Before joining UWGB, Jack had served in the US Navy, completed a pHD in Civil Engineering from UW-Madison, worked in the paper industry for several years and served on the faculty of the Carnegie Institute. He brought with him a lifelong interest in water and how it impacts all features of our society including people, land use, and cultures. Jack was also a member of the Metropolitan Sewerage District Board for 29 years, serving as its president for much of that time and playing a significant role in the time period when the current regional modern day sewer system was being developed.
Jack's research interests date back to his time at Carnegie Institute before taking a position at UWGB in 1970. He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and published several papers on developing techniques for minimizing flood damage in flood prone areas. Throughout his career at UWGB, Jack's research focus was on water resources. Jack also conducted research projects on factors contributing to contaminated rivers and river basins and developing recommendations minimizing future contaminations. He was the recipient of the Founders Award of Excellence in Community Outreach in 1975 and the Founders Award for Excellence in Collaborative Achievement in 2005.
After his retirement in 1994, Jack spent several years working on projects for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Jack was instrumental in developing an international seminar focusing on water resource issues that meets biannually in countries around the world – the most recent in Spain in June, 2013.

Nancy Sell
Professor Emerita of Chemistry
Nancy taught Chemistry at UW-Green Bay from 1971 to 1995. She received the Founders Award for Excellence in Scholarship in 1982.

Leander "Lee" Schwartz
Professor Emeritus of Biology
Leander (Lee) Schwartz was Acting Dean of the UW Fox Valley Center when it became a satellite campus of the new UW-Green Bay in 1968. He continued on as a UW-Green Bay faculty member when the satellite campuses separated from UWGB and became part of the UW-College System in 1972 until his retirement in 1996. Lee received the Founders Award for Excellence in Institutional Development in 1996.

James Wiersma
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Jim Wiersma began teaching at UW-Green Bay in 1968 until his retirement in 1997. During his 30 years, he taught a variety of courses in chemistry and environmental science, as well as graduate programs and senior seminars. He supervised many graduate students whose thesis focused on surface and ground water concerns. During retirement he served for five years on the Green Bay Water Commission, two years as its president. He currently serves as the president of the UW-Green Bay Retiree Association.

Fritz Fischbach
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Fritz taught Physics at UW-Green Bay from 1968 to 1998

Paul Sager
Professor Emeritus of Biology
Paul began working at UW-Green Bay in 1969 and retired in 1999 following more than 30 years as a faculty member in Natural and Applied Sciences in Biology. He was Director of the Cofrin Memorial Arboretum for a decade, a leader in helping UW-Green Bay achieve international distinction with its interdisciplinary academic approach and environmental science offerings, and a champion for preserving natural areas and protecting water quality in the Green Bay watershed. Paul received the Founders Award for Excellence in Scholarship in 1978 and the Founders Award for Excellence in Instituional Development in 1993. In 2008 Paul and his wife Dorothea, former chairperson of Human Biology, funded a scholarship award for a student in the natural sciences that demonstrates excellence in a student research project or research paper that has been entered in the annual academic excellence symposium.

Hallet "Bud" Harris
Professor Emeritus of Ecology
H. J. 'Bud' Harris joined UW-Green Bay when it was a fledgling institution in 1969 and retired in 1999. He taught undergraduate courses in ecology and graduate courses in wetland ecology and ecosystem management. He and his students initiated research on coastal wetlands of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. He served as Sea Grant Program Coordinator for the Green Bay sub-program during the 1980's and subsequently served as the 'On Site Coordinator' for the USEPA Green Bay PCB Mass Balance Study.
He presently serves as chair for the Sea Grant Advisory Council and has been involved in Great Lakes research and restoration efforts for over three decades. He and other colleagues from UW-Madison and Universities in Canada pioneered interest in ecosystem restoration of the Great Lakes. More recently Professor Harris has been instrumental in precipitating USEPA Region V and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources action to pursue the development of a total maximum daily load for phosphorous and suspended solids in the Lower Fox River Basin, which may serve as a model for further non-point source restoration efforts.

David Jowett
Professor Emeritus of Ecosystem Analysis
David was born in Liverpool, England, on October 14th 1934. After high school David continued his formal education at the University of Wales, where he earned a PhD in Botany. David spent his early career years in Uganda, East Africa putting his Botany degree to use as a plant breeder. Sandwiched between two three-year stints with the Colonial Service in Uganda, he was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship with the Rockefeller Foundation at Iowa State University. This eventually led him, in 1965, to immigrate with his family to the US, where he spent five years teaching and continuing his own education at Iowa State. In 1970 he joined the faculty at UWGB where he established a program in statistics and helped develop the computer center and graduate programs. He was named acting vice chancellor for academic affairs in 1984. He was an energetic and dedicated teacher, who felt that one of the greatest pleasures we all enjoy is the dawning of consciousness. David received the Founders Award for Excellence in Institutional Development in 1984, He retired in 1999.

Charles Rhyner
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Charles Rhyner was one of the first faculty members to arrive at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, arriving in 1968, the year before the campus was open.
Rhyner’s career at the university stretched until he retired in 2001. During that time, he taught courses in physics, natural and applied sciences and waste management while also serving as director of graduate studies from 1978 to 1982, chairman of the Physics department in 1972-73 and again from 1985 to 1991 and department chairman of Natural and Applied Sciences from 1999 to 2001. Rhyner received the UW-Green Bay Founders Association Award for Institutional Development in 1983.

Jack Norman
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Jack came to the University of Wisconsin Extension –Green Bay campus on Deckner Avenue in the fall of 1968. The first year was challenging –teaching classes, hiring faculty, ordering and assembling equipment for the new campus, and designing and gaining approval for courses to be offered as part of a new, innovative four-year curriculum.
Professor Norman was a dedicated teacher who enthusiastically taught large enrollment introductory courses, as well as upper level physical chemistry and radiochemistry courses. He also was part of a team who taught Ecosystems Analysis, an upper level course required of Environmental Science students. He was an outstanding lecturer —organized, clear, and concise –who highlighted many of his lectures with memorable classroom demonstrations of physical and chemical phenomena. Professor Norman's specialty was radiochemistry. He assisted faculty and students in planning and performing classroom experiments and research projects using radioisotopes.
He chaired the campus Radiation Safety Committee for over three decades. He also taught classes for the Wisconsin Public Service Corporation as part of the University of Maryland Nuclear Science program. His projects, published papers, and reports dealt primarily with nuclear chemistry, environmental-related concerns, and problems associated with the paper industry. They included the cycling of phosphorus and algae in Green Bay and Lake Michigan, using cloud seeding for weather modification, monitoring the radon concentrations in buildings, de-inking waste paper using ultrasound, and the removal of sulfur from paper mill waste liquors.

Joseph Moran
Professor Emeritus of Natural Science
Joe Moran was completing a doctorate at UW-Madison when recruited to join the faculty at UW-Green Bay in 1969. His interdisciplinary interests in geology and climate change were a good match with the early UWGB curriculum. Joe had the opportunity to develop several courses including one on glacial geology and was part of several interdisciplinary teaching efforts including the development of the Introduction to Environmental Science course. His research has focused on climate change and variability. One of his projects evaluated the weather observations collected in the 1820s at the earliest Green Bay area weather station- Fort Howard. He received the Founders Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1992 and retired in 2001.

Thomas Van Koevering
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Thomas retired in 2002 after a 33-year career (1969) that included not only distinguished service in the classroom but also a great deal of science-education outreach in the community. He earned the 1988 Founders Association Award for Excellence in Community Outreach. He coordinated the Northeastern Wisconsin (NEW) Science Forum for middle and high school teachers, which brought teachers to campus to gain up-to-date information in the sciences and to network with scientists and each other. He also earned the Alumni Award in Science Education from Western Michigan University, his alma mater.

Ronald Stieglitz
Professor Emeritus of Geology
Ronald taught Geology at UW-Green Bay from 1976 to 2004. He received the Founders Award for Excellence in Scholarship in 1983.

Michael Morgan
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
Michael Morgan specialized in plant ecology and bioclimatology. He earned his BA from Butler University, MS and Ph.D form University of Illinois. He began working for UW-Green Bay in 1968 until his retirement in 2005. He received the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Founders's Association Award for Excellence in Teaching and Sabbatical during the 1991-92 academic year with the Conservation Research Group, School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Michael Morgan is a member of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ecological Society of America, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Society for Conservation Biology and Natural Areas Association.

Ronald Starkey
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Ron Starkey joined the UWGB faculty in 1969 and retired in 2005. Ron’s primary focus in his 36 year career was teaching organic chemistry. Ron developed and team taught several interdisciplinary courses including one on air pollution and another on ecology. For several summers, Ron taught a course titled Wilderness Ways, Survival of and Survival in Wilderness. This very popular course included a one week Boundary Water experience and counted to- ward Liberal Education Seminar credits. Ron also developed software to facilitate student access to computer simulations. He received the Founders Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1985.

V.M. Ganga Nair
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science
In 1968 Professor Nair was one of the founding faculty members at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, where he taught Plant-Forest Pathology, Mycology, and Conservation of Natural Resources on a global level. Professor Nair published scores of research papers and book chapters on chemotherapeutic control of tree diseases, Mycoplasma of tree diseases, and national and international journals. He was the first recipient of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Founders Association Award for Excellence in Scholarship in 1975. Professor Nair achieved an international reputation for his research in Mycoplasma diseases in trees, chemotherapeutic and biological plant diseases, breeding and cloning of disease resistant trees species, reforestation, preservation, and propagation of forest medicinal plants.
He served as a senior advisor to the United Nations Development Program on the preservation of tropical forests around the world. Professor Nair also served on the International Plant Protection Congress, and the Indian Planning Commission. He was selected by India as a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of India. China also presented him with the “Scroll of Distinction” for scientific achievements. Professor Nair received the Herbert Fisk Johnson Professorship in Environmental Studies in 2003. His expertise was not limited to international areas. Professor Nair also directed the chemotherapeutic control and management of oak wilt in Green Bay, served on the committee to control Dutch elm disease in Wisconsin, and helped farmers solve problems associated with soil-borne fungal pathogens.

Steven Dutch
Professor Emeritus of Geology
Steven taught Geology at UW-Green Bay from 1976 to 2012. His research interests were in precambrian geology and computer applications in geology. He received the Founders Award for Excellence in Community Outreach in 1990.

Gary Fewless
Herbarium Curator and Lecturer Emeritus of Science and Environmental Change
As Herbarium curator and a lecturer in botany and ecology, he has mentored hundreds of students in his Field Botany, Plant Taxonomy and Wetland Ecology courses and he has built the herbarium collection into what is described as Northeastern Wisconsin's most important botanical research center. Now housing more than 35,000 specimens (the majority collected by Fewless), UW-Green Bay's herbarium on the first floor of MAC Hall is one of the most significant regional scientific collections in Wisconsin.
Fewless, who holds bachelor's ('78) and master's ('86) degrees from UW-Green Bay, took a lead in posting resources and photographs online (such as Trees of Wisconsin). This led to frequent use by educators throughout the eastern United States, helping put the herbarium and UW-Green Bay on the map of North American botanical resources. In 2014 UWGB Chancellor Tom Harden approved naming the herbarium the Gary A. Fewless Herbarium honor in recognition of Fewless's 33-year career (1981-2014) and dedication to the herbarium, the plants and natural areas of Northeastern Wisconsin, and UW-Green Bay.

John Lyon
Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
John taught Chemistry at UW-Green Bay from 1992 to 2016.

Thomas Erdman
Richter Museum Curator Emeritus
Thomas was the Richter Natural History Museum Curator at UW-Green Bay from 1978 to 2017.

Paul Erdman
Asspciate Professor Emeritus of Physics
Paul taught Physics at the UW-Green Bay Marinette Campus from 1998 to 2020.

Michael Hencheck
Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics
Michael taught physics at UW-Green Bay from 1998 to 2021.

Heidi Fencl
Professor Emerita of Physics
Heidi began working at UW-Green Bay in 2001 until her retirement in 2022. Her research interests were in physics education. She was especially interested in gender norms in self-efficacy and problem solving, and how such norms affect the science classroom experience.

Keith West
Associate Professor Emeritus of Geoscience
Keith began teaching Geoscience at the UW-Green Bay Marinette Campus in 2004 until his retirement in 2022.

Robert Howe
Professor Emeritus of Biology and Director of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity
Bob Howe was the founding Director of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity and a Professor of Biology in the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences. He began his career at UW-Green Bay in 1984 teaching courses in environmental science, conservation, ecology, mammalogy, and ornithology. In addition to administrative responsibilities with the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity, he maintained an active research program involving bird population dynamics, restoration ecology, forest ecosystems, endangered species, ecological indicators, and the ecology and conservation of Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Bob is author or co-author of more than 100 scientific publications, including The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Wisconsin and papers in international journals like Science, Ecology, Evolution, Conservation Biology, Biological Conservation, and Landscape Ecology. His research collaborators include scientists from every continent except Antarctica. Bob, along with the rest of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity, received the Founder Award for Excellence in Collaborative Achievement in 2022. He retired in 2022.

Kevin Fermanich
Professor Emeritus of Geoscience
Kevin began working for the UW-System in 1988. He was a Professor of Geoscience and Environmental Science at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, where he held the Barbara Hauxhurst Cofrin Professorship of Natural Sciences. Dr. Fermanich served as a Green Bay area UW Online Collaboratives Specialist for applied research and outreach related to ecosystem restoration and water quality. He taught courses in soil science, environmental science and policy, GIS, groundwater, geoscience field studies, ecosystems management, and environmental systems. Kevin received his BS in soil science and resource management from UW-Stevens Point and MS and PhD degrees in soil science/water resources from UW-Madison. He retired from UW-Green Bay in 2022.

Franklin Chen
Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Franklin's research interests are applications of computing algebra in physical chemistry; teaching, mesoporous and microporous materials; quantum chemistry of colors; fingerprint lifting; preservation and development; and ultrasonic stimulation of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment of wood for the extraction of hemicellulose.