For Good Measure
Join an ensemble and create a community.
College isn’t just about preparing for the workforce – it’s also about the relationships you build and the memories you make along the way. Joining one of our instrumental ensembles gives you the chance to meet like-minded people who share your passion for music.

Our Instrumental Ensembles
With ten instrumental ensembles at UW-Green Bay, there's a place for everyone! Find yours.

Wind Ensemble
With the finest wind and percussion students at UW-Green Bay, this premiere ensemble performs at prestigious events. It is open by audition to all students. To audition, prepare a five-minute solo or etude with contrasting styles, along with two major scales. Be ready to demonstrate sight-reading also.

Symphonic Band
The symphonic band is open to all university students with high school instrumental ensemble experience. As a member of the symphonic band, you’ll perform concerts each semester to showcase your hard work.

Brass Ensemble
Got skills with a sousaphone? This ensemble is for you – even if you’re not a music major! With a variety of performances ranging from brass choirs and large fanfares to chamber music such as quintets, duets and trios, the brass ensemble helps you polish your musical talent.

Woodwind Ensemble
Woodwind ensembles provide students with an excellent opportunity to work in a chamber ensemble setting. These ensembles perform a variety of genres from the Baroque to the contemporary. Several faculty members provide instruction for the various ensembles that include a saxophone quartet, a woodwind quintet, clarinet trios/quartets, choirs of instruments and mixed ensembles. Woodwind ensembles are open to all students by audition.
Flute Ensemble
Flautists assemble! By joining the flute ensemble, you’ll get chamber music experience. This ensemble explores repertory from several historical periods and includes duets, trios, quartets, quintets and larger ensemble works. The ensemble is open to all students by audition, but you should be able to read music and have some proficiency on the flute.

Hand Drumming Ensemble
Get ready to wow, slap and ping! Instruments are provided by the University and include Afro-Cuban drums, bongos, marimbas and more. You’ll perform traditional compositions which borrow rhythms from West African, Afro-Cuban and Brazilian musical traditions. To show off your talent, the ensemble performs on campus, for private functions, at regional schools and arts festivals throughout Wisconsin. The best part? No prior experience needed.

Percussion Ensemble
This ensemble focuses on music by American and European composers with an emphasis on recently composed music and the most significant literature written for this genre.

New Music Ensemble
Open to all students by audition, this ensemble explores and performs diverse music styles composed since 1945 including avant-garde, neoclassic, minimalist and experimental. You may even compose for the ensemble or do some interpretation of the works performed.

Phoenix Pep Band
Project that Phoenix spirit and bolster morale by performing at the men’s and women’s basketball teams at on and off campus games! Please visit the official Phoenix Pep Band website for more information.

String Ensemble
Comprised of any combination of violin, viola, cello and string bass, this ensemble is open to all students.

Want to Know More?
If you need more information about any of our ensembles, let us know – we can help!