MSW Outcomes
How We Assess Student Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes for social work students are established by the Council on Social Work Education and are referred to as competencies. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. For each competency, a measurement benchmark is set by the social work program. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency.
Social Work Competencies
All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education, listed below.
- Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
- Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
- Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
- Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
- Engage in Policy Practice
- Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
- Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
- Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
- Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Social Work Code of Ethics
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics sets forth values, principles and standards to guide social workers' conduct. In the MSW Program, this serves as a policy to guide students inside the classroom, in professional interactions and in field. The code summarizes broad ethical principles that reflect the profession's core values and establishes a set of specific ethical standards that should be used to guide social work practice.

Prepared to Pass the National Exam
“I really valued the experience the instructors had and examples they shared to help me understand how these related to best practices in the social work profession…The faculty at UW-Green Bay challenged me and I was thankful they really focused on trying things to the core competencies and NASW code of ethics. This helped to prepare me for taking the national exam.”
Angela Vlies, MSW, APSW
Outpatient Therapist
Willow Creek Behavioral Health, Green Bay, WI
MSW Outcomes
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program's compliance with the accreditation standards below:
4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark.
4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.
All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency. Updated student learning outcomes are posted biennially below.

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We're here to answer your questions. For more information on UW-Green Bay's Master of Social Work program, how to get started, or any other needs, please contact us.