Nutrition & Integrated Health Supervised Practicum
Community Connections
Find your career path with a broad range of learning opportunities.
We're proud to offer supervised practicum opportunities as diverse as a healthy diet. Our combined MS/RDN track provides you with over 1,000 hours of supervised practicum hands-on learning across the three required areas: community/public health nutrition, food service and the clinical arena—all the Supervised Practicum rotation sites and preceptors required to complete the MS/RDN program. Explore these supervised practicum areas below to get a taste of the learning experiences and potential career paths.

Help patients improve their health through nutrition and lifestyle choices. Learn nutrition assessment, support and treatment across a range of clinical sites, including in-patient, out-patient and long-term care settings. Your specific experiences may include: in-patient general medical-surgery, cardiac, trauma and ICU; out-patient diabetes management for dialysis, oncology or disordered eating; and long-term care.

Community/Public Health Nutrition
- Community organizations such as Wello and Be Well Fox Valley to improve community wellness.
- Sports nutrition in local fitness centers or UW-Green Bay Athletics.
- County public health departments, including local WIC clinics.
- Food pantries to help address food insecurity.
- Youth wellness programs such as YWCA, Boys and Girls Club or parks and recreation programs.

Food Service Management & Systems
Learn the behind-the-scenes and managerial aspects of food service in public school and hospital settings that are necessary for providing nutritious food and meeting the special dietary needs of patients. Some settings may include opportunities to work on farm-to-school initiatives, school garden plots and developing, managing and implementing all aspects of a themed healthy meal.
Prior Assessed Learning (PAL)
Admitted students who have significant work experience in the areas of food service management and/or community/public health nutrition may apply for prior assessed learning (PAL) to determine if they are eligible to receive credit toward supervised practice hours. To learn more, review our PAL policies and procedures and contact Heather Masters, the Clinical Care Coordinator, for further details.

Supervised Expertise
Meet Heather Masters, who helps handle the supervised practicum (SEL) component of our program! With professional experience in the outpatient clinical setting at Northwestern Medicine, she can help you set up your supervised practicum.