Aniruddha Pangarkar
Aniruddha (Ani) Pangarkar is an Associate Professor of Marketing at The Austin E. CofrinSchool of Business. He earned a PhD degree in Marketing from Texas Tech University and an MBA degree from Thunderbird School of Global Management, in the United States, which is ranked Number 1 for International Business worldwide. In addition, he possesses 15 years of work experience in senior leadership roles, at Fortune 500 companies in three different continents- North America, Europe, and Asia. Dr. Pangarkar’s research interests include a wide range of topics such as luxury brands, minimalistic consumption, and product-harm crises faced by firms. Dr. Pangarkar has published several papers in prestigious “A” ranked journals, such as Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. His co-authors include some of the most highly-cited and famous research scholars.
Dr. Pangarkar’s research has been presented at top conferences in the world such as American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Summer and Winter conferences, Academy of International Business (AIB), and Society for Marketing Advances (SMA). Dr. Pangarkar has extensive teaching experience and has taught classes such as Introduction to Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, and Services Marketing to students in the United States and secured excellent teaching evaluations and ratings in these. Many of his students are working in Fortune 500 companies all over the world. He is extremely student-centric and enjoys advising students to achieve their goals. Dr. Pangarkar has traveled to severaldifferent countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, and considers himself a truly global citizen. His teaching goal is to nurture and develop young leaders at The Austin E. Cofrin School of Business.
At UW-Green Bay, where he teaches at both the undergraduate and MBA level, Dr. Pangarkar has been the recipient of Student Nominated Teaching Awards for the excellent quality of his teaching, where he integrates academic learnings with real-world knowledge by inviting senior leadership from companies such as McDonald’s and CEOs from countries like China. Dr. Pangarkar has been cited and quoted in the media and press extensively by media outlets such as WalletHub, MoneyGeek, and AdvisorSmith. He has also been interviewed by WBAY, NBC 26, and Fox 11 regarding consumer behavior and retail trends during Christmas shopping, and his paper on minimalistic consumption has been covered by prestigious media outlets such as TechTimes and International Business Times (with circulation figures of more than 1 million each).
Dr. Pangarkar serves as Associate Editor for International Journal of Advertising, and is on the Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Consumer Studies. He is a regular reviewer for top journals such as Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Behaviour and many more. He has earlier served as a Special Issue Editor for an issue on luxury and advertising for International Journal of Advertising. He is currently serving as Special Issue Editor for an issue on luxury and sustainability to be published in Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Dr. Pangarkar has also been the recipient of several research grants at UW-Green Bay, including the highly competitive research booster program and research enhancement program grants.