Brand Review
Let's Rise Together
And swim in the same direction.
You have a story to tell, and it's win-win when your materials align with UW-Green Bay's messaging and visual personality. Ideally, your efforts reinforce our efforts and vice versa. In order for that to happen, we have to work together.

Brand Review Process
To help you better align your marketing and communication efforts with UW-Green Bay’s visual identity and institutional personality, the office of Marketing and University Communication (M/UC) provides a brand review of materials you may create for external audiences. To submit document(s) to M/UC for brand review, follow the steps below.
Tip: Materials created using our Brand Template Tool don't need to be submitted for brand review.
All University offices, organizations, units and approved affiliated organizations (e.g., Alumni Association) that independently create marketing materials for external audiences must submit their materials for review.
Who doesn't need to follow this process:
- If you already partner with the office of Marketing and University Communication to develop your marketing, you don’t need to follow this process, since your review is collaborative and ongoing.
- Other than banners and event signage, materials for internal audiences (current students, staff and faculty) do not require review by Marketing and University Communication. However, internal materials must still follow the relevant brand guidelines (needs updating).
- Informational signage, including parking and route directions, do not require review but should follow relevant brand guidelines.
- Marketing pieces that were created using use our Brand Template Tool don't need to be reviewed.
What needs to be reviewed
All marketing independently created by campus administrative and academic units for external audiences must be reviewed, as well as banners and major event signage:
- Department, division, school, event and program marketing to external audiences
- Agency- or freelance-sourced marketing and communication assets, including: graphic design, video production, media plans and placements, social and/or digital marketing, email marketing, social media consulting, web development, marketing plans and copywriting.
- Apparel, merchandise and promotional items are subject to review.
Marketing and University Communication will not provide specific art direction or check for typographical or factual errors. You will be alerted if there seem to be gross deficiencies, but we won’t provide detailed comments on the following:
- Copyright, licensing & usage rights infringement
- Grammar, spelling and style
- Accuracy of information
- Prepress requirements or file format and preparation
1. Review the brand review checklist.
When you submit your materials for brand review, each piece will be evaluated using the criteria in the brand review checklist below. Before submitting your material for brand review, ask yourself the following:
Brand Review Checklist:
Does the marketing piece(s):
- Use the correct medium (t-shirts, brochure, banner, flyer, etc.) for its audience?
- Use the UW-Green Bay logo correctly? See logo requirements.
- Use University key messaging? See messaging guide.
- Use an active campaign, if applicable (Admissions, Graduate Studies, Athletics)?
- Use institutional colors appropriately? See institutional colors
- Use University fonts? See University fonts
- Use current University photography? Access our photo library.
- Show a call to action? (Prompt your audience. Say what they need to do to participate.)
Tip: To get templates that already have appropriate logo, fonts and colors, use our Brand Template Tool.
2. Fill out our brand review form.
The form will ask you to enter a project name, project medium (eg. t-shirt, brochure, poster, identifying marks, etc.), intended audience and the goal of the marketing piece(s). This information provides helpful context for your piece(s). Lastly, you’ll need to upload a digital file (PDF or JPG) of the piece(s) you’d like to submit for review.
3. Watch for an email after ~3 working days.
Please allow two to three working days, depending on the size and complexity of the project, for the review process. Also, allow time for any changes you may need to make in order to bring your piece into institutional alignment. You will receive an email from one of our reviewers letting you know if your piece is approved or providing rationale for why it isn’t approved.

Have Questions?
If you have questions about our brand review process, don't hesitate to contact us.