Experts Guide
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Office of Marketing and University Communication has prepared a list of campus sources who can provide expert commentary on a wide range of topics for the news media and also serve as community resources. Marketing and University Communication is available to assist the media and community in matching experts with topics and contacting these experts. We also can provide assistance in finding an expert not listed here.
For more information or assistance, contact the Assistant Director of Communications, Kristin Bouchard.
Kristin Bouchard
Phone: (920) 465-5502
Experts Directory
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Expert | Topics of Expertise |
Iftekhar Anam Department Chair, Associate Professor 920-465-2622 | Science, Technology Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Accessible Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, High-performance Computing, Automated Facial Analysis |
Debra Anderson Coordinator of Archives and Area Research Center 920-465-2539 | Digital Humanities, Northeastern Wisconsin, UW-Green Bay Knowledge and expertise on subject areas identified based on archival collections, documents, images, maps and other resources on a variety of subject matters, including northeastern Wisconsin history, UW-Green Bay history, genealogy, document and photo preservation, oral history, and use of primary sources in classrooms. |
John Arendt Director of Environmental Management and Business Institute 920-465-2953 | Environmental Science and Policy, Natural Environment Sustainability |
Scott Ashmann Associate Dean, College of Health, Education and Social Welfare 920-465-2052 | Education and Learning, Northeastern Wisconsin, Science, UW-Green Bay Environmental education, science teaching and learning, teacher preparation |
Andrew Austin Associate Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies (920) 465-2359 | Democracy and Justice Studies Crime and justice issues. Race and justice. Social class and justice. Women and justice. Anti-environmentalism. |
Rachele Bakic Executive Director Admissions 920-683-2746 | UW-Green Bay Admissions |
Mandeep Singh Bakshi Associate Professor of Natural and Applied Sciences 920-465-5169 | Chemistry 1. Functional Biomaterials for Sustainable Chemistry 2. Biomineralization Aqueous phase synthesis, characterization, and physical properties of bio-nanomaterials by using water soluble proteins, polymers, and their self-assembled structures. Special emphasis on the native and denatured states of proteins controlled crystal growth. |
Lissa Balison Counselor | Children and Families, Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Health and Wellness, Human Life Span / Human Development, Northeastern Wisconsin, UW-Green Bay, Women's Issues mental health counseling |
Nolan Bennett Assistant Professor 920-465-2979 | Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Humanities, Politics and Government, Religion, Ethics and Philosophy American political thought, criminal justice, testimony and autobiography |
Jeffrey Benzow Associate Professor of Art and Design (920) 465-2169 | Visual Arts Graphic Design |
Danielle Bina Associate Teaching Professor 920-465-2875 | Journalism and Writing Electronic Media. Media Relations. Journalism. |
Janet Bonkowski Executive Director, Marketing and University Communication 920-465-2527 | UW-Green Bay, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations |
Douglas Brusich Associate Professor Human Biology 920-465-2142 | Biology |
Sadie Buboltz-Dubs Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Clinical Education for Athletic Training 920-465-2340 | Health and Wellness Sports Medicine, Evaluation and Management of Musculoskeletal Injuries, Head Injuries, Interprofessional Education |
Kate Burns Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 920-465-2427 | UW-Green Bay, Stress & Coping Stereotyping, emotion and self-regulation. Women in math. |
Thomas Campbell Associate Professor 920-459-6677 | Music, Art, Theater Playwriting, Directing, Theatre History, Theatre Theory, Dramaturgy, Performance Studies, Theatre Pedagogy, Performance, Dramatic Literature Studies |
Denise Carlson-Gardner Associate Teaching Professor 920-465-2667 | Music, Art, Theater Artistic Director, DanceWorks; Theatre and Dance Program (Dance) Jazz Dance, Contemporary, Tap, Musical Theatre Dance, Choreography, Dance History |
Bryan Carr Associate Professor of Communication, Information and Computing Sciences, Women's and Gender Studies 920-465-5042 | Communications and Media, Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Popular Culture, Technology, Women's Issues Popular Culture: Video games, science fiction, superhero media, film; Communications and Media: Social media, radio and television, film; Specialize in issues of race, gender, identity and representation in all of these areas |
Tara Carr Small Business Development Center Director 920-465-2936 | Business and Finance Small Business Development |
Gary Christens Lecturer - Cofrin School of Business 920-465-2386 | Business and Finance Accounting and finance |
Elliot Christenson Computer Science Lecturer 920-227-3248 | Communications and Media, Politics and Government, Technology Web technology Internet regulatory issues (Net Neutrality, etc.) Cyber security |
Stacie Christian Assistant Vice Chancellor of Inclusive Excellence, Interim Director of the Multicultural Resource Center 920-465-2167 | Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues LGBTQ+ and Inlcusivity in workplace and community |
Phillip Clampitt Blair Endowed Chair of Communication 920-465-2324 | Business and Finance, Communications and Media Propaganda, Social Media, Leadership and Technology, PR, Internal Organizational Communication |
Jeremy Cleven Head Athletic Trainer 920-465-2138 | Green Bay Phoenix Athletic Training, University Athletics |
Alise Coen Assistant Professor Political Science (Sheboygan/Manitowoc) 920-663-7340 | Politics and Government Immigration; international politics; US foreign policy; human rights |
David Coury Professor 920-465-2097 | Religion, Ethics and Philosophy Islam and relations between West and Islamic World |
Marcelo Cruz Associate Professor 920-465-2360 | Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Geography, Public Policy and Planning City and Regional Planning, Ethnic Enclave formation, Economic Regional development |
Illene Cupit Ben J and Joyce Rosenberg Professor of Psychology 920-465-2703 | Children and Families, Human Life Span / Human Development Dying, death and loss |
Sean Daniels Assistant AD for Strategic Communications 920-465-2498 | Green Bay Phoenix Sports Marketing and Communications, University Athletics |
Tara DaPra Lecturer 920-465-2457 | Humanities creative writing, especially memoir and creative nonfiction; writing process; creativity; publishing |
Kristy Deetz Professor Emeritus of Art and Design 920-465-2753 | Visual Arts Painting and drawing. Oil painting. Contemporary art and painting. |
Jessica Delzer Director 920-465-2363 | Children and Families, Education and Learning Continuing Education on: Mental Health and Substance Use disorders and treatment, Crisis Intervention Services, Trauma-Informed Care |
Bridget Derge Assistant Director of Admissions 920-465-2100 | UW-Green Bay |
Sarah Detweiler Professor, Art Chair 920-465-2634 | Music, Art, Theater Photography, Darkrooms, Outsider Art |
Mathew Dornbush Dean of Austin E. Cofrin School of Business 920-465-2454 | Environmental Science and Policy, Natural Environment, Science Plant Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Invasive Species, Soil Quality and Health, Biofuels |
Michael Draney Professor of Biology 920-465-2270 | Environmental Science and Policy, Natural Environment Entomology, Insects, bugs, mosquitoes, spiders, ticks, etc. |
Kate Farley Digital Collections & Metadata Librarian 920-465-2859 | Digital Humanities, Education and Learning, Technology Managing digital identity, web literacy, ePortfolios, and integrating technology into instruction |
Heidi Fencl Professor of Natural and Applied Sciences (Physics) 920-465-2261 | Physics, Weather and Climate Gender norms in physics education. Gamma-ray bursters. |
Kevin Fermanich Professor, Geoscience, Environmental Science; Env Sci and Policy 920-465-2240 | Environmental Science and Policy, Natural Environment, Northeastern Wisconsin, Science Chemicals in the soil and water environment. Soil quality. Water quality, especially surface and ground waters; Climate Change impacts on water quality. |
Tracy Fernandez Rysavy Lecturer 715-504-3348 | Humanities Literature: Multicultural literature, Jane Austen, Gothic literature, women's literature |
Patrick Forsythe Professor of Environmental Science & Policy 920-465-2524 | Water quality Conservation biology focusing on aquatic ecosystems in the Great Lakes region. Fish populations including lake sturgeon and yellow perch. Population ecology. |
Susan Frost Associate Lecturer 920-347-9111 | Business and Finance, Humanities, Music, Art, Theater The Humanities as a foundation for critical thinking including business & healthcare. Empathy & Leadership. |
Adam Gaines Associate Professor of Music 920-465-2440 | Humanities, Music, Art, Theater Classical and Jazz music, history |
Alison Gates Professor, Chair of Art & Design, Arts Management and Design Arts 920-465-2597 | Visual Arts Weaving. Dye processes for textiles. Fiber identification. Textile preservation. Contemporary textile and fiber arts. |
Matthew Geimer Lecturer of Business Law 920-465-2778 | Business and Finance Business Law |
Erin Giese Data Scientist II 920-465-2545 | Environmental Science and Policy, Natural Environment, Northeastern Wisconsin, Science Birds, ornithology, frogs, wetlands, forests, Wisconsin, international travel, nature |
Joan Groessl Associate Professor & Social Work Department Chair 920-465-5011 | Religion, Ethics and Philosophy Professional Ethics; Professionalism (Behavior); Mental Health; Leadership |
Jennifer Ham Humanities Professor 920-465-2461 | Education and Learning, Humanities, Languages and Cultures Language, literature, culture of German-speaking countries, cultural representations of schooling, animals, turn of the century drama and popular culture |
Eric Hansen Associate Professor of Music 920-465-2148 | Classical and Contemporary Music Clarinet pedagogy. Woodwind techniques. Freshmen music theory. |
Richard Hein Professor of Biology 920-683-4730 | Natural Environment, Science oceanography, marine biology, coral reefs |
David Helpap Associate Professor Public Administration 920-465-2198 | Politics and Government, Public Policy and Planning State and local government, public policy, urban politics, public finance, public administration |
Michelle Gauger Director of Counseling and Health Center 920-465-2807 | Counseling and Health Health issues pertinent to University Setting. |
Emma Hitzman Associate Academic Curator 920-465-2916 | Fine Art, Visual Arts Lawton Gallery, Fine Art Exhibits, UW-Green Bay Permanent Art Collection |
Michael Holly Associate Professor 920-465-2503 | Environmental Science and Policy, Natural Environment Water quality, air pollution, recycling, landfilling, agriculture, dairy farming |
Jenell Holstead Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair of Psychology 920-465-2372 | Education and Learning, Human Life Span / Human Development Afterschool programs, summer learning, special education |
Md Maruf Hossain Professor 920-465-2762 | Science, Technology Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Systems, Solar and Wind Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Integration with the Power Grid, Power System Stability and Power Quality |
Ray Hutchison Professor 920-465-2337 | Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Popular Culture Please include the following categories in your listing: crime / street gangs, sociology, and urban sociology/urban studies |
Derek Jeffreys Professor, Philosophy Chair 920-465-2672 | Philosophy, Ethics and Justice Religion. Religion and public life. Ethics, particularly religious, environmental and medical ethics. Political thought and intellectual vision of the present Pope. Buddhism. Ethics of jails, prisons and solitary confinement. |
Woo Jeon Professor 920-465-5023/2681 | Science Mathematics |
Jennifer Jones Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management 920-465-2165 | Education and Learning, UW-Green Bay Enrollment, Recruitment, Relationship Building, Team Building, Leadership |
Amy Kabrhel Associate Professor Chemistry (Manitowoc) 920-683-4735 | Chemistry |
James Kabrhel Associate Professor Chemistry (Sheboygan/Manitowoc) 920-663-7334 | Science Pseudoscience, basic chemistry, teaching underclassman |
Mark Karau Professor, Chair of Humanities 608-444-7183 | History, War First and Second World Wars, 20th century Germany |
John Katers Dean, College of Science, Engineering, and Technology 920-465-2278 | Environmental Science and Policy, Science, UW-Green Bay Waste management, recycling, renewable energy |
Ryan Kauth Lecturer of Entrepreneurship 920-465-2004 | Business and Finance Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Economic Development |
Harvey Kaye Professor Emeritus of Democracy and Justice Studies 920-465-2755 | U.S. History Director of the Center for History and Social Change. Ben J. and Joyce Rosenberg Professor. American history and politics. Intellectuals. Radicals. |
Patricia Kleba Assoc Lecturer | Health and Wellness Nursing- most specific, hospice and palliative care, pharmacology |
Mark Klemp Associate Professor Chemistry (Marinette) 715-504-3313 | Chemistry |
Alan Kopischke Associate Lecturer 920-370-1034 | Music, Art, Theater Theatre, New Play Development, Physical Characterization, Objectives and Tactics, Dialects, Shakespeare, Scene Study |
Michael Kraft Professor Emeritus | Environmental Science and Policy, Politics and Government U.S. government, state government, electoral politics, public policy; environmental policy and politics, energy, climate change. |
Kenneth Kresina Esports Coordinator, University Union 920-465-2521 | Esports Esports Facilities; Competitive Teams; Intramural Esports; Esports Broadcasting, Livestreaming, and Commentary; Esports Coaching; Collegiate Esports Governance; Social Media; Community Engagement |
Jeffrey Krueger Director of University Recreation 920-465-2189 | Health and Wellness, Sports and Athletics Campus Recreation. Sports and Athletics |
Nicole Kurth Pride Center Coordinator 920-465-2998 | Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, History, Music, Art, Theater, Sports and Athletics, War, Women's Issues Graphic Design. Women's History. LGBTQ+ History. WWII, Holocaust. Civil War. Civil Rights Movement. AAGPBL (All-American Girls Professional Baseball League). |
Nichole LaGrow Distance Education Coordinator 920-465-2685 | Digital Humanities, Education and Learning, Humanities Education and Learning: Adult Education; Developmental Education; Distance Education; Online Learning; Professional Development and Training; Tutoring; Higher Education Administration; Digital Humanities - Teaching Humanities with Technology; Humanities: Willa Cather |
Jena Richter Landers Digital Communication Specialist 920-465-2956 | Communications and Media Social Media |
Mary Sue Lavin Director, Phuture Phoenix 920-465-2992 | Education and Learning Phuture Phoenix Campus Visits, Phuture Phoenix Scholarships, Phuture Phoenix Tutors in GBAPS, West De Pere, and Oneida Schools |
J P Leary Associate Professor of First Nations Studies, History, and Humanities 920-465-2037 | Education and Learning, Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, History, Humanities, Native American studies Education policy, curriculum issues, textbooks |
Katia Levintova Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Global Studies 920-465-2045 | Politics & Government |
Vince Lowery Director of Student Success, Director of GPS | Student Success Gateways to Phoenix Success (GPS) Program, High Impact Practices |
John Luczaj Professor of Geology 920-465-5139 | Natural Environment, Science Geology, Water Science, Caves |
Susan Machuca Campus Administrative Specialist and Assistant to the CEO 920-459-6610 | Children and Families, Communications and Media, Education and Learning, Health and Wellness, Music, Art, Theater, Sports and Athletics, UW-Green Bay |
Mohammad Upal Mahfuz Associate Professor 920-465-2790 | Science, Technology Nanoscale (molecular) communication systems |
Kaoime Malloy Professor 465-2193 | Communications and Media, Health and Wellness, History, Humanities, Languages and Cultures, Music, Art, Theater, Popular Culture, Religion, Ethics and Philosophy, Women's Issues Makeup, Special Effects, Japanese Art and Culture, Irish Art and Culture, Art Appreciation, Photoshop and Digital Painting, Buddhism and Shintoism, Pagan Studies, Massage Therapy, Medical Herbalism and Traditional Chinese Medicine. |
James Marker Associate Professor 920-465-2230 | Music, Art, Theater, Science, Sports and Athletics Fitness, exercise training, ergogenic sports aids, sports nutrition, environmental physiology, hormones and exercise, caloric expenditure/metabolism Folk music and folk guitar/banjo (you asked) |
Ryan Martin Dean, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Professor 920-465-2322 | Communications and Media, Health and Wellness Emotions and Social Media, Emotion in general, Anger and violence, mental illness |
Heather Masters Dietetic Internship Director 920-465-2269 | Health and Wellness Registered Dietitian with expertise with healthy weight management and behavior change. |
Joel Muraco Lecturer of Human Development | Human Development Romantic relationships, relationship satisfaction, LGBT experience, LGBT minority stress, mental health, and well-being. |
Michelle McQuade Dewhirst Professor of Music 920-465-2636 | Music, Art, Theater, Popular Culture Film music, pop music, creativity and the creative process |
Rebecca Meacham Director, Writing and Applied Arts program, Professor of English/Humanities 920-465-2783 | Humanities, Languages and Cultures, Popular Culture American literature, contemporary authors, podcasts, books and publishing, book festivals, writing, how to teach writing |
Randall Meder Associate Professor 920-465-2442 | Music, Art, Theater Classical music. Conducting. Voice. Music education. Music history. Choral music. |
Vicki Medland Lecturer of Biodiversity Center 920-465-2342 | Natural Environment, Science Aquatic ecology, wetlands, zooplankton, biodiversity, native plants gardening, urban agriculture, heirloom plants |
Daniel Meinhardt Associate Professor and Curator of the Richter Museum of Natural History 920-465-2398 | Science evolutionary biology, vertebrate anatomy and development |
Sarah Meredith Professor 920-465-2637 | Languages and Cultures, Music, Art, Theater, Women's Issues Women in the Performing Arts, All topics related to classical/opera/music theater genres of singing, voice health care, the healing power of music, diction for singers in French, German, Italian, Czech; Topics related to Czech Republic and Slovakia, Italy, Brazil |
Brian Merkel Associate Professor, Chair of Human Biology 920-465-2262 | Science Immunology, Microbiology, Antibiotics, Disease |
Daniel Moore Photographer/Videographer 920-465-2526 | Communications and Media, Music, Art, Theater, Popular Culture Photography, The National Parks |
Eric Morgan Associate Professor of History and Democracy Studies 920-465-2714 | History, Humanities, Natural Environment, Politics and Government, Popular Culture, Sports and Athletics, War U.S. foreign policy, South Africa, political history, sport history, literary history, social movements, travel and tourism, National Parks |
Parker Nadeau Technology Support Specialist 920-683-4706 | Technology, UW-Green Bay |
Amanda Nelson Associate Dean, College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) and Associate Professor 920-465-2197 | Health and Wellness, Science, Sports and Athletics Athletic Training, Exercise Physiology, Anatomy & Physiology, Neuroanatomy |
Thomas Nesslein Associate Professor 920-465-2099 | Economics Economic policy issues in general but mainly focused on national economic issues. Particular focus on national housing policy issues. |
Rebecca Nesvet Associate Professor of English 920-465-2617 | Digital Humanities, History, Humanities, Languages and Cultures, Music, Art, Theater, Popular Culture British literature, especially Romantic and Victorian, children’s, illustrated, Christmas annuals, popular fiction, especially penny dreadfuls, horror and SF, modern British culture. |
Lynn Niemi Student Accessibility Services Director 920-465-2849 | Education and Learning, UW-Green Bay Disability Issues, Americans with Disability Act (ADA), Reasonable accommodations due to disability. |
Timothy Nixon Adjunct Professor 920-436-7693 | Business and Finance, Politics and Government Law, Bankruptcy, Administrative Law, Legal Process, Courts |
Laura Nolan Executive Manager, Business & Government Outreach 920465-2772 | Health and Wellness, Human Life Span / Human Development Dementia Care, End of Life Issues, Senior Healthcare, Long-term Care, Assisted Living |
Mark Olkowski Associate Dean of Students 920-465-2152 | Women's Issues Student Misconduct, Alcohol/Substance Abuse, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Title IX, Clery Act |
Cristina Ortiz Professor 920-4652450 | Education and Learning, Humanities, Politics and Government, Women's Issues Bilingualism, Spanish |
Christopher Paquet Assistant Vice Chancellor of Policy and Compliance 920-465-2210 | Public Policy and Planning Title IX and Sexual Misconduct |
Debra Pearson Associate Professor & Director of Master of Nutrition & Integrated Health (920) 465-2280 | Nutrition Human nutrition. Possible health benefits of phenolic compounds in plant-derived foods (e.g., tea, rosemary, grape seed extracts, chocolate). Sports nutrition. Nutrition and pregnancy. Diabetes. Osteoporosis. Cancer. |
Sue Pischke University Videographer/Photographer 920-465-2924 | Communications and Media Video expertise in Marketing and Communication field. |
Lisa Poupart Associate Professor of Humanistic Studies (920) 465-2185 | First Nations Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies Social problems on American Indian reservations and in urban communities. Internalized oppression in American Indian communities, especially social problems including domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, addictions and juvenile delinquency. Reintegration of traditional tribal peacemaking systems. Indigenous First Nations teaching methods and elder epistemology. |
Michael Rector Associate Professor 920-465-2290 | Music, Art, Theater piano, classical music, music theory |
Margaret Reichwald Executive Manager, Wisconsin Training Registries 920-465-2321 | Business and Finance, Education and Learning, Politics and Government, Public Policy and Planning Assisted Living Industry |
Lee Reinke Head Coach Men's and Women's Golf 920-465-2106 | Sports and Athletics |
Ellen Rosewall Professor Emeritus, Art and Design 920-465-2673 | Business and Finance, Education and Learning, Music, Art, Theater, Northeastern Wisconsin Arts management. Effects of the arts on the economy, business, education, tourism, civic engagement and workforce development |
Lynn Rotter Ticketing & Information Services Manager 920-465-2292 | Business and Finance, Communications and Media, Music, Art, Theater, UW-Green Bay Business & Finance: knowledge of business operations within the University Union, including dining plan and university ID card. Communications & Media: knowledge of communication methods between students and staff including social media and digital communication, and marketing. Music, Art & Theatre: Knowledge of history of The Weidner (specifically ticket sales and events), current ticketing services. UW-Green Bay: specific knowledge on many topics, including directions, facilities, services, and departments. |
Laura Rowell Dietetic Internship Lecturer 920.465.2269 | Children and Families, Health and Wellness Wellness, Health Coach |
Chuck Rybak Professor of English & Humanities 920-465-2476 | Digital Humanities, Humanities, Music, Art, Theater, Popular Culture Literature, creative writing |
John Salerno Associate Professor of Music (920)465-2555 | Classical and Contemporary Music Director of Jazz Studies. Jazz music and musicians. |
Mark Sauter Assistant Teaching Professor 920-465-2748 | Music, Art, Theater Teach Tools, Safety, Materials For Art Department, Manage Art Departments Wood Shop |
Brandon Schlotthauer Director of Strength & Conditioning | Health and Wellness, Sports and Athletics Strength & Conditioning, Injury Risk Reduction, General Athletic Development |
Jeffery Schulz Campus Architect 920-465-2202 | UW-Green Bay Campus Facility Planning and Design |
Sawa Senzaki Associate Dean for the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences & Professor of Psychology 920-475-2711 | Children and Families, Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Human Life Span / Human Development, Languages and Cultures Director of the Child's Lab Infancy and early childhood. Acculturation among immigrant children and families. Social and cultural influences on development. Japanese language and culture. |
Michael Shaw Marketing Content Writer 920-465-2594 | Communications and Media, Popular Culture Cartoonist with more than 120 published in The New Yorker. I have appeared on MSNBC and my cartoon was part of a 60 Minutes profile of New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff. |
Jon Shelton Professor, Chair of Democracy and Justice Studies 920-465-2161 | Education and Learning, History, Public Policy and Planning Twentieth century US history, labor and working-class history, history of class and economic inequality, history of education, US labor policy, unions |
Heidi Sherman Associate Professor of History and Humanities 920-465-5146 | Digital Humanities, Education and Learning, History, Humanities, Languages and Cultures Viking History, Russian and Medieval European History, Historical Reenactment, Textiles |
Christine Smith Associate Professor of Psychology, Women's and Gender Studies 920-465-5124 | Ethnic Groups / Diversity Issues, Health and Wellness, Women's Issues LGBT issues, body image and weight issues, anything involving women's lives and experiences and gender equality |
Addie Sorbo Associate Teaching Professor 920-465-2624 | Music, Art, Theater Graphic Design, Design business |
Sue Steeno Financial Aid Officer 920-465-2075 | Business and Finance Financial Aid Related Topics |
Nicole Stockman Veterans Services Coordinator | War UW-Green Bay Veteran Certifying Official. |
Rebecca Stone Thornberry Associate Professor Theatre and Dance (Marinette) 715-504-3318 | Theatre and Dance, Women's and Gender Studies Theatre by the Bay |
Meagan Strehlow Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Access & Success 920-465-2716 | Education and Learning College Credit in High School, Dual Enrollment Access Academy, Early College Credit Program, Academic Competition, GEAR UP, and Turbocharge |
Kelli Strickland Executive and Artistic Director (The Weidner) 920-465-2726 | Performing Arts, Theatre and Dance The Weidner |
Abbey Sutherland Head Volleyball Coach 920-450-2573 | Sports and Athletics Volleyball |
Mussie Teclezion Associate Professor of Finance 920-465-2466 | Business and Finance Corporate Diversification and Earnings Management |
Patricia Terry Professor, Chair of Richard J. Resch School of Engineering (920) 465-2749 | Environmental Science, Engineering Technology Water quality. Environmental separations. Alternative energies. Biodiesel. |
Jagadeep Thota Chair of Engineering (920) 465-2817 | Engineering Technology Explosions and projectile impacts. Optimization codes for design improvements in structures. Shock mitigation; structures with bolted joints. Polymer composites under normal and extreme environments. |
Gail Trimberger Professor Emeritus 920-465-2049 | Children and Families, Health and Wellness, Religion, Ethics and Philosophy End of Life Care, Grief and Loss, Professional Ethics |
Katie Turkiewicz Chair of Communication, Information Technology & Data Science, Associate Professor 920-465-2481 | Communications and Media, Health and Wellness Strategic Health Communication Campaigns, Health Communication and Technology, Patient-Provider Communication, Cyberchondria |
Christine Vandenhouten Professor, Director of Nursing (920) 465-2994 | Community health nursing HIV/AIDS. Social justice. Impact of poverty on health outcomes. Immersion/simulation learning face to face and virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life). Health policy. Assessment of education outcomes. Adult education (educational technology). |
Bruce Vandenplas Associate Lecturer | Communications and Media, Education and Learning, Sports and Athletics 18 years of broadcasting UWGB women's basketball and 20 years of instructing in human biology department class is Responding to Emergencies. |
Kristin Vespia Director of CATL & Professor of Psychology (920) 465-2746 | Counseling and Psychotherapy Career development process. |
Kimberly Vlies Digital Marketing Specialist 920-465-2095 | Communications and Media, Languages and Cultures, Music, Art, Theater, UW-Green Bay Email marketing and online advertising Institutional Visual Identity and Logo Standards Spanish Language |
David Voelker Professor of History and Humanistic Studies 920-465-2491 | Environmental Science and Policy, History, Humanities early American history through the Civil War, American religious history, American environmental history |
Dean Von Dras Professor of Human Development (920) 465-5012 | Adulthood and Aging |
Sara Wagner Assistant Teaching Professor & Director of Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics 920-465-2332 | Health and Wellness, Science nutrition for health, new nutrition research, intuitive eating, weight neutral health |
Sam Watson Assistant Professor of Art 920-465-2472 | Music, Art, Theater Art History; Modern and Contemporary Art; Art of the First Nations; American Art; Art and cultural theory & criticism |
Jane Wells Associate Lecturer of Music (Marinette) Director, West Shore Chorale 715-504-3347 | Music, Art, Theater Music Education, Choral Conducting |
Brian Welsch Associate Professor of Physics 920-465-5117 | Science Astronomy / Astrophysics, Planetary Science, the Sun & Solar-system objects, Image Analysis |
Elizabeth Wheat Associate Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (920)465-2848 | Environmental policy, Politics & government, Public policy & planning |
Tiffany Wilhelm Associate Lecturer 414-731-4203 | Human Life Span / Human Development, Languages and Cultures Counseling, Social Work, Treatment, Adolescence, French |
Chris Williams Assistant Professor of English/Humanities 920-465-2670 | Digital Humanities, Popular Culture Poetry, 20th Century Avant-Garde, Underground Publications, Online Communities, Videogames |
Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges Professor, Chair of Psychology 920-465-2479 | Education and Learning, Natural Environment Environmental and Conservation Psychology, Statistics, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning |
Dinesh Yadav Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance 920-645-5149 | Music, Art, Theater Theatrical Design, Scenic Design, Lighting Design, South Asian Theatre, Entertainment Technology, New Media Design, Experimental Theatre, Musicals |
Jennie Young Associate Dean, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Professor 330-241-7096 | Education and Learning, Languages and Cultures High school culture, school violence, rhetorical analysis |
Michael Zorn Associate Dean and Professor for Budget and Grants (920) 465-5758 | Environmental Monitoring, Water Quality Chemistry. Analytical and environmental chemistry. |

Are you a member of the news media and would like to speak with an expert or have questions about UW-Green Bay? Contact Kristin Bouchard, our seasoned communicator with 25+ years of expertise in corporate communications, PR and more—plus she's an alum!