Logo & Tagline Proliferation Policy
In general, avoid. Best practices in marketing and communication advocate for a unified visual identity and a consistent message across all of an institution's departments and services. Programs are encouraged to selectively target audiences through their programming, services and direct marketing; these initiatives achieve greater impact when aligned under the overarching institutional umbrella.
The organization’s brand is diluted each time a different logo or tagline appears and distracts people from the distinctive UW-Green Bay Primary Identity Marks.
The University’s constituents are accustomed to seeing the Institutional Marks and theme in recruitment materials and advertising, in routine correspondence, and on the website. The official Marks have accumulated significant “brand equity.” For guidelines when using the University logo, see the logos page.
Another consideration: In some cases, a customized logo or separate tagline can consume time and resources without adding corresponding or greater value to the larger enterprise. It’s easy to say, “We need a logo! A slogan!” But the new creative is likely to accomplish little if it isn’t preceded by the harder work of devising a solid business plan and developing a realistic basis for distinctiveness.

Have Questions?
We don't expect you to have all the answers. You know your program and we know marketing. Let's work together to make something great.