Lakeshore Water Institute
Lakeshore Water
The Lakeshore Water Institute was created to formalize the collaborative partnership between the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus and the Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP).

Lakeshore Water Institute Purpose
The Institute is housed at UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus and serves the lakeshore region as a tool for educating and engaging youth and for developing science-based decisions and leaders at the local government level.
This partnership between UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus and LNRP began in 2009 and helped build the citizen-led Friends of Hika Bay in Cleveland when the restoration project began at Centerville Creek. Through the use of UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus student interns, data collection was expanded into four other creeks which all flow into Lake Michigan. In 2012, Carsten’s Lake was sampled and sampling points were added on Pine Creek. In 2013, the Little Manitowoc River in downtown Manitowoc was added as the next focus for restoration.
This collaboration is coordinated by LNRP with the community-led Friends of Hika Bay, Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed, Friends of the Branch River Watershed, Friends of the Twin Rivers (East & West), and the Little Manitowoc River Partnership.
While water testing can be expensive and time consuming, it is necessary to collect benchmark data to develop and assess a management plans. This data includes biological, physical, and chemical assessments of stream quality. UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus student interns are responsible for data collection and analysis of the watersheds of Hika Bay and the Little Manitowoc River on a weekly basis through the summer. Fall and winter information is a summary of data taken by all students in the introductory biology classes. This testing helps diagnose potential problems and establish a base-line of water quality. The LNRP hosts regular public presentations of the project results with analysis from the interns.
The ultimate goal is to cultivate a water ethic and, by doing so, enhance the quality and prosperity of our entire lakeshore region.