2018: Becoming a Student-Ready University
Becoming a Student-Ready University
This year’s Institute coincides with UW-Green Bay’s “Becoming a Student-Ready University” initiative, sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Business and Finance. The morning will kick-off with a special keynote by Dr. Christine Harrington, who will speak to our entire campus community about how small actions can have a big impact on student achievement. Sessions include workshops on Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Transparency in Teaching and Learning, Peer Review, the Flipped Classroom, Information Literacy, Contemplative Pedagogy, Student Success, and more.
Dr. Christine Harrington will visit UW-Green Bay as part of the “Becoming a Student-Ready University” initiative, sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Business and Finance. The morning of our annual Instructional Development Institute will kick-off with breakfast and a keynote by Dr. Harrington, who will speak to our entire campus community about how small actions can have a big impact on student achievement. She will ask us to consider how student experiences in and out of the classroom make a huge difference in terms of persistence and goal completion, and she will follow-up by encouraging us to discuss the small actions that staff, faculty, and administrators can take to help students meet with success. Later, over lunch, she will facilitate a breakout workshop on providing productive feedback. Feedback is one of the most powerful learning tools in our personal, academic, and professional lives. During this interactive session, we will explore how feedback can either increase future effort and performance or can lead to lower levels of motivation and performance. More importantly, we'll discuss strategies to help you increase student learning via effective feedback.