The IDI Past Highlights
UW-Green Bay's Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL), along with the Instructional Development Council and with the support of the Provost Office, has hosted a January faculty development conference for over a decade. This page includes resources from the past five years, allowing you to explore themes, keynotes and session information from previous IDIs.
2023: Cultivating Student Success
Cultivating student success in higher education requires the interconnected efforts of an entire university working toward shared goals. Although there is no single answer as to how universities can ensure students are successful, there are a variety of consistent, small and transformative practices institutions of higher learning can employ to support students across their campuses.
Dr. Stephen L. Chew and Dr. William Cerbin. Both Stephen and William are the authors of “The cognitive challenges of effective teaching”, published in The Journal of Economic Education, which explores a research-based framework of nine interacting cognitive challenges that teachers need to address to enhance student learning.
Session Information
This year's IDI conference hosted many higher education faculty and staff sharing about cognitive challenges in the classroom. Many sessions also focused on the challenges in education post COVID-19.
2022: Opening Up Higher Education
Much of the rhetoric around higher education during COVID has been around closing down activities and opportunities, yet, for many instructors, the experience has been one of opening up their classes to new ways of teaching, new populations of students and new expectations from administration. This year the IDI seeks to highlight the ways instructors have opened up their classes – and higher education by extension – in new ways. Open also relates to the use of Open Education Resources (OER), more open or inclusive classroom environments, streaming classes across locations, and our new identity as an open or “access” institution.
Dr. Addy, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning at Lafayette College. Her recent publications on the scholarship of teaching and learning have been around learner-centered practices and inclusive pedagogies; she recently co-authored a book, What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching
Session Information
This year's IDI conference hosted many higher education faculty and staff sharing openness and inclusivity both in the classroom and the university.
2021: Making Meaningful Connections
This year the IDI keynote explored fives lenses for understanding and making meaningful connections in higher education with an emphasis on how we might re-imagine and democratize education to work toward equity and justice. These five lenses are: 1) naming the moment, 2) curriculum as intervention, 3) contradictions of teaching, 4) learning through crisis and 5) movement building as a frame.
Dr. Kevin Kumashiro, former Dean of the School of Education at the University of San Francisco. He is an award-winning author or editor of ten books, including Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning toward Social Justice, and Bad Teacher!: How Blaming Teachers Distorts the Bigger Picture.
Session Information
This year's IDI conference hosted many higher education faculty and staff sharing on the impact of COVID-19 and strategies for developing education and connection amidst the pandemic.
2020: Bandwidth Recovery
This year, we’re exploring Cia Verschelden’s metaphor of Bandwidth Recovery. Students who face poverty, food insecurity, systemic racism and mental wellness issues are unable to commit their entire “cognitive bandwidth” to academic and personal growth. This year’s Institute will bring us together to discuss ways that we can help students reclaim the cognitive resources they need to be successful in college.
Dr. Cyndi Kernahan, Professor of Psychology, Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning and Administrative Fellow in the University of Wisconsin-River Falls’ Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Inclusion. At this IDI, Dr. Kernahan led a presentation themed: “Helping our students think better and succeed more: Small tweaks and wise interventions."
Session Information
This year's IDI conference hosted many higher education faculty and staff for presentations and workshops. Topics included: inclusivity, identity and strategies for providing students resources.

Let us know how CATL can help you! Schedule a consultation, reach us by phone or email, or drop by anytime our office is open.
Office Location: Cofrin Library 405
Open: M – F, 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (920) 465-2541
College Drop-in Hours: Schedule varies weekly