Submission Process
If you have any questions while you prepare your protocol, please contact
1. Protocol Application Form
The PI or Instructor completes the applicable sections of the form for the proposed research. The IBC also provides a helpful tool for PIs to utilize as they complete their application, the checklist should not be submitted to the IBC, but can be used to ensure all components of a protocol application are complete.
2. CITI Training.
This training is required of all researchers, faculty, students, and principal investigators. As you register on the CITI program website, Questions 6 and 7 are specific for the IBC. Once you have completed the needed trainings, save all certificates as PDF files. Most CITI certifications are good for 3 years, the exception being blood borne pathogens which must be completed every year.
Link for instructions on registering for CITI
Learner Groups – Required trainings
Select the appropriate learner group as you sign up for a CITI account (Question 6) and you will be enrolled in the required courses.
- Principal Investigators (PI)
- Students
- Committee Members
Specialized trainings
If your research includes any of the following, you will also need to enroll in the appropriate optional Biosafety/Biosecurity course (Question 7).
- rDNA
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Animals
- Nanotechnology
3. Additional documentation
If the proposed research requires additional permits or permission from internal or external sources (for example, research involving recombinant DNA introduced into live animals will also require IACUC approval), appropriate documentation needs to be included in the submission.
Examples of additional documentation:
- Disclosure form (for those working with blood borne pathogens)
- IRB approval (for research involving human subjects)
- IACUC approval (for research involving animals)
- USDA approval
4. Combine into one PDF
The Protocol Application Form, CITI certificates, and additional documentation into a single PDF which together constitutes a Complete Protocol.
5. Submit the Complete Protocol
As a single PDF to Please note, the Principal investigator must be a faculty or instructor, students cannot be the PI.
You must submit your complete protocol to the IBC at least two weeks prior to an IBC meeting to ensure your protocol will be reviewed.
If you have any questions, please contact the IBC.