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Student Researchers

Students involved in vertebrate animal research, whether the project is funded or not, should use this guide. Even if you're just observing animals in their natural environment, this guide applies to you. You should take these steps before you begin your research with vertebrate animals.

1 Consult with your faculty advisor

Your faculty advisor will guide you through the process of bringing your research in compliance with the IACUC and this must be done before beginning your project. This can take some time, so start as soon as you are considering becoming involved in a project. Don’t put it off!

2 Check whether your project has IACUC approval

Many research projects you might work on already have IACUC approval through your faculty advisor. If your research is part of a UW-Green Bay course, the project almost certainly has approval. If the project has approval, you will only need to complete some online training and/or training with your faculty member. Check with them and they might also refer you to the training requirements on the IAUC website. You can always complete training that is not required if you are interested in learning more about animal research.

3 Determine the Principle Investigator (PI)

If project does not have IACUC approval, determine whether your faculty advisor will be the PI or you will be the PI. Generally, your faculty advisor will be the PI on most projects. Because they usually have expertise on the animal species, experience working with the IACUC, have completed training and are familiar with administrative tasks, they are usually the best choice. PIs have higher training and administrative burdens. In rare cases, your faculty advisor may recommend that advanced undergraduate students or graduate students become a PI or Co-PI, in which case you should follow the guidelines for project PIs.

4 Determine whether your project will need a full proposal or wildlife waiver

If you will be handling animals in any way, you will need a full proposal. If your study might alter natural behaviors, you will most likely need a full proposal. If you will be observing animals in their natural habitat, and your observations are not likely to affect natural behaviors, you will most likely need a wildlife waiver. Again, your faculty advisor will help with this.

5 Work with your faculty advisor to create the full proposal or wildlife waiver

This experience is a valuable learning opportunity for you! The more you work with your advisor to create the proposal/waiver the more you will learn. Additionally, doing background research to support the proposal/waiver will help you refine your research questions and project design.

6Put your work with the IACUC on your resume

This is a valuable professional development activity that can set you apart from other students who have not worked with an IACUC!

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