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Approval Process

All requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to an IACUC meeting for consideration, so be sure to get your materials in order with enough time for the IACUC to review your work.

Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines

1Do I need IACUC approval?

According to Federal law, all laboratory use of non-human vertebrate animals at UW-Green Bay must be approved by the IACUC. Two types of proposals may be submitted, depending on the scope of your project.

Full IACUC Proposal

If animals will be housed, handled or manipulated, you will need an IACUC full proposal. These are usually reviewed by the full committee at regularly scheduled meetings and thus are due two weeks before the meeting. An IACUC protocol form must be filed if:

  • The research, training or testing is conducted under authority or directive of the university, regardless of funding sources.
  • Activities are conducted by any faculty, staff or students of the university in conjunction with their academic or professional responsibilities.
    • Students can be covered under an instructor's/advisor's protocol as long as their work does not deviate from the approved protocol. Students can not be the principal investigator on a IACUC protocol.
  • Activities are conducted on university property or using university facilities or equipment.

Work in which vertebrate animals are housed (held by a researcher for more than 24 hours), must take place in an IACUC inspected facility. This includes vertebrates held in classrooms for observation or class use. The facility must be inspected before animals are held to help ensure animal safety. The IACUC performs the semiannual facility inspections in October and April.

Wildlife (Observational Field) Research

If you're performing observational field investigations (i.e., work that does not involve direct handling of animals or manipulation of the animals' environment), you must submit a wildlife waiver. Your waiver narrative should include enough detail to allow the reviewer to understand exactly how animals may be affected by your study, and justify that your project does not require a full proposal. Wildlife waivers are administratively reviewed by the IACUC chair and therefore can be submitted at any time before project commences.

Note that training is also required before submitting a wildlife waiver. This waiver will be administratively reviewed outside of regular IACUC meetings.

2Complete Training

Every researcher needs to complete training. CITI training is available for all principal investigators and student investigators seeking research compliance training and certification on animal care and use.

General Guidelines

  • All courses are valid for four years.
  • Required courses must be completed prior to submission of full proposal or wildlife waiver.

Required Courses for Principal Investigators 

  • Core Courses required for all Principal Investigators (PIs):
    • Working with the IACUC.
    • Post-Approval Monitoring.
  • If PI is working in the field with wildlife (includes observational studies):
    • Wildlife Research.
  • If PI is housing and/or manipulating animals in the lab:
    • All applicable animal specific courses (courses listed are most likely to apply to UW-Green Bay PIs):
      • Working with Amphibians in Research Settings.
      • Working with Fish in Research Settings.
      • Working with Mice in Research Settings.
      • Working with Rats in Research Settings.
      • Working with Reptiles in Research Settings.
      • Working with Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Research Settings.
      • Or any other animal specific courses (please note in training request).
  • If PI is using mice or rats and declaring USDA Classification D or E (surgical procedures or studies involving pain):
    • Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research (aka Reducing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Mice and Rats).

Required Courses for Non-PI Student Investigators

  • Core Course:
    • Working with the IACUC.
  • If student is working in the field with wildlife (includes observational studies):
    • Wildlife Research.
  • If student is involved in study housing and/or manipulating animals in the lab:
    • All applicable animal specific courses (courses listed are most likely to apply to UW-Green Bay students):
      • Working with Amphibians in Research Settings.
      • Working with Fish in Research Settings.
      • Working with Mice in Research Settings.
      • Working with Rats in Research Settings.
      • Working with Reptiles in Research Settings.
      • Working with Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Research Settings.
      • Or any other animal specific courses (please note in training request).

Courses for IACUC Members - complete most applicable course

  • IACUC Chair (chair only).
  • IACUC Community Member (community member only).
  • Institutional Official: Animal Care and Use (IO or designee only).
  • Essentials for IACUC Members (all other committee members).

3Prepare a Protocol or Wildlife Waiver

Based on what research you're doing, you'll need to prepare a full protocol or a wildlife waiver.

Full IACUC Proposal

The proposal form should be completed by any researcher proposing work on vertebrate animals including funded, unfunded and classroom projects. If animals will be housed, handled or manipulated, you will prepare a full protocol. Your proposal is due at least two weeks before a regular meeting of the IACUC to be reviewed at that meeting. The committee consists of both scientists and non-scientists, so the proposal should address both audiences so that they understand exactly what will happen to all animals used in the study. Be sure to provide as specific of information as you can.

Protocol Submission Form

Wildlife (Observational Field) Research

If animals will be observed in their natural habitat and will not be handled, captured, housed and observations are not expected to alter behavior you will prepare a wildlife waiver.  This applies to both research projects and class-based animal observation.  The narrative in your waiver should provide enough detail to allow the reviewer to understand understand how animals might be affected by your study and justify that your project does not require submission of a full proposal.  Wildlife waivers will be administratively reviewed outside of normal IACUC meetings, and must be submitted to allow enough time for administrative review before the project begins.

Complete Observational Field Waiver Form

4Submission & Review Process

Protocols and wildlife waivers must be submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) and all correspondence will take place with the PI. Once complete, email the entire proposal to

Submit Your Protocol

Protocol Examples

Below are some examples of protocols to help you understand what you need to do.

Example Protocol #1

Here's an example of a protocol for the use and care of lake sturgeon in the assessment of larval lake sturgeon production and drift behavior in the Oconto River, Wisconsin.

Lake Sturgeon Protocol

Example Protocol #2

This is an example of protocol for the use and care of animals in the mammal survey of the UW-Green Bay Campus and Cofrin Arboretum.

Mammal Protocol

5I have approval. Now what?

The IACUC must review all approved protocols annually as part of their post-approval monitoring program. The annual review process is as follows:

  • You will receive a reminder from IACUC one month before your annual review is required. Annual review deadlines are:
    • Spring: September 1
    • Fall: June 1
    • Summer: January 1
  • You'll submit an annual progress report to, outlining any changes or modifications that have been made and/or any adverse events that have occurred. 
  • Unless there have been significant modifications made to the original protocol, the Annual Progress Report will be reviewed by the IACUC Chair.

Access Annual Report Form

Significant Modifications

Significant modifications are defined as those protocol changes that have, or have the potential to have, a negative impact on animal welfare. Significant modifications require IACUC review.  Many changes can be handled administratively, and it is strongly recommended you contact the IACUC Chair directly to discuss proposed changes to approved protocols.

Project Progress Reports and Renewals

Protocols working with non-USDA designated species can be approved for up to three years. These protocols require annual progress reports to remain active and approved. If the project continues after the project period, you will need to complete a renewal form.

Access Renewal Form

Final Reports

At the end the approved protocol period, PIs must submit an official final report to IACUC.

Access Final Report

Ask Our Experts

If you have any questions throughout the approval process, get in touch with our members of the IACUC.

Contact Us