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Humanities Emphases

Curating Your Career Path

Building specific knowledge adds depth to your professional talents.

Picture your emphasis as a magnifying glass for a specific facet of the humanities. Focus in on particular areas of interest, aligning your studies with your professional aspirations. You'll not only deepen your understanding but also enhance your knowledge, making you more competitive in your chosen career path.

Students present group research project

Humanities Emphases

Students who major in the humanities can choose from these emphases.

Studenst reenact Medieval war

Ancient & Medieval Studies

For those who prefer their humanities really old-school. We build community, find love, fight wars, trade items, make songs now. We built community, found love, fought wars, traded items and made songs then. In Ancient & Medieval Studies, you’ll recognize humanity across cultures and times by studying the cultures and civilizations of the ancient and medieval worlds.

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Students looking at recent UW-Green Bay student publications

Digital & Public Humanities

People aren’t just connecting in public anymore—they’re also connecting digitally. Through the Digital & Public Humanities emphasis, you’ll develop broader skills within humanities while focusing on how we think about, and through, digital and public spaces.

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Girls reading books in classs

World Cultures

Leverage the power of the humanities to broaden and deepen your insight into the human condition through the study of other cultures and perspectives. In this emphasis, you’ll be more informed, empathetic and culturally proficient, which helps you engage intelligently in world cultures and issues.

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Heidi Sherman

Here to help you Succeed

Meet Professor Heidi Sherman, the director of the Viking House, Chair of history program and the Co-Director for the UW-Green Bay Flax Project. If you have questions about our program, she is here to help.

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