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Your Residential Network
ResNet (a.k.a. Residential Network) is the housing resident’s Internet source. In partnership with GBIT (the campus IT department) connectivity is offered via the eduroam wireless network for smartphones, laptops and tablets.

Connecting to the Internet
Students, and anyone else with a UW-Green Bay account, should use the "eduroam" network to connect to the Wi-Fi. You may notice there is a "UWGB Guest" wireless network, but it is less secure and not as fast. Connect to the "eduroam" network using your UW-Green Bay username and password.
Connecting IoT Devices
To get game consoles, streaming devices such as an AppleTV, wireless printers that support AirPrint, or SmartTVs connected, use the "UWGB-IoT" network. This network allows devices not compatible with the 802.1x authentication used by eduroam to connect. For more on how to connect a device to "UWGB-IoT" see our Internet of Things help article.
Wi-Fi Signal Interference Devices
All residence halls and apartments have wireless Internet access. To ensure that campus provided wireless signal is of the highest of quality, devices that interfere are prohibited. These devices include but are not limited to personal wireless routers, Wi-Fi direct devices (some printers and streaming devices use this but often can have it disabled in settings), and signal repeaters.
Guest Access
If you have guests, they can access the wireless network using the "UWGB-Guest" wireless network. The "UWGB-Guest" network provides an unsecured wireless connection that has limited speeds when compared to the general eduroam network and allows only a few basic Internet protocols such as http and https to be used. Once you've configured "UWGB-Guest" and opened a browser, you'll be presented with a portal page where you must enter a valid email address.
Eduroam Guests: If your guest is a visitor from another institution that also is eduroam-enabled, they may use the faster, more secure "eduroam" network that UW-Green Bay students and employees use with their university login.
Wired Internet
For those of with desktop computers or game consoles that have ethernet ports, wired Internet is available from ethernet jacks in each room (5E or category 6 cable with an RJ-45 connector is required).
Internet Kiosks
There are two Internet kiosks in the Community Center for you to use: one in the lobby and one on the lower level. You can check your email, search for information, or get assistance with housing related services such as applying for housing or submitting a maintenance request.
Television Service
Watch over 200 channels of high-definition TV and an array on-demand shows and movies anywhere on campus with our SpectrumU TV streaming service. You can use it with your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. It is also available on Apple TV, Chromecast and Roku devices.

Have Questions?
If you have difficulties connecting to the wireless network, let us know. We can help!