Housing Service Desk
24/7 Service
Call 920-465-2040
The Community Center service desk is a general information desk that can assist you with any questions you may have. We also provide many services for our current residents and prospective students. During the academic year, the Community Center service desk is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We're Here to ASsist
In housing, we've heard every question you can imagine and our service desk workers and on-duty staff are specially trained to help you. For assistance, contact the service desk by calling 920-465-2040, by email, housing@uwgb.edu or stop by the office which is located at 3350 Leon Bond Drive.
Getting Access to Your Room
Securing your room is a top priority, because you want to keep yourself and your belongings safe. We're here to help.
Locked Out?
If you’re locked out of your room, stop by the Community Center service desk for assistance. After verifying your identity, the front desk can provide you access. There is a fee associated with this service after you use your 3 free unlock codes per academic year.
Can't Lock Your Door?
If you're unable to secure your room or apartment door, please stop by or contact the Community Center at 920-465-2040 immediately.
Setting the PIN on Your ID card
If you want or need to change the PIN on your ID card, you can do so online at anytime. However, you’ll need to stop by the front desk to have your card updated for the PIN change to take effect on your card.
Encoding a New ID card
When you obtain a new or replacement campus ID card, you’ll need to come to the Community Center. The service desk will need to encode it to give you access to your room.
Missing IDs: If you don't immediately have time to replace a missing campus ID card, you may report it lost or stolen using the online card office.
Securing a Place on Campus
We do our best to make the housing contracting and move-in and check-in procedures as pain-free as possible. If you have questions, just ask.
Applying & Contracting
Do you have questions about applying or contracting for housing? We can walk you through how to contract for housing and explain what is involved in the process.
Upon arrival to housing on your scheduled move-in (or room change) day, you need to officially check-in at the Housing service desk (or assigned check-in station). Please bring your campus ID card to the service desk for your check-in so it may be encoded for your door access. If you arrive to campus after the official move in day, you will need to go to the service desk to complete the check-in process.
Help with All the Other Things
A key to successful life is to expect the unexpected. If something happens that you need help with, ask at the housing service desk.
Housing Hub Online Services
Housing Hub is a self-serve portal, but we are here to help you navigate the portal or address your questions or concerns.
Housing Hub
Lost & Found
Items that are found on campus may be turned into the housing service desk. If you have lost something, please stop by to see if it has been turned in. You can also check at the University Ticketing and Information Center located in the Union.
Maintenance Emergencies
If something is wrong in your room or building that would be considered an emergency, you can call the service desk to have maintenance contacted immediately. Such situations include: water leaks, electrical concerns or broken glass. For less urgent concerns, you can submit a maintenance request online through the housing hub self-service portal.
Internet Kiosks
There are two internet kiosks in the Community Center available to you. You can check your email, search for information, or get assistance with housing related services such as applying for housing or submitting a maintenance request. One kiosk is located in the lobby and the other is on the lower level at the base of the stairs.
General Information
Staff at the service desk are available to answer a variety of questions and are usually able to direct you to the correct person or department if you’re unsure who to call. This is similar to the Student Services Center service desk.
Campus Mailbox Information
If you’ve lost or cannot remember your campus mailbox information, there are a couple ways to obtain it. You can sign in to the Housing Hub self-service portal to view your campus mailbox information; otherwise, please stop by the service desk or mailroom to receive your campus mailbox number and combination from our staff.

Meet with an Area Coordinator
Area Coordinators are professional staff in charge of different areas of housing. Each building is assigned to an Area Coordinator. They are available to meet with you between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can discuss roommate concerns, possible room changes, and other topics with them. Stop by or call the desk to schedule an appointment with your Area Coordinator.
Hendrickson Community Center

The Community Center, dedicated in the name of Phillip J. and Elizabeth B. Hendrickson, serves as the "front desk" for the approximately 2,000 students who reside on campus, houses the offices of Housing & Residential Education staff, offers study and meeting areas for students, provides mail services, and vending services. A multi-purpose room accommodates informal gatherings, group meetings, and socializing. Games, tools and sports equipment can be checked out at the Housing service desk.
About Phil & Betsy Hendrickson
The naming of the Hendrickson Community Center honored Phil and Betsy Hendrickson and their extraordinary support of the broad range of academic and student life initiatives at UW-Green Bay. The impact of their involvement—through charitable gifts, wise counsel and volunteer service dating to the institution's earliest years—promises to carry forward for decades to come.
Phil and Betsy were charter members of the Founder's Association and continued to make annual gifts to enhance student scholarships and academic excellence. They were early and enthusiastic supporters of the Phuture Phoenix program, the Chancellor's Scholarship Fund, the University Education Endowment and the Phoenix Fund. They made leadership gifts toward construction of the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts and, later, its Chihuly chandelier. Most recently, Betsy agreed to serve as honorary chair of UW-Green Bay's Capital Campaign: the Hendricksons made a generous philanthropic donation to the new Kress Events Center.
In 1987 they created one of the University's first named professorships with a major gift for the Philip J. and Elizabeth B. Hendrickson Professorship for Business.
Betsy and Phil were graduates of the University of Wisconsin. They pursued graduate school and early careers on the East coast before relocating to Green Bay, where Phil accepted a position with Krueger Metal Products (now KI) and ascended to the rank of chairman and CEO.
Betsy worked for the UW's two-year branch campus in Green Bay. Years later, in the mid-1970s, her children grown, she worked in staff positions at what had become the four-year UW-Green Bay. For the Office of Educational Research, she began an important study exploring why adults do or do not return to college. Her work was instrumental to the creation of the Extended Degree and Adult Degree Programs; it also became her thesis. She completed her UW-Green Bay master's degree in Environmental Arts and Sciences in 1979.
Betsy served on founding Chancellor Edward Weidner's community advisory board, and she was a founding member of the Chancellor’s Council of Trustees. Phil served on the Founder's Association board of directors. He was a member of the UW Board of Regents and president of the Wisconsin Board of Vocational Education.
Among many community honors received for their volunteer activities was the UW-Green Bay Chancellor's Award in 1983. Betsy was also awarded the UW-Green Bay Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006 and the John P. Cofrin Humanitarian Award from the Fort Howard Paper Foundation in 1978. Phil Hendrickson was honored with the prestigious Free Enterprise Award by the Green Bay Rotary Club in 1986. Holder of an undergraduate degree in accounting from the UW, and a Harvard MBA, Phil was honored with a UW-Madison Distinguished Alumnus Award.
Have Questions?
If you need more information or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.