Health Information Management Technology Certificate
Boost Your Credentials
Already have a bachelor's degree? Enhance your career with our accredited certificate.
Because our certificate is accredited by CAHIIM, potential employers know the academic rigor of your achievements. Moreover, with a bachelor’s degree and this certificate, you can sit for professional credentials through the American Health Information Management Association, the gold-standard for our field.
![A nurse at their desk with a notepad, pen, and laptop.](/UWGBCMS/media/himt/images/large/himt-certificate-large-stock.jpg)
Take a Look
Our certificate is 100% online and asynchronous, so you can complete courses on your own time.
In order to qualify for this certificate, you should complete college-level coursework in statistics, communications, biology, medical terminology and body systems and survey of disease treatments.
24 Credits
The certificate consists of 8 courses each worth three credits each. Classes are offered in spring, summer and fall.
The certificate is a flat fee of $450 per credit.
100% Online
With 100% online classes, you can enjoy flexibility while you complete your certificate on your own schedule.
![Health Informatics and Information Management Education Accredited logo](/UWGBCMS/media/himt/images/large/cahiim-accredited-logo400.jpg)
CAHIIM Accreditation
The Health Information Management accreditor of University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). The College’s accreditation for Baccalaureate degree in Health Information Management has been reaffirmed through 2022-2023. All inquiries about the program’s accreditation status should be directed by mail to CAHIIM, 200 East Randolph Street, Suite 5100, Chicago, IL, 60601; by phone at (312) 235-3255; or by email at
![Professor Misty Neal](/UWGBCMS/media/himt/images/square/Misty_Neal300x300.jpg)
Ask An Expert
Meet Professor Misty Neal, the academic director of Health Information Management and Technology. If you have questions about our program, get in touch with her!