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Graphic Design Internships

Practice Makes Progress

Internships improve your professional skills.

Get an introduction to the professional world. It's true! These days an internship is considered an on-the-job interview. Plus it's a great way to introduce yourself to the professional world and test-drive different career paths. 

Explore Handshake

A group of students look at the designs one student created.

On-Campus Field Experience Opportunities

Sheepshead Review sheep plush.

Sheepshead Review

Develop your hands-on experience in the production of the Sheepshead Review, UW-Green Bay's journal of the arts. Projects include soliciting manuscripts, selecting submissions, researching the literary market and editing the finished product. Graphic design students may also apply for internship credits.

Join the Review   

Three separate issues of Voyageur Magazine

Voyageur Magazine

Get experience in our field by designing a magazine in the Design Publications Workshop course (Design 435). Published bi-annually, Voyageur Magazine showcases the history of Northeast Wisconsin. The Publication Workshop course provides students real-world experience working on the layout and design of this magazine. Editorial students may apply for internship credits.

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Samantha Myers using a press printer for a novel.

Teaching Press

Join the English 424: Book Editing Practicum (3 credits) that offers students hands-on experience in all phases of book production, from acquisitions to editing, book design, printing, sales and marketing.

Create Books   

Internships for Credit

As an intern, you must complete 50 hours of site work per credit. You are allowed to take up to 12 credits, with three counting towards program requirements. In order to qualify for an internship for credit, you must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and complete Design Arts 332 and Design Arts Studio II. If you’re interested in pursuing an internship, you should contact the program adviser early in the semester prior to applying for internship credits.

Registration is completed using an online form and requires approval by the faculty sponsor and academic unit chair.


Maintain a Journal

You must maintain a journal documenting your hourly activities and connecting internship experience with material learned in traditional classes.

Collect a Portfolio

Keep track of the work you’re doing in your internship to build a portfolio for future professional endeavors.

Supervised Internship

The internship site must provide a graphic design professional to supervise internship activities.

Carlos Zuniga

Real-World Projects

"After dabbling in graphic design in high school, I decided on UWGB to pursue a Design Arts Major and never regretted my decision. I enjoyed the course variety, and my professors were always encouraging and inspiring; some of them I still talk with today. A favorite course of mine, Voyageur Magazine taught me about real-world projects, leadership and prepared me for my career."

Lisa Broetzman ‘09
Design Arts Major | Marketing and Product Manager

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Alison Gates

Connect With Us

Meet Alison Gates, professor here UW-Green Bay and our faculty mentor for graphic design. She goes the extra mile to ensure students understand class material and get experience outside of class. If you have questions about our program, just ask!

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