Gubernatorial Election Academy
Learn how to run productive elections in your municipality.
Our self-paced course will provide you will the skills you need to run smooth and productive elections in your municipality in 2026. Join us for sessions designed to expand your skills before, during and after the polls close. Registration will be available this summer.

Election Academy at a Glance
Earn an exclusive digital badge and 19.5 credit hours towards WEC continuing education credit.
Fall 2025
Live Virtual (Zoom)
$179, noncancelable
Election Academy Topics
Join us for in-depth election training.
Election Preparation
Working with Your County Clerk in Preparing for Elections
Learn the role your County Clerk plays in the election process.
Local Candidates Lifecycle: Registration to Termination
Learn and understand the entire procedure and requirements of how local candidates are placed on the ballot. The Wisconsin Ethics and Election Commissions will cover the following: ballot access forms, DOC, nomination paper intake, review and challenges, campaign finance reporting, attributions, audits and potential violation.)
Do You Have Your Emergency Contingent Plans Developed?
This class is a good exercise on thinking about the many emergency situations that can occur during an election. Many times, we think we are too small or this could never happen to us. But it can!
Local Government Election
Elections: Where Do I Start?
Election preparation is not an easy task and many of the statutes and procedures are not easy to understand and apply. This hands-on workshop is an excellent, practical learning experience.
What to Do with an Absentee Ballot Request or In-Person Absentee Voter?
Learn the process of Absentee Ballot Requests and in person absentee voting.
Optional: WisVote Address and Absentee Processes (WisVote Users Only)
WisVote Addresses
Discover how the addressing functions ensure voters get the correct ballot. Learn how to create new addresses, identify addressing issues, and make changes to existing address data.
WisVote Absentee Ballot Processing
Examine techniques to efficiently manage absentee applications and issues, and tracking and recording returned ballots. Learn how to generate reports in WisVote to track and review absentee ballots. Explore WisVote functions designed to help manage a large volume of ballot requests.
Day of the Election
Mock Election: Setting Up the Polling Place
Set up your polling place for success with helpful tools and procedures. Through video participants will view a polling place set-up.
Absentee Voting in Assisted Living Facilities
In 2014, Wisconsin state law changed regarding absentee voting in nursing homes, community-based residential facilities (CBRFs), qualified retirement homes, residential care apartment complexes and adult family homes. Consequently, the WEC has issued a 37-page guide to the process. The result is an increase in the number of voters who will or can vote with the assistance of Special Voting Deputies. In this class, we will review the changes relevant to local clerks and offer the procedures the City of Madison has created to deal with the increased administrative workload.
Badger Books
Have you been considered changing to Badger Books or would you just like to know if it is worth it. Learn the pros, cons and challenges, how to setup ahead of election day, the interface for WisVote and how to reconcile data (the real magic) and tear down. It will be an exciting informational session from an expert power user who was one of the first Badger Book users.
Handicap Accessibility including Curbside Voting
Do you really understand what handicap accessibility means? Did you know you have to make accommodations for curbside voting? Lori Stottler, who has The Wisconsin School for the Deaf and Wisconsin School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in her community, is an expert on the laws and best practices for handicap accessibility. Come learn what can and should be done.
Exit Polling & Observers
Observers and exit poll people—you either love them, or you don’t. Get a better understanding on the lawful rights of observers and exit pollers and how to handle them.
After the Polls Close
Elections Don't End at 8 p.m.: What to Do After the Polls Close
The voting polls might close at 8 p.m., but the work isn’t done. This session will help you understand the responsibilities of clerks after the polls close on Election Day. Topics will include: forms, Board of Canvassers and counting votes.
Final Election Wrap-Up
The final election wrap-up is the reporting of election results. Learn the reporting requirements for your county clerk, the importance of precise reporting and what does the county clerk do with your results.
Optional: Post-Election Reconciliation (WisVote Users Only)
Reconciliation: Breaking It Down
This class will go through the Post-Election Reconciliation reporting requirements in WisVote, breaking it down into smaller, manageable pieces. This class will also include best practices, tips and suggestions for entering participants and investigating discrepancies.
More on Elections
Election Tabletop II
Elections are action packed and can be like a chess game. You never know what will happen next. This course is a brain-stimulating action-packed exercise driven by real life scenarios that can occur in the election process. Test your knowledge, learn from others mistakes, and apply your problem-solving skills.
Optional: Mastering the Election Process
Chief Inspector training is a great overview to master election knowledge for any clerk that is responsible for elections. This in-depth session will prepare you for the UW-Green Bay Election Badge test and test your election IQ.
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If you have any questions about Election Academy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.