Clerks & Treasurers Institute Agenda
Join us online from July 14-18, 2025.
Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Institute (CTI) is one of the largest Institutes of its kind and offers unparalleled training. Attendance is required at all sessions specific to your track. Registration will be available early summer.

Online Institute Schedule
Times listed are approximate. You will receive a comprehensive agenda when you register that includes confirmed class times.
Monday, July 14
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Class Sessions
5:15-6:15 p.m.
Information Session: How to Become a Certified Clerk or Treasurer
If you plan on becoming a certified clerk or treasurer, it is important to start planning now. If you are a Year 3 student, it is particularly important you attend, so you have completed all of the requirements. Open to all.
Tuesday, July 15
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Class Sessions
Wednesday, July 16
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Class Sessions
5:15-6:30 p.m.
All Conference Event (Optional)
Thursday, July 17
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Class Sessions
4:45-5:45 p.m.
Wine & Rewind
Wine and Rewind is a Q&A session to get your questions answered. This lively panel of seasoned clerks and treasurers has been one of our most popular workshops.
Friday, July 18
8 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Class Sessions
Curriculum by Track
Each track contains 32-34 hours of professional development. Not all classes are listed. When you register, a diverse range of sessions will be made available to you based on your track.
Clerks or Clerk Towns
Year 1
Elections, Records & Open Meeting Law, Ordinances, Resolutions & Policies, Making Presentations Less Stressful
Town Clerks
Developing a Budget, Tax Roll Preparation, Tax Collection & Settlement
City & Village Clerks
Liquor & Tobacco Licensing, Parliamentary Procedure
Year 2
Business Writing, Records Management, Electives
Town Clerks
Liquor & Tobacco Licensing, Parliamentary Procedure
City & Village Clerks
Developing a Budget, Tax Roll Preparation, Tax Collection & Settlement
Year 3
Strategic Planning in the Clerk’s Office, Basic Employment Law, Fraud, Clerk's Role in Emergency Management, Liability of Local Government & Officials, Ethics & Conflicts of Interest, Working with Boards, Commissions & Councils, Technology, Electives
Year 4 (Optional) Clerk Completion
Elections, Strategic Planning in the Clerk’s Office, Public Records & Open Meeting Law, Parliamentary Procedure, Liquor & Tobacco Licensing, Adventures in Leadership, Electives
Year 1
Government Accounting, Cash Accounting for Towns, How to Prepare for an Audit, Developing a Budget, Duties & Responsibilities of the Treasurer, Tax Roll Preparation, Tax Collection & Settlement, Ordinances, Resolutions, Proclamations & Policies, Electives
Year 2
Borrowing & Debt Management, Records Management, Bill it, Will They Pay?, Financial Planning & Levy Limits, State Sales Tax Requirements, Business Writing, Cash Management, Electives
Year 3
Basic Employment Law, Fraud, Treasurer's Role in Emergency Management, Liability of Local Government & Officials, Ethics & Conflicts of Interest, Working with Boards, Commissions & Councils, Technology, Cash Flow Management, Electives
Year 4 (Optional) Treasurer Completion
Government Accounting, Cash Accounting for Towns, Borrowing & Debt Management, Financial Planning & Levy Limits, Cash Management, State Sales Tax Requirements, Influence without Authority, Electives
The alumni track is for clerks and treasurers who have graduated from CTI and would like to refresh their knowledge and learn the most up-to-date information in their field. When registering, choose the sessions that are relevant to you. Available any year after you are a certified clerk or treasurer.
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