Kevin Kain
Dr. Kevin M. Kain is Senior Lecturer in History, Humanities and Global Studies. Broadly trained in European History, he regularly teaches online sections of Foundations of Western Culture I, Foundations of Western Culture II, Introduction to the Humanities, The Eurasian Frontier.
Kain's research interests lie primarily in the cultural history of Russia, especially Russian religious, visual and print cultures. He is the recipient of the 2021 UW-Green Bay Founders Award Faculty. Award for Excellence in Scholarship. He is the co-editor of three volumes and author of more than twenty full-length book chapters and journal articles. Most recently he published (with David Goldfrank) Russia's Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate 2 vols. 1. Foundations and Mitred Royalty, 1589-1647 and 2. Russia's Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate: Apogee and Finale, 1648-1721 (Washington: Academia, 2021). Kain has been awarded numerous nationally and internationally competitive research grants. He is about to serve as Researcher for a $1.45 million European Research Council Grant "Orthodoxies and Politics" (2022-226). Ovidiu-Victor Olar (Austrian Academy of Sciences), PI. Kevin has also developed digital resources. Together with UW-Green Bay technologist Luke Konkol is creating a virtual heritage installation to be exhibited at Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton, MA (May-October 2022).
Publications Forthcoming (Essays)
- "Ioann Shusherin on the Realization and Commemoration of Patriarch Nikon's New Jerusalem Monastery" in G. M. Zelenskaia ed. Nikonovskie chteniia vol. 5 (Moscow, 2022)
"The Materialization of Saint-Emperor Constantine's Vision of the Cross in the Heavens and Hierotopy in Sixteenth Century Muscovy" in Alexei Lidov ed., Vozdukh i Nebesa v Ierotopii i Ikonografii Khristanskago Mira (Moscow: Russian Academy of Art, 2021).
Publications (Books)
- Ed. with David Goldfrank Russia's Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate 2 vols. 1. Foundations and Mitred Royalty, 1589-1647 and 2. Russia's Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate: Apogee and Finale, 1648-1721 (Washington: Academia, 2020).
With Ekaterina Levintova, From Peasant to Patriarch: Account of Upbringing, and Life of His Holiness Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield, 2007)
Publications (Chapters/Articles)
- "The Living Image of Patriarch Nikon: The Life of the Parsuna "Patriarch Nikon with Clergy" In Kevin M. Kain and David Goldfrank eds. Russia's Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate vol. 2 Russia's Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate: Apogee and Finale, 1648-1721 (Washington: Academia, 2020), 203-241.
- "Conceptualizing New Jerusalem. The Resurrection of the Resurrection 'New Jerusalem' Monastery in the Reign of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich (1676-1682)" Canadian-American Slavic Studies 54 nos. 1-3 (2020): 134-169.
- "Sacri Monti and the Construction of ‘New Jerusalems': New Golgothas in Seventeenth Century Muscovy" in Alexei Lidov ed., Holy Mountains in the Hierotopy and Iconography of the Christian World (Moscow: Russian Academy of Art, 2019).
- "Early Soviet Visual Antireligious Propaganda: The Display of Print Images in the Past, Present and Digital Future" Slavic and East European Information Resources 19 Nos. 3-4 (Fall 2018): 216-241.
- "Collecting the Revolution: New Directions in Research" Slavic and East European Information Resources 19 Nos. 3-4 (Fall 2018): 141-158.
- "New Jerusalem" in Seventeenth Century Russia: The Image of a New Orthodox Holy Land" Cahiers du monde russe 58/3 (2017):371-394.
- "Deacon Feodor Ivanov as a Follower of Iosif Volotskii or The Enlightener and ‘The Wolf and Predator Nikon'," in David Goldfrank, et al. eds., Iosif Volotskii and Eastern Christianity: Essays across Seventeen Centuries (Washington: New Academia, 2017), 213-238.
- With Janet Reilly, Joanne Dolan and Gaurav Bansal, "What are the best ways to build community and foster engagement in online courses?" in David Voelker and Regan Gurung Eds. The Big Picture Pedagogy: Finding Interdisciplinary Solutions to Common Learning Problems (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2017).
- "Working among the Pagans: Questions of Kirka" in Theofanis G. Stavrou and Bryn Geffert eds. Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Documentary History& Reader (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016).
- "Archimandrites and Antiquities: The Creation of National Identity at Resurrection "New Jerusalem" Monastery in Nineteenth-Century Russia" in Ines Angeli-Muzaka ed., Monasticism in Eastern Europe (New York: Routledge, 2015), 308-329.
- With Wolfram von Scheliha, "The Moscow Patriarchate (1585-1721): A New Field in Interdisciplinary Research" Modern Greek Studies Yearbook No. 30/31 (2014/2015): 419-445.
- "The Sacred Waters of the ‘Holy Lake' Valdai: A Wellspring of Hierotopic Activities in the Reign of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich" in Alexei Lidov ed. Zivnostyi istochnik voda v ierotopii i ikonografii khristianskogo mira (Moscow: Filigran, 2014), 152-176.
- "Before New Jerusalem: Patriarch Nikon's Iverskii and Krestnyi Monasteries" Russian History 39 No. 1-2 (2012): 173-223.
- "Account of Birth, Life, and Upbringing of His Holiness Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia: An Annotated Translation," Modern Greek Studies Yearbook No. 22-23 (2012): 17-47.
- "Reading between the (Confessional) Lines: The Intersection of Old Believer Book and Russian Print Cultures" in Miranda Remnik, ed., The Space of the Book. Print Culture in the Russian Social Imagination (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), 165-200.
- "Reading the Early Soviets: Alexander S. Gumberg and the Collection, Translation, Exchange, and Preservation of Russian Print Matter (1917-1930)" Slavic and East European Information Resources vol.12, no.1 (Spring 2011): 3-36
- "Records from the NYPL Archive: L. B. Khavkina and Early Twentieth- Century Exchanges between the Kharkov and New York Public Libraries, in D. D. Rakntians'ka ed., Vid XIX do XXI st.: Transformatsiia bibliotek u Konteteksti Rozvitky Syspilstva: Do 125-richchia Kharkivskoi derzhavnoi naukoi biblioteli im. V. G. Kprolenka (Kharkiv: IRIS, 2011), 75-83.
- "A Comparative, Semiological and Iconographical Analysis of the Tales about Patriarch Nikon Inspired by the ‘Life of Kornilii'" in I. V. Pozdeeva, ed., Mir Staroobriadchestva vol. 6 (Iaroslavl, 2005), 141-168
- "S. D. Miloradovich's ‘Patriarch Nikon on Trial' (1886-1917)" in G. M. Zelenskaia ed. Nikonovskie chteniia vol. 2 (Moscow, 2005), 132-139
- "Obraz Patriarkha Nikona v rossiiskoi kulture: khudozhestvennye istochniki i elektronnye tekhnologii" ["Patriarch Nikon's Image in Russian Culture: Artistic Sources and Electronic Technologies"] in L. I. Borodkin and V. N. Vladimirov, eds., Krug Idei vol. 8 (Moscow, 2003), 61-114
"Izobrazhenie patriarkha Nikona v iskusstve XVII-XIX vekov" ["Patriarch Nikon's Image in Art in the XVII-XIX Centuries"] in G. M. Zelenskaia, ed., Nikonovskie chteniia vol. 1 (Moscow, 2002), 82-87
Digital Resources
- Contributor to the Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens Web Exhibit "Beneath the Covers: The Art of Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Russian Books," The Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens, Washington, DC (November, 2016) http://www.beneaththecoverswebex.com/
"Visual Images of Patriarch Nikon: A Digital Gallery" in The MoscowLomonosov State University Electronic Resources Library (September 2006) http://www.hist.msu.ru/ER/NIKON/index_e.html
Awards, Fellowships and Grants
- 2021 UW-Green Bay Founders Award Faculty. Award for Excellence in Scholarship
- Researcher for $1.45 million European Research Council Grant "Orthodoxies and Politics" (2022-226). Ovidiu-Victor Olar (Austrian Academy of Sciences) PI.
- Associateship with of Virtual Open Research Laboratory (VORL) program at the Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Center, University of Illinois in Spring 2021
- Hoover Institution Archives and Library Research Grant (Stanford University Palo Alto, CA) "Visualizing Propaganda Posters in Context: The Formulation, Display, and Reception of Soviet Anti-religious Exhibits in the 1920s and 1930s." (January 2018)
- With Wolfram von Sheleiha, Fritz, Thyssen Stiftung fur Wisssenschaftsfoerderung "Conference Grant,"
- 23,000 Euros for "The Moscow Patriarchate (1589-1721): Power, Belief, Image and Legitimacy an International Interdisciplinary Conference" (Leipzig, Germany Sept. 19-20, 2013)
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute "America Engages Eurasia: Studies, Teaching and Resources," Columbia University (June 13 – July 1, 2011)
- Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars Short-term Research Grant, Washington, DC (August 2009)
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute "Sources of Russian and Soviet Visual Culture, 1860-1935: Study, Teaching and Education" The New York Public Library (June 21-July 12, 2008)
- US Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship (Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia 2001-2002)
US Department of State (Title VIII) Research Associateship, University of Illinois Summer Research Laboratory on Russia and Eastern Europe (2006, 2005, 2001)
BA, History, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington (1990); MA, History, Appalachian State University (1995); Ph.D., History, Western Michigan University (2004)