German Internships
Take a Career
Test Drive
Internships are your chance to get a taste of the professional world.
Test your abilities, work on your skills and explore different career perspectives by getting an internship as an undergraduate. The job market is competitive, and gaining relevant experience before graduation can help you stand out.

German Teaching Internship
You may get selected to serve as an intern either here on our campus or abroad in the International Education Office at the University of Kassel. As an intern abroad, you will not only be constantly using and improving your language skills speaking with incoming and outgoing German students preparing to study abroad themselves. You will also obtain valuable work experience as you become more familiar with the practices, goals and mission of such offices and begin your training in the field of international education.
A 2-credit internship teaching basic German to elementary and middle school children. You're assigned small classes of children typically ages 6-9 years old, which you teach every week. You'll also participate in a school orientation and attend instructional meetings with a German professor on campus throughout the semester with instruction in lesson design and classroom management. Requirements include submitting a short summative paper and lesson plans at the end of the semester.
You'll be teaching German at a local elementary or middle school in the Green Bay area.
The internship is not offered every semester but can be repeated for credit. Contact the UW-Green Bay German Program for availability and registration. You can register for the internship anytime up until the course add period deadline at the beginning of the semester, but it is advisable to register for it along with your other course registration.
Internship in German Business
Work in Germany for a German or multinational company to gain valuable experience and insight into German business culture as well as international business practices. In the past, students have worked for two to three months for a German company and were either assigned individual projects or were supervised on-site while taking part in the day-to-day operations of the company. Generally, you are paid for your work and are assisted in finding housing. All additional expenses are your responsibility, however.
Internship Placements
We've had cooperative agreements with Deutsche Unilever (Hamburg), Otto Versand (Hamburg) and Reemtsma GmbH (Hamburg). Typical internship placements have been in marketing or internal controlling, but the final decision is made by the host company. You'll apply through the German Program in conjunction with the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft, a nonprofit German governmental organization which will arrange for a work permit for a fee.
- 424-485 Semester Abroad in Germany
- 424-483 Business German
- a strong command of the German language.
1-12 Credits
In consultation with the UW-Green Bay German faculty, students who are combining a major or minor in German with a major or minor in Business can apply for these internships for 1-12 credits.
Provide Updates
Keep UW-Green Bay German faculty up-to-date on the skills and concepts you're learning as an intern for a German company.
Present a Portfolio
Upon return to the U.S., you'll present a final portfolio of the work you did and how it connects to your Business and German courses.

Ask an Expert
Professor David Coury serves a lot of roles throughout the community—he’s the Co-Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Partnerships, one of the advisors of the International Business Minor and the Director for the Green Bay Film Society. He can also help answer questions about the German program.