Dropping Classes
Dropping a class essentially means unenrolling from a course you had registered for. It's not necessarily a bad thing, and it can be good if you're balancing your schedule. Or maybe you got into that class you were on the waitlist for, and now want to drop your backup course.
It's important to be aware that there are deadlines to dropping a class before you incur fees. If your credit load changes to part-time status, it could impact your financial aid. Also, if the class is an important requirement for your major, dropping it could result in you taking longer to graduate.
Careful! Before you drop any classes, make sure you understand these changes can affect you academically and financially. It is always a great idea to speak with your professional advisor.
Dropping From Class/Classes
The date you drop the class will determine if a W (withdrew) is recorded on your transcript. (A "W" grade has no academic impact, so it won't affect your GPA.) The date you drop also determines if a refund on the dropped course will be allowed. To understand these academic and financial ramifications:
- Look up the drop deadline on the Registration Calendar
- Look up any withdrawal fees on the Term Deadline Calendar
Before the drop deadline
You can drop classes from your schedule using your SIS account up until the drop deadline. Check out the how to drop classes video.
After the drop deadline
You must submit a Petition for Late Drop and request permission to drop any classes. The Enrollment Review Committee (ERC) reviews these and only grants appeals for documented medical or military circumstances, or death of an immediate family member.
Other Options Than Dropping a Class
If you are unable to drop a course because the deadline has passed or you were denied a late drop, you may consider retaking the course in a different term. For details on repeating a course, check out the UW-Green Bay Repeat Policy. In some cases, an incomplete grade may be arranged if your professor permits. See the Incomplete Grades Policy.
How to Drop All Classes
It's time to make a tough decision. You may have been accepted into your dream school, but now you're having second thoughts. Or, you may have started college but realized it's not for you. Whatever the reason, you've decided to cancel your enrollment or withdraw from all classes. Here's what you need to know.
- Cancel Enrollment means dropping all your classes before the start of the term.
- Withdrawal means dropping all your classes after the term has started.
- To cancel/withdraw from UW-Green Bay, please call the Student Services Center at 920-465-2111 or email ssc@uwgb.edu stating your intention to cancel enrollment or withdraw.
Financial Aid & Dropping
Will my financial aid be affected if I drop a class?
Financial aid may be affected when dropping a class or classes, depending on when the drop occurs. See the Financial Aid Policy on Enrollment Changes.
Before Classes Start
Financial aid will be adjusted to reflect your credit load at the start of the term. If you drop all of your classes or cancel from the term, your financial aid will be cancelled.
During & After the Add/Drop Period
The end of the second week of classes has been designated as the census date as well as the end of the add/drop period. The exact date can be found on the Registration Calendar. Enrollment changes during this period may impact aid offers, and adjustments to aid will be completed after the second week of classes. Please note: Summer and January Interim terms have a shorter add/drop and refund periods and can be seen in the Student Billing Refund Schedule.
Financial Aid will review enrollment changes through the end of the 100% Tuition Refund Period for each session (14-week and 7-week sessions). If adjustments are required after the refund period, the Financial Aid Office will notify you of the adjustments. Dropping classes or withdrawing entirely, may impact your financial aid eligibility if Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) are not met. Please review the Return to Title IV (R2T4) Policy if you completely withdraw from the term.
You must monitor SIS for any balance due or return of aid that is required. Academic and financial deadlines are not the same. Before dropping or withdrawing, view the Student Billing Term Deadlines.
How to Drop a Class
After considering all of the above factors, if you still wish to drop classes, check out this quick how to drop classes video.

Let's Connect
If you need help dropping a class, please get in touch with us. We're here to help!