Mission-Based Priorities
Access and Opportunity
Our mission? To support student success.
We’re working to eliminate barriers to education, provide more opportunities on and off campus and embrace a student body that is representative of our vibrant and diverse region. Join us!

Putting Money Where Our Mission Is
Four distinct strategic priorities are at the heart of our Foundation goals. Despite the variety of needs, the objectives are the same—provide a sustainable environment and educational access to all willing to join in our community effort.
Need-Based Student Aid
The number one reason students do not start or complete their education is because of a lack of funding. Therefore, targeted, need-based financial aid is the most important intervention that can be deployed to address this achievement gap. With 70% of UW-Green Bay alumni living and working in Northeast Wisconsin, an investment in need-based financial aid is an investment in the future workforce for the region.
Fund for Excellence (Unrestricted)
Donors often say they want to give “where it is most needed.” Given the nature of higher education, this is a moving target. The Fund for Excellence provides the Foundation staff and Board of Directors flexibility to support current campus needs and fuel strategic priorities across the University.

Want to know More?
As Director of Advancement, Madeline VanGroll experiences "the joy of working with change-makers." Want to know what change your donation will make? Just ask!