Federal Work Study
Help make ends meet
...with meaningful part-time employment.
Too much month and not enough money? The Federal Work Study Program provides jobs on and off campus to undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing you to earn money to help pay educational expenses.

Federal Work Study
Federal Work Study (FWS) is a federally funded, need-based program that allows students to earn money while gaining meaningful work experience with an on-campus employer or a local nonprofit community service partner. UW-Green Bay does not place FWS awardees into jobs; students are responsible for finding and securing eligible employment if they wish to participate in the program.
FWS awards are not applied to tuition or related costs. Money earned from FWS positions will be paid to students biweekly via direct deposit or prepaid debit card. Earnings vary based on compensation rate and hours worked.
You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for funding. To earn funds, get a qualified position with an on-campus employer or community service partner. You also have to maintain half-time enrollment (six credits for undergraduate, five credits for graduate) and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
Priority is given to students who meet UW-Green Bay's preferred filing date (February 1) each year. A typical award amount is $2,000 and can vary based on financial need eligibility. FWS is awarded for the entire academic year. Funds may be canceled if a student does not accept the FWS offer prior to July 1 or begin working prior to October 1.
Although many students qualify, FWS funding is limited. The Financial Aid Office awards FWS on a first come, first served basis. Students who are not awarded funding may request to be place on the FWS waitlist.
The first students are typically moved off of the waitlist in July. New awardees will receive a notification via campus email.
Job Opportunities
Most hourly on-campus positions qualify for FWS funding. UW-Green Bay also partners with local nonprofit agencies that serve as host sites for FWS employees. Awardees do not need to limit their job search to positions that require FWS funding – the program is meant to open opportunities, not restrict them.
Most offices and academic departments at UW-Green Bay offer part-time student jobs. Some offices will only hire students who have FWS funding. Enrolled students who would like to use earn FWS funds on campus should search the position type "On-Campus Student Employment" in Handshake.
Community Service
The FWS program requires participating institutions to employ awardees in community service positions and promote these opportunities to students. These experiences allow students to learn about off-campus agencies and gain additional skills related to their program of study. In order to earn FWS at an off-campus agency, the organization must hold an active contract with UW-Green Bay. Work performed must be in the public interest and comply with other FWS regulations.
Due to the need for periodic site visits, off-campus FWS partnerships will generally be limited to nonprofit community service agencies within a 20-mile radius of the main campus; 10 miles of the additional campuses in Manitowoc, Marinette, and Sheboygan; or 5 miles of a major roadway (e.g., I-43 or US 41) connecting the locations. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Director if an extenuating need or circumstance exists. To discuss current partnerships or the possibility of contracting with UW-Green Bay, please contact the Student Employment Coordinator (920-465-2556 or studentemployment@uwgb.edu).
America Reads & America Counts
The Federal Government created the America Reads/America Counts program during the 1990s. The initiative focuses on increasing reading and math literacy levels of all students, with a primary goal of helping students read independently by the end of third grade. UW-Green Bay partners with local schools to provide reading and math tutors for grades K through 8. UW-Green Bay tutors work in groups or one-on-one to enhance student's reading or math skills in a classroom setting.
Award Cancellation
If you would like to participate in the FWS program, please accept any funds offered in your financial aid package before July 1. The Financial Aid Office will cancel unaccepted FWS offers after that date. Incoming freshmen will receive a warning via campus email. Accepting FWS doesn't obligate you to earn funds or guarantee a position.
In order to ensure use of funds, FWS awards may also be canceled if the awardee has not obtained employment before October 1. Students without earnings will receive a message via campus email with instructions for sharing employment plans if they intend to start working at a later date.
Students must maintain all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements to earn FWS.
The most up-to-date information about a student's financial aid package, including FWS, will always be available in the Student Information System (SIS). The amount of an FWS award may change due to the receipt of scholarships, grants or other financial aid. Please report outside aid so any adjustments can be made in advance of the Fall semester.
Monitor Work Study Awards
Students and supervisors are responsible for monitoring Federal Work Study (FWS) award balances. Federal funds pay 75% of FWS earnings and employers are responsible for the remaining 25% (except for America Reads and America Counts tutoring positions eligible for 100% federal funding). A department may continue employment after the award is exhausted; however, the employer will be responsible for paying 100% of wages.
Calculate Hours
Use the following calculations to determine the number of hours a student may be employed through the FWS program:
FWS Balance ÷ Hourly wage = Total number of hours
Total hours ÷ Number of Earning Weeks = Number of hours per week
For example, a student with a $2000 award earning $9.00 per hour during the 28-week academic year could work approximately eight hours per week (2000 ÷ 9 ÷ 28 = 7.94).
The most up-to-date information about your financial aid package, including FWS, will always be available in the Student Information System (SIS). The amount of an FWS award may change due to the receipt of scholarships, grants or other financial aid. Please report outside aid so any adjustments can be made in advance of the Fall semester.
Multiple Jobs
Hourly wages for all positions processed through UW-Green Bay payroll automatically draw from available FWS funds. There is no way to evenly split the funding between multiple positions. Therefore, if you hold multiple positions, the department that offers more hours or pays a higher wage will likely use a larger share of the FWS award. It is possible to deactivate FWS funding for a specific position. If you hold multiple qualified jobs and one requires FWS, you may wish to speak to the other supervisors about foregoing use of funds. Supervisors who would like to deactivate FWS for a position may contact our office (920-465-2556 or studentemployment@uwgb.edu) to make the request. All changes will be implemented on the following payroll cycle.
Balance Reports
The Student Employment Office emails FWS balance reports to awardees near each pay date. Reports reflect the total FWS award amount, FWS earnings and remaining FWS balance as of the most recent pay period end date. Late timesheet submission or approval may impact the accuracy of the report. Students may forward reports to current employers or prospective supervisors.
The amount of an FWS award may change due to the receipt of scholarships, grants, or other financial aid. Students should report outside aid so any adjustments can be made in advance of the Fall semester. The most up-to-date information about a student's financial aid package, including FWS, will always be available in the Student Information System (SIS).

Get In Touch
If you're having trouble figuring out your federal work study award, don't hesitate to get support from our Student Employment Office.