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Enrollment Changes

Initial financial aid offers are made assuming full-time enrollment (12 credits per semester as an undergraduate or 9 credits as a graduate student). If you know you will be less than a full-time student, report the number of credits you will take each semester to the Financial Aid Office. We will adjust your aid offer if necessary. If you drop credits after your aid has disbursed to your account, please hang on to any refunds you've received and watch SIS (Student Information System), as your financial aid award may be adjusted.

Financial Aid Adjustments

Monitor SIS, as your financial aid award may be adjusted during these periods:

Prior to the First Disbursement of Aid Each Term

The first disbursement of aid is the week before classes start. Students will have their semester budgets adjusted to reflect their current credit load, and financial aid adjusted, if necessary. If you are waitlisted for any courses, we assume you will be enrolled in these courses, and will count them as part of your enrollment/tuition costs until the end of the add/drop period. Please note that you are not charged for waitlisted courses until you are 'enrolled' in the class, so your aid will likely disburse before all credits paid. Aid may also decrease if you do not enroll in the waitlisted courses.

First Day of the Semester

Students who changed their enrollment status after disbursement, but before the start of classes, will have their aid adjusted if necessary.

End of 100% Tuition Refund Period

Students who changed their enrollment status during the 100% tuition refund period will have their aid adjusted if necessary.

Student Billing Refund Schedule

Loans, once decreased, are generally not increased unless requested by the student. Please contact the Financial Aid Office once your enrollment is completed and request that your eligibility be reviewed for additional loan availability.

Need help?

If you need to change your enrollment status, it may be confusing to understand how that impacts your financial aid. If you have questions, contact us.

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