Graduating & Leaving
it's time to Leave the flock
A little financial advice can set you up for a flying start.
Whether graduating or leaving for a different reason, a Phoenix is always a member of the flock! So here are some resources for feathering your nest for the future.

If You Are Graduating
As you prepare for graduation, there are some important steps you'll want to review related to your finances.
- Notify the Financial Aid Office if you are a December graduate with financial aid listed in SIS for both fall and spring. Your financial aid eligibility may change as a December graduate.
- Update SIS with any changes to your contact information before and after graduation.
- Complete Exit Counseling for Federal Direct Loans and/or Perkins Loans if you have borrowed from either or both programs.
Review the Repayment/Cancellation of Loans section and Loan Consolidation section to find out more about ways to make repayment easier.
If You Are Transferring
Once you are certain you'll be transferring to another school, you must:
- Notify the UW-Green Bay Student Services Center of your intentions to transfer, and request that your future financial aid is cancelled. This will allow your new school to award and disburse financial aid to you.
- Cancel your enrollment for any future terms at UW-Green Bay.
- Financial aid does not transfer from one school to another. You will need to update your FAFSA with the new school's information in order for the new school to receive your FAFSA and provide you with an aid award based on their awarding policies and funding limits. To update your FAFSA:
- Go to and log in.
- Select "Make a Correction."
- Scroll through using next button and add the new school’s code, select the correct housing type.
- Scroll through using the next button, review changes.
- Submit the corrected record, and follow up with your new school.
Complete Exit Counseling for Federal Direct Loans and/or Perkins Loans if you have borrowed from either or both programs.
If You Are Withdrawing
Withdrawing means you're dropping not just one, but ALL courses at UW-Green Bay during a given term. If you're considering withdrawing, it is recommended that you meet with a financial aid advisor to review the financial aid implications of withdrawing from UW-Green Bay.
Withdrawing can affect current financial aid (aid you've already received), as well as future financial aid eligibility. It is important to be aware of the following information regarding your financial aid, prior to withdrawing:
- Review the Return to Title IV policy.
- Complete Exit Counseling for Federal Direct Loans and/or Perkins Loans if you have borrowed from either or both programs.
- Be aware of UW-Green Bay's SAP Policy (Satisfactory Academic Progress), as withdrawing after the add/drop period may affect future aid eligibility.
Review the Repayment/Cancellation of Loans and Loan Consolidation details to find out more about ways to make repayment easier.

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Confused? We're knowledgeable, and we're friendly. Let us help you navigate this financial aid world. It's what we do!