Life as a Phoenix
Get the Most
Out of College
Making connections and creating memories.
The college experience is about much more than just academics. Students often feel that this is their first time being truly on their own, and it might be their parents' first time without their child. UW-Green Bay is committed to maintaining a relationship with our students' parents and families and making sure you feel included.

Before They Start
Plan, prepare and provide support.
What needs to happen before your student arrives at UW-Green Bay? We provide several ways to connect with the University and get to know campus before your student begins classes. Attend your student's GB Orientation session with them, encourage them to participate in GB Welcome, and understand the differences between high school and college.

Their First
The start of a new chapter.
The first semester of college comes with joys and challenges for both students and parents and families. Students, who are often on their own for the first time, may experience emotions they have never felt before. Understanding what they are going through will help parents and families support their student when and where it's needed.

Academic Experience
Help your student be successful in the classroom. It's the whole reason they're here!

Engagement & Involvement
Encourage your student to make friends and participate in campus life.

Living Arrangements
Discover the best living situation for your student, help them choose a meal plan, and more.

Any Questions?
We're here to help! Contact our GB Orientation experts who can answer your questions or get you connected with the people who can.