Environmental Engineering Technology Research
Then Apply
Out in the field is where we put our theories to the test.
Wondering why technology is tacked onto the end of environmental engineering technology? Our program is more applied, meaning we take what we're studying and test it out. Our extensive research helps us determine what we should implement to create better technology for our environment.

Profs Seeking Proof
Our faculty are committed to research here at UW-Green Bay.
If you're interested in conducting research, we recommend contacting professors whose interests align with your own. The location of our campuses make many opportunities possible. You’ll boost your resume, receive mentorship and maybe even get job offers from local companies.
Sample Our Work
Here's what students and professors are researching. We're contributing to our knowledge surrounding proper waste disposal, water management and air and soil quality, among other topics within our field.

Using a Brita Filter to Clean Our Lakes
Well, kind of. Professor Holly and a team of undergraduate students are working on building a filter to remove excess phosphorus in agricultural runoff before it fouls local waterways.

Leveling the Field
The USDA awarded Professor Holly $185,000 to complete research reducing nutrient losses from edge of field agricultural runoff treatment systems.

Collaborating Across Wisconsin
Thirteen universities and other organizations throughout Wisconsin, known as "The Freshwater Collaborative," have partnered to establish our state as a leader in water science research.

Keep on Questioning
Research is all about asking questions, so if you want to know more about our program, Professor Gunn is happy to help!