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Host an Intern

The Future
Is Now

Tap the next generation to help work toward a more sustainable future.

The Environmental Management and Business Institute (EMBI) internship program is designed to provide challenging, unique and rewarding opportunities to students and their partner organizations. At the partner organizations, interns will evaluate environmental issues, identify possible solutions, assess their feasibility and financial benefits and ultimately implement the best solutions when possible.

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Supporting Intern Success

As the partner organization representative, you will be evaluating environmental issues, identifying possible solutions, assessing their feasibility and financial benefits, and ultimately implementing the best solutions presented by your EMBI intern.

See Past Projects

Supervisor Expectations

As an intern supervisor, you play a crucial role in shaping a rewarding learning experience for the intern and ensuring project success. Here's what you can expect:

  • Collaboration: Work with EMBI to determine a suitable work schedule for the intern.
  • Onboarding: Provide training on your organization's procedures, safety protocols and confidentiality guidelines.
  • Integration: Introduce the intern to relevant colleagues and inform them of the intern's project and its importance.
  • Resourcing: Equip the intern with a dedicated workspace, computer, phone and any necessary supplies to complete their tasks.
  • Guidance: Offer ongoing support and review the intern's work, including findings, tests and proposals, to ensure accuracy and proper procedures.
  • Evaluation: Review the intern's final report for accuracy, completeness and adherence to confidentiality protocols.
  • Feedback: Provide a final performance evaluation for the intern and share valuable insights with EMBI to continually improve the internship program.

Internship Funding Options

When hosting an internship through EMBI, partner organizations can choose from several flexible funding options. 

EMBI Contract

Partner organizations can negotiate a contract with EMBI. Under this arrangement, EMBI assists in identifying suitable candidates and manages payroll. The organization provides workspace and on-site supervision as outlined in the EMBI internship details. Interns typically earn competitive hourly rates ranging from $8 to $12, with additional fringe and indirect costs in line with University policy.

Enhanced EMBI Contract

This option includes funding for additional technical support from EMBI staff or UW-Green Bay faculty with relevant expertise (Business, Environmental Science, Environmental Policy, etc.), in addition to student intern support. The level of support is negotiable, ensuring the organization receives tailored assistance. Workspace and on-site supervision remain the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.

EMBI Funded Internship

Limited paid internships are available, funded through grants and EMBI revenue. These opportunities are ideal for small businesses or companies new to EMBI, offering a trial internship experience.

The sponsoring organization would still be responsible for providing suitable space for the student and onsite supervision in accordance.

Direct Hire

Organizations can hire students directly at hourly rates consistent with their practices. EMBI aids in identifying candidates, but payroll management becomes the sole responsibility of the organization.

Unpaid Internships

Given the challenging economic times for students, unpaid internships are typically less attractive to students. However, students seeking experience in a specific area or industry sector may still consider this option. Like other options, the organization provides suitable on-site workspace and supervision in line with EMBI guidelines.

Internship Details

EMBI interns are expected to maintain clear communication, set achievable goals and deliver a comprehensive final project report and presentation to both their partner organization and UW-Green Bay.

Intern Communication

Regular communication between the interns, EMBI and the sponsoring organization is crucial for the project to be successful. Follow these procedures to help the EMBI internship project run more smoothly.

Communication Procedures

Project Goals

At the beginning of the project, interns address project objectives and specific goals in the timeline developed with their supervisor. The end result should be a positive learning experience for the intern and cost-effective solutions for the sponsoring partner organization.

Internship Projects

Final Report & Presentation

Interns will compile a comprehensive final report, documenting the problem, solution process, feasibility and implementation plan. They will present this report to both the sponsoring organization and EMBI, ensuring clarity and thoroughness in their explanations.

Final Report & Presentation

Protecting Trade Secrets

The EMBI internship program places a high priority on safeguarding partner organization trade secrets and proprietary information. Before interns commence their projects, they sign confidentiality agreements outlining their obligation to protect sensitive information belonging to the partner organization. EMBI maintains strict non-disclosure policies, prohibiting interns from sharing or discussing confidential information outside the project scope.

Dual Report Submission

Interns submit two final reports—one detailed report for your organization containing all project specifics and a separate report for EMBI with any confidential details removed by your review.

Supervisor Review

The final report and presentation destined for EMBI undergoes a review by your designated supervisor to ensure it excludes confidential information before submission.

Transparency Throughout

We encourage open communication throughout the internship. If any concerns regarding sensitive information arise, feel free to discuss them with your EMBI advisor to find appropriate solutions.

John Arendt, EMBI Director

Have Questions?

Whether you're a student seeking an internship opportunity or an organization interested in hosting interns, EMBI is here to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships.

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