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Earth Caretaker Honorees

Since its inception in 2010, the Alumni Earth Caretaker Award has recognized a UW-Green Bay graduate who has gone on to make contributions to the environment and in his or her field of study. Each award-winner is an alumnus who is highly regarded for their accomplishments in sustainability, environmental management, environmental policy or other closely related areas.

About the Earth Caretaker Award

2025 Recipient

Verónica Brieno Rankin

2024 Earth Caretaker

Verónica Brieno Rankin

Installation Management Flight Chief at the 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla.

Ms. Brieno Rankin began her career in public service as a Commissioned Officer in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Corps, where she graduated from NOAA’s Basic Officer Training Course at the Global Maritime and Transportation School, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and Leadership and Management School, U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Key Air Force projects to assess environmental impacts included serving on the Site Activation Task Force for the first Air National Guard (ANG) Space Control Squadron strategic basing action under U.S. Space Force, the ANG F-35A Ops 5 and 6 aircraft beddown, and Air Force Reserve Command F-35A Ops 7 and 8 aircraft beddown. She was the first hydrogeologist to serve on the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s specialized team to evaluate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) impacts to drinking water at 204 active-duty installations. 

Previous leadership roles included serving as the Assistant Director, Minerals and Geology Management Staff, at the U.S. Forest Service in Washington D.C., where she led the Office of Locatable Minerals, Salable Minerals, and Abandoned Mine Lands and served as the Forest Service lead on the Department of Interior-led Interagency Working Group for Mining Reform. She was the ANG Restoration Branch Chief at the Air National Guard Readiness Center and oversaw the management of 34 contracts estimated at $65M to cleanup 547 combined ANG Installation Restoration Program, Military Munitions Response Program, and PFAS sites across 166 installations. She served as the Environmental Compliance and Restoration Team Lead at the U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, where she provided national leadership for environmental requirements across 40 U.S. Coast Guard onshore locations and developed the Agency’s initial PFAS Plan of Action to address enterprise-wide PFAS impacts. As the Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager at the Federal Aviation Administration’s Dallas-Fort Worth District, she oversaw health and safety and environmental compliance at eight airports and supporting technical operations facilities across five states.

  • 1999 Bachelor of Science, Earth Science, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay, Green Bay, Wis.
  • 2005 Master of Laws (Distinction), University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom  
  • 2017 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., by correspondence 
  • 2019 Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., by correspondence

Past Recipients

John Stoll, 2024 Earth Caretaker

John Stoll

2024 Earth Caretaker

John Stoll

EMBI Co-Founder & Economics Professor Emeritus

John R. Stoll moved to Green Bay from Escanaba in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to complete his final year of high school. Upon graduation in 1969 he became a member of the first group of students to alight upon the newly built Shorewood campus of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Growing up with an abundance of experiences in northern forests and natural areas, he was an open sponge for concerns regarding their future and that of our planet.

Kevin Fermanich

2024 Honorary Earth Caretaker

Kevin Fermanich

EMBI Co-Founder & Environmental Science Professor Emeritus

Prior to his retirement in Fall 2022, Kevin was a Professor of Water Science, Geoscience, and Environmental Science at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and a soil and water resources specialist with Wisconsin Extension. In this capacity, he recently helped initiate the designation of National Estuarian Research Reserve (NERR) in the bay of Green Bay and chaired the natural areas site selection committee for the NERR nomination.

David Freedman, 2023 Earth Caretaker

David Freedman

2023 Earth Caretaker

David Freedman

Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University

David L. Freedman is a professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University. David’s academic journey started at UW-Green Bay in 1973, when he made the move from his hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts to Green Bay to join many other undergraduates from across the U.S. who shared a deep concern for the fate of the planet. David earned a B.S. degree in Science and Environmental Change in 1978. Among his many experiences at UW-Green Bay, one that stands out is his participation in a project to build a pilot-scale anaerobic digester on a dairy farm, one of the first to be built in Wisconsin. The project was unusual because it was a student led effort, from design to construction to operation. David was part of the project from start to finish, culminating in successful demonstration of a technology that has now been widely adopted.

More about David

Luc De Baere, 2022 Earth Caretaker

Luc De Baere

2022 Earth Caretaker

Luc De Baere

President of OWS Inc and of Dranco Inc.

Luc De Baere is a Belgian native. He obtained a Bachelor’s in Chemistry (1978) and a Master’s Degree at UW-Green Bay in Environmental Arts and Sciences with a focus on Waste Management (1980).

Luc’s graduate work on anaerobic digestion at UW-Green Bay landed him, upon his return to his native country, a job with a large Belgian company, owned in the 70’s by Westinghouse of Pittsburg, PA. He was hired to develop a process to produce biogas from municipal solid waste. He became the inventor of the Dranco technology for the anaerobic digestion of organics derived from household solid waste, with several patents in over 35 countries. This technology operates under ‘dry’ conditions in a similar way as the generation of gas in a landfill, but the Dranco technology controls and optimizes the anaerobic degradation so that the production is complete within 25 days instead of 100 years in a landfill.

More about Luc De Baere

Linda Parker, 2020-21 Earth Caretaker

Linda Parker

2020-21 Earth Caretaker

Linda Parker

Forest Ecologist on the Chequamegon Nicolet National Forest

Linda Parker is the Forest Ecologist on the Chequamegon Nicolet National Forest where she is responsible for several large programs including ecology, botany, and climate change. Serving in this position since 1991, Linda provides leadership and expertise on rare plants, non-native invasive plants, fire ecology, landscape ecology, natural areas, ecological restoration, pollinator management, and climate change adaptation.

Linda was a pioneer of the Climate Change Response Framework and has co-authored numerous publications on climate change impacts and mitigation opportunities. Linda also helped develop an approach to climate change adaptation in the Western Great Lakes region. A field project demonstrating this approach on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest was recently recognized by the American Society for Adaptation Professionals as a Prize for Progress Finalist.

More about Linda

Dr. Yue Rong, 2019 Earth Caretaker

Dr. Yue Rong

2019 Earth Caretaker

Dr. Yue Rong

Environmental Program Manager at the California Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Yue Rong (aka, YR) is currently the Environmental Program Manager at the California Environmental Protection Agency, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. He was also the acting Assistant Executive Officer of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, in groundwater division. Dr. Rong is the manager in charge of site assessment and remediation of leaking underground storage tank (UST) sites, and the program of water quality control in oil and gas production fields. The UST program contains large number of leaking UST sites to be remediated in Los Angeles area, which was ranked in top 10 in terms of total numbers of the impacted sites. He has 29-year experience with the Agency in dealing with groundwater contamination problems in the Los Angeles area of California, U.S.A. His expertise includes organic pollutants fate and transport in the subsurface soil and groundwater, environmental analytical chemistry and quality assurance and quality control, environmental statistics, risk assessment, and soil and groundwater pollution assessment and remediation. The projects he worked and involved with include collaboration with USEPA at superfund sites in Los Angeles area, Santa Monica methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) drinking water pollution cleanup, I-710 corridor regional cleanup, and water quality control at oil and gas production fields in Los Angeles area.

More about Dr. Rong

Douglas McLaughlin, 2018 Earth Caretaker

Douglas McLaughlin

2018 Earth Caretaker

Douglas McLaughlin

Principal Research Scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI)

Since 2002, Doug has been a Principal Research Scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI), a non-profit environmental research organization funded by the forest products industry. He is based near Kalamazoo, Michigan where he provides scientific expertise and research that address questions affecting surface water quality and management. Over the last several years, he has focused on the science underpinning the development of numeric water quality criteria for nutrients and other pollutants. These criteria are a central part of water quality management in the U.S. under the Clean Water Act, and represent potentially important sustainability goals for guiding human interactions with aquatic ecosystems.

More about Doug McLaughlin

Meleesa Johnson, 2017 Earth Caretaker

Meleesa Johnson

2017 Earth Caretaker

Meleesa Johnson

Director of Solid Waste Management for Marathon County

Meleesa Johnson is the director of solid waste management for Marathon County. She oversees solid waste programming and facilities serving central and north-central Wisconsin. Under her leadership the Solid Waste Department transitioned from primarily a landfill business to a regional resource for residents, businesses and local governments working on waste reduction and recycling programming as means of creating greater sustainability.

Serving as adjunct faculty at University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, Meleesa helped create the current curriculum for both the introductory and advanced waste management classes. The advanced class now serves as a capstone class for the Waste Management and Soils degree program. While she no longer enjoys a position with the university, she continues to guest lecture and mentor students.

More about Meleesa

Neil Diboll, 2016 Earth Caretaker

Neil Diboll

2016 Earth Caretaker

Neil Diboll

Prairie Nursery President and Consulting Ecologist

Neil Diboll received his degree from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay in 1978. He has since worked for the U.S. Park Service in Virginia, the U.S. Forest Service in Colorado, and the University of Wisconsin. In 1982, Neil began his involvement with Prairie Nursery, producing native plants and seeds and designing native landscapes. He has since devoted his efforts to championing the use of prairie plants, as well as native trees, shrubs and wetland plants, in contemporary American landscapes.

In addition to helping popularize the use of native plants long before they were “cool,’ Neil developed the first scientific methodology for designing prairie seed mixes. By calculating the relative numbers of seeds per square foot for each species in a seed mix, the resultant prairie plant community could be more accurately predicted. Neil also worked to set industry standards for seed purity and germination to assure customers receive quantifiable, viable seed.

More about Neil Diboll

David Kriebel, 2015 Earth Caretaker

David Kriebel

2015 Earth Caretaker

David Kriebel

Professor of Epidemiology at U. Mass Lowell

David Kriebel is a professor of epidemiology in the Department of Work Environment and co-director of the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The Lowell Center collaborates with industries, government agencies, unions, and community organizations on the redesign of systems of production to make them healthier and more environmentally sound. Kriebel graduated summa cum laude from UW-Green Bay in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology. He then worked with Dr. Barry Commoner, famed champion of the environmental activist movement, coordinating Commoner’s biology laboratories at Washington University in St. Louis and working on his 1980 Citizens Party campaign for president. Kriebel then discovered his professional passion and earned a master’s in physiology and a doctorate in epidemiology from Harvard. He won a Fulbright fellowship to Italy to study at one of the world’s premier cancer-prevention centers. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and co-authored two public health textbooks.

More about David

Paul Linzmeyer, 2014 Earth Caretaker

Paul Linzmeyer

2014 Earth Caretaker

Paul Linzmeyer

Sustainability Leader at ThedaCare

A leader with proven business acumen who has years of executive level leadership, Paul brings a strong background of 35+ years as a ‘business activist’ with a deep and abiding belief that business can benefit from triple bottom line thinking. He is currently the Sustainability Leader at ThedaCare, which has five hospitals and 25 clinics and is the largest employer in NE Wisconsin. Paul is known as an international strategist and speaker on business Innovation and Sustainability principles. In the past, he was a US delegate to the OECD’s Sustainable Manufacturing and Eco-Innovation committee. He also is a past Chair of the Wisconsin Workforce Investment Council, the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, and the Green Bay Chamber of Commerce.

More about Paul Linzmeyer

Ryan Stockwell, 2013 Earth Caretaker

Ryan Stockwell

2013 Earth Caretaker

Ryan Stockwell

Agriculture Program Manager, National Wildlife Federation

Currently, Ryan is the Agriculture Program Manager for the National Wildlife Federation where he conducts outreach on agriculture policy, performs policy analysis on agricultural legislation impacting wildlife and natural resources, and provides strategic leadership in eliminating barriers to farmer adoption of cover crops.

More about Ryan Stockwell

Victoria Harris, 2012 Earth Caretaker

Victoria Harris

2012 Earth Caretaker

Victoria Harris

Water Quality and Habitat Specialist, UW Sea Grant, Green Bay, WI

Victoria Harris, the longtime water quality and habitat restoration specialist with the UW Sea Grant Institute on the UW-Green Bay campus, has dedicated her life to clean water. Harris spent 37 years devoted to protecting and restoring the environment in and around UW-Green Bay.

Education: M.S. Environmental Science and Policy, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

More about Victoria Harris

Paul Wozniak, 2011 Earth Caretaker

Paul Wozniak

2011 Earth Caretaker

Paul Wozniak

Environmental Historian and Environmental Educator, Chicago, IL

Paul Wozniak is an environmental historian, a statistical analyst and an environmental educator. He helped write the book on Earth Day — collaborating on Beyond Earth Day: Fulfilling the Promise with U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and former UW-Green Bay instructor Susan Campbell. Wozniak works as a senior consultant with Navigant Consulting of Chicago. His work involves the evaluation of programs attempting to influence energy behaviors through advanced communications systems. He is currently advising three of the nation's largest electric utilities. Wozniak volunteers as a historian for the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame and he worked as an associate to help launch UW-Green Bay's Environmental Management Business Institute. He also serves as a research director for the Fox/Wolf Rivers Environmental History Project.

More about Paul Wozniak

Paul Tower, 2010 Earth Caretaker

Paul Tower

2010 Earth Caretaker

Paul Tower

President and CEO of Applied Filter Technology, in Snohomish, Washington

Paul Tower is the recipient of UW-Green Bay's first Alumni Earth Caretaker Award. Tower graduated from UW-Green Bay in 1978 with a Master's Degree in Environmental Arts and Sciences and an emphasis in process engineering. Tower has focused his career on improving the environment with technology. He is President and CEO of Applied Filter Technology (AFT), in Snohomish, Wash., a firm that designs, builds, and operates waste gas recovery processes for use in energy production. His company provides the technology to create biogas energy from green wastes, such as lumber byproducts and landscaping trimmings. For the city of Madison, for example, technology created by AFT helps the Wisconsin Waste Water Treatment Plant process waste by a methane digester to produce electricity and heat used for plant operations. AFT has 167 operational sites in North America and 300 internationally.

Education: M.S. Environmental Science and Policy, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

More about Paul Tower

John Arendt, EMBI Director

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