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About the Environmental Management & Business Institute

Empowering sustainability

We'll leverage the power of science, policy, business and people.

The Environmental Management and Business Institute (EMBI) is UW-Green Bay's answer to a changing world. Since the Institute's founding in 2008, we've been dedicated to helping businesses, organizations and students find practical solutions to environmental challenges. By bringing together science, policy, business and the people affected, we build effective strategies that target local, regional and global environmental problems.

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EMBI wind farm field trip


EMBI works closely with partners, tailoring services to meet specific needs and challenges.

Partner Services


EMBI's access to UW-Green Bay's research capabilities allows us to stay at the forefront of sustainability science and innovation.

EMBI Grants


EMBI scholarships helps bright minds work with regional partners to improve sustainability.

How to Donate

EMBI's Strengths

By combining these unique strengths, EMBI is well-positioned to make a significant impact on sustainability. We offer a comprehensive, practical and effective approach to help your business or organization become more sustainable while achieving your own goals.

vintage photo of an early UWGB ecology class

Eco-U® Legacy

UW-Green Bay has a long history of environmental leadership, earning the nickname "Eco U®" long before sustainability became mainstream. This deep-rooted commitment to environmental issues gives EMBI credibility and access to a wealth of knowledge and experience.

About Eco-U® 

UWGB sustainability minor students in class

Student Power

EMBI incorporates student interns into their projects. This brings fresh ideas, energy and the latest academic knowledge to the table. Students are often passionate about sustainability and eager to contribute, injecting innovation and a future-focused perspective.

Host an Intern

Alumni Earth Caretaker Award Ceremony

Strong Network

Benefiting from UW-Green Bay's extensive alumni network, EMBI connects businesses with seasoned advisors and potential partners. The annual Earth Caretaker Award celebrates exceptional alumni contributions to sustainability.

Earth Caretaker Award

Venn diagram - sustainability is at the intersection of social, environmental and economic

Integrative Approach

EMBI doesn't just focus on science or policy alone. They combine expertise in science, business and policy to develop practical and effective solutions. This holistic approach ensures that environmental solutions are not only effective, but also financially sound and implementable within a business context.

Stephensen, WI High Falls Flowage Hydroelectric Power Plant

Prime Location

The greater Green Bay Area and Northeast Wisconsin is home to major food industry, paper manufacturing and healthcare systems. Wisconsin's precious natural resources make it possible to leverage clean energy and renewable resources. That makes our region uniquely positioned to take advantage of recycling markets and alternative energies.

Custom sustainability solutions for business needs

Custom Solutions

EMBI doesn't simply offer one-size-fits-all solutions. They work closely with businesses and organizations as partners, tailoring their services to meet specific needs and challenges. This collaborative approach fosters trust and ensures that solutions are truly effective in the long run.

See Recent Projects

Climate Change Costs

Our changing climate has a tremendous economic impact on our state. But there's hope, if we take action.

$391 Million per Day

Damage from the global climate crisis has amounted to $143 billion per year (or $391 million per day) from 2000 to 2019, according to a study published in Nature Communications.

Wisconsin's Climate

Extreme events in nearly every region of Wisconsin are causing immense disruptions and impacting health, economy and natural resources.

2021 WICCI Assessment Report

Greenhouse Gas

Without a large reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, we will see even bigger impacts to people, businesses, industry, tourism and natural resources in Wisconsin.

2021 WICCI Report Fact Sheet

EMBI Intern, Jake Eggert

Connect to the 'Real World'

"EMBI was my connection to the 'real world' while I was at UWGB. Classes are wonderful and you learn so much in them, but the real challenge is learning to apply what you have learned. EMBI connects students with the business world."

Jacob Eggert '12 & '14
Owner - Mischief & Magic
Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies | Master's Degree in Environmental Science & Policy

John Arendt, EMBI Director

Have Questions?

Want to learn more about how you can harness student power through internships, form a strategic partnership with us or anything else about EMBI? Just reach out.

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