Early College Credit Program for School Districts
What to Expect
We provide guidance on everything ECCP.
We detail below all the information you will need when working with us on Early College Credit Program (ECCP). If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our ECCP Coordinator at eccp@uwgb.edu.

Policies & Expectations
Early College Credit Program (ECCP) is a state program with legislated policies and expectations.
Billing & Invoices
As legislated by Wisconsin, ECCP tuition is calculated as follows:
- One-third of Wisconsin resident tuition at UW-Green Bay ($98.96 per credit as of Fall 2024)
School districts can expect to receive the invoice for their ECCP students 6-8 weeks after the semester begins. This invoice will reflect the tuition, fee and course material charges for all students within the district for the given high school.
Payment should be remitted to:
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Student Billing Resources, SS 1300
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay WI 54311
Course Materials
The ECCP Office orders course materials for students from our Phoenix Bookstore. We do not charge for this service. Materials charges are added to the school invoice along with the tuition costs. Materials charges will include fees for purchased and rented textbooks, purchased workbooks, digital access codes or fees and shipping costs (if necessary). All transactions for materials are tax exempt.
If a high school or district would like to order course materials themselves, they are welcome to do so! We ask that they inform the ECCP Office six weeks before the semester begins to ensure we do not duplicate orders.
Renting Textbooks
When ordering materials, we look to the least expensive option. For physical textbooks, most of the time, this is renting. Rented textbooks must be paid for. The rental cost is not refunded once the book is returned. However, if a rented textbook is not returned, there are additional fees for failing to return the book. These fees will be charged to the school or district, and they may decide whether or not to pass that cost onto the student and their family. These costs cannot be passed onto a family if it would be an undue financial burden, defined as student eligibility for free or reduced lunch.
Drops & Withdrawals
If a student drops a course or withdraws, there is a window of time in which we may be able to get the course materials refunded. However, there are non-refundable charges, including:
- Digital delivery fees charged by publishers
- Digital access codes once they’ve been redeemed/activated as they cannot be reset and sold to another student
- Shipping for physical materials
We recommend students do not activate their digital access codes until after the semester and course begin. When a student drops or withdraws from a course, there are implications and impacts on billing and transcripts.
A drop occurs when a student drops a course or courses but remains enrolled in at least one course.
Implications for Billing
If a student drops the course(s) before the tuition refund deadline (Week 2 of the semester, see the Student Billing Services webpage for exact dates), the school will not be billed for the dropped course.
Impact on Transcript
If a student drops before the semester begins or before the drop deadline (approx. 2 weeks into the semester, see the Registrar's webpage for exact dates), the course will not appear on their transcript.
A withdrawal occurs when a student drops all courses.
Implications for Billing
If a student withdraws before the semester begins, there is no fee. If a student withdraws after the semester begins but before the tuition refund deadline, there will be a $50-$100 fee charged (see the Student Billing Services webpage for exact dates). If a student withdraws after the tuition refund deadline, there is no additional fee, but full tuition will be billed.
Impact on Transcript
If a student withdraws before the semester begins, the course will not appear on their transcript. If a student withdraws after the semester begins, the course will appear on their transcript “withdrawal.”
The Early College Credit Program Office cannot access student in-progress or midterm grades; only final grades reported at the end of the semester.
Final grades and transcripts will be sent to the school counselors seven days after the last day of final exams. Please note that instructors are not required to report percentage grades to the university so if a school district requires a percentage grade to convert to the high school grading scale, please ask the student to share their 'Grades' tab in Canvas. Please see the UW-Green Bay Grading System for grade point and transcript implications. ECCP students may not take courses as pass/fail at UW-Green Bay.
Eligibility Requirements
To be admitted to ECCP at UW-Green Bay, a student must:
- Be in grades 9-12 during the intended semester, e.g., an 8th grade student can't apply anticipating 9th grade, but once in 9th grade they could.
- Have a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) cumulatively or in relevant coursework, e.g., student with a 2.5 cumulative GPA could enroll in an English course if they have a 3.0 GPA in their English courses.
Successful students demonstrate maturity, responsibility and college readiness.
The Dual Enrollment Advisor conducts a holistic review of each application. If a student does not meet the above criteria, a recommendation will be requested of the school counselor and potentially high school teachers in the relevant subject areas.
FERPA & Communications
Dual enrollment programs like ECCP provide students with the opportunity to gain important skills in communication and to become advocates for their own learning. With this in mind, student and parent communication is handled as follows:
General Program Questions:
Students with questions and concerns or in need of other assistance should reach out to the UW-Green Bay ECCP Coordinator. Parents with questions and concerns or in need of other assistance should reach out to their student's high school counselor, who will reach out to the UW-Green Bay ECCP Coordinator if needed.
Specific Class Questions:
Students should reach out directly to their UW-Green Bay instructor for specific class questions. Parents with questions on specific classes should ask their child to reach out to the UW-Green Bay instructor. Parents should not be communicating directly with UW-Green Bay instructors. Any concerns should be brought to the high school counselor.
Our Expectations for You
UW-Green Bay will expect high school counselors and other school contacts to be the liaison between us and your administration. If there are questions about whether or not a course will be approved, we would like you to communicate with the appropriate approver, e.g., principal, superintendent, school board, and relay that information back to us. If your school adheres to the 18-credit cap, we expect you to track student credit and enforce the cap.
When applicable, we may ask you to provide your professional opinion on student readiness. If a school counselor does not think a student is ready or would be successful in ECCP, we would like to have a conversation and understand their reservations.
Course Selection & Approval
UW-Green Bay's Schedule of Classes will likely not be out before students are required to fill out the ECCP form for a specific semester, which can make choosing courses a challenge for students.
Selecting Courses
We do not have a set list of courses for ECCP students to choose from because each district approves different courses based on AP and dual credit offerings. The UW-Green Bay ECCP Coordinator can recommend courses from our Academic Catalog for individual students based on:
- Previous AP or dual credit courses they’ve completed;
- College/universities they’re interested in;
- And/or careers/majors they are considering
Please see our advising page for additional tips and resources. There is no way for us to know 100% if a course will be offered online or in-person until the Schedule of Classes for that semester comes out.
Depending on individual district’s policies, students may be able to submit an initial form to meet the DPI deadline (March 1/October 1/ February 1) and then submit additional courses for approval (“amendments”) once the schedule is out.
Transferring Courses
The UW and WTC Systems along with many other colleges and universities across the country use Transferology to show course transferability. For additional transferability info, please visit our How to Transfer Credits page.
Extra Help on Course Selection
If you or students would like extra advising help on course selection, you may request a virtual meeting with our Dual Enrollment Advisor. To request a meeting, please email eccp@uwgb.edu.