Tara DaPra
MAC B329
Tara DaPra has been teaching creative writing and English composition and at UW-Green Bay since 2009. She enjoys working with writers of all abilities, both online and in the traditional classroom, and she especially enjoys working with students individually during “conference week.” Her teaching philosophy centers on the idea that writers can discover what they’re trying to say through the writing process and with the aid of fellow writers. She’s certain that the process of writing is a great philosophy for most difficult tasks in work and life.
While studying at the University of Minnesota, Tara received the Walter H. Judd Fellowship for creative research in Ireland and the Gesell Award for excellence in creative writing, poetry. Her writing has appeared in such places as Creative Nonfiction, Inside Higher Ed, and Sheepshead Review. She met her husband in a Dublin pub and they are parents to two red-haired boys.
While studying at the University of Minnesota, Tara received the Walter H. Judd Fellowship for creative research in Ireland and the Gesell Award for excellence in creative writing, poetry. Her writing has appeared in such places as Creative Nonfiction, Inside Higher Ed, and Sheepshead Review. She met her husband in a Dublin pub and they are parents to two red-haired boys.