Jillian Jacklin
Ad Hoc Program Spec
Jillian Marie Jacklin recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is currently a Visiting Lecturer in Democracy and Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. She is a historian of the United States and places her work in a comparative and transnational context. Her research explores interactions between workers and business, as well as the government bureaucracies and corporate interests that inform these relationships. She situates her work within the fields of ethnic studies, labor history, critical race theory, gender studies, and Indigeneity and explores the role that working-class political activism has played in shaping the outcomes of local, national, and global movements for social justice. Her teaching and scholarly interests include cultural history and carceral studies, economic and industrial relations theory, the histories of masculinity and sexuality, migration studies, settler colonialism, and the history of politics and American capitalism from the mid-19th through the 21st Century. She is currently working on a book manuscript that draws from her dissertation, “Paper Dreams: Working-Class Cultures and Political Drift in the Fox River Valley.” Meanwhile, her most recent project examines indigenous politics and everyday struggles over sovereignty across the Americas. She is especially focused on discussing the ways in which Native peoples have not only sought to protect and reimagine their cultural realities but also served as leaders in the worldwide battle over commercial investment and environmental destruction. She has forthcoming entries in Voyageur Magazine and the Encyclopedia of Racial Violence in America and has published work with the International Journal of Cuban Studies, the Journal of Folklore Research, and The American Yawp. A dedicated teacher, UW-Madison undergraduate students have named her an “Outstanding Mentor” and “Honored Instructor” for several semesters. In 2018, the UW-Madison History Department awarded her for “Exceptional Service in Teaching. She hopes to have as profound of an influence on the academic lives of students at UW-Green Bay.