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Student Policies & Procedures

Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy Statement

The University of Wisconsin - Green Bay is concerned about alcohol and other drug abuse. It views its role as primarily educational. The University provides support services and programs both for those whose drinking puts them at risk and for those who choose not to drink at all. When the use of alcohol or other drugs causes disorder, danger or damage, or involves an infraction of the law, disciplinary action will be taken. Illegal use of alcohol or drugs is subject to civil citations and disciplinary action which may include required community service, loss of University housing and/or suspension from the Universities of Wisconsin. Students are responsible for their actions whether they are under the influence of a substance or not. Alcohol or drugs will never be the focus of any University-sponsored program or activity.

Civility & Inclusivity


The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (UWGB) is an institution of higher learning where the safety of its multifaceted community of people is expected and enforced. Campus activities, programs, classes, lectures, and everyday interactions are enriched by our inclusion of one another as we strive to learn from each other in an atmosphere of positive engagement and mutual respect.

As campus community members, we are responsible for our behaviors and are fully accountable for our actions. We must each take responsibility for our awareness of discrimination and its many forms (i.e. racism, sexism, ageism, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, etc.). The concept of campus civility and inclusiveness can be demonstrated in hallways, classrooms, student housing, and the workplace environment.

Bigotry will be addressed on this campus. Discriminatory, harassing, or intimidating behaviors will be subject to the University’s disciplinary processes. As a campus community we will not engage in harassment or discrimination against another human being on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital or parental status, genetic information, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship status, veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, other protected veteran, or Armed Forces service medal veteran status), age, or disability. Verbal or written abuse, threats, harassment, intimidation, or violence against persons or property will not be tolerated. In this context, alcohol or substance abuse will not be accepted as a defense for such abuse, harassment, intimidation, or violence. Absence of malice, intent or “it is just a joke” is also not a defense for such behaviors. As a campus community we expect that all members engage in the resources provided to better understand all aspects of discriminations and harassment.

Nothing in this document is intended to stifle academic freedom (as defined in the UWGB Faculty Handbook) or free speech rights. Instructors and students retain the right to use words and make critical arguments that some may find offensive but that do not rise to the level of or exhibit the same quality of action as discrimination or harassment, which are serious offenses that should be identified based on objective criteria consistent with established law and policy. UWGB values the free exchange of ideas and perspectives critical to the learning and development of our students, faculty, and staff.

All who work, live, study, teach, and visit the UWGB community are here by choice and as part of that choice should be committed to these principles of civility and inclusivity which are an integral part of UWGB’s Strategic Mission and theHarassment and Discrimination Policy.

If you have experienced or witnessed an event or behavior that violates this statement, you can report in a number of ways:

Complaints & Grievances

The Dean of Students Office welcomes your comments and will help you to resolve differences which may occur. Differences of opinion and misunderstandings can occur in any community and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has procedures which ensure your right to file a grievance or make a complaint.

Academic Grievance

Students who have grievances related to course grades, conduct of classes or other course matters should address those complaints first with the instructor of the course. If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the grievance can then be taken to the chairperson of the appropriate academic department and, if resolution is not achieved there, the student may then go to the appropriate academic dean.

Non-Academic Grievance

Students who have grievances related to University staff should first address those complaints directly with the individual. If the student is not satisfied, the grievance can then be taken to the appropriate supervisor of that department and, if resolution is not achieved there, the student may then go to the Dean of Students Office.

Student Government Association (SGA)

SGA is made up of student leaders elected by the student body. They provide the student’s point of view to university officials at all levels. If you have an idea for a way to improve the University or are concerned with the status quo, SGA can be a good place to start making a difference. Student involvement is always welcome so if you really want to make a difference, become a member of SGA or one of it's many branches.

Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination and harassment have no place on our campus. The intent of harassment is to create a hostile or demeaning environment through inappropriate actions. Harassment can be verbal or physical in nature. Annoyances, threats, demands for favors or constant calling or e-mailing are just some ways individuals can be harassed. If a student feels he or she is being harassed in a general or sexual manner, they should contact the Dean of Students office at (920) 465-2152.

Discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation is not acceptable behavior at UW-Green Bay. Our campus works hard to foster acceptance and understanding of all those who bring the many different forms of diversity to our campus. If you observe or are the target of any form of discrimination, please contact the Dean of Students office at (920) 465-2152 for assistance in resolving the matter.

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Students with Disabilities

Students who have concerns about physical accommodations or violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the ADA Coordinator at (920) 465-2380. If you need to arrange for academic accommodations, contact Student Accessibility Services at (920) 465-2841 to discuss what resources are available to assist in your academic success.

Faculty & Staff Complaint Procedures

For more information on complaint proceedures please visit the following:

Computer Usage

Please see the Student Acceptable Use Policy for Technology

In today’s highly technologically reliant world, we all face increasing threats to the security of our information.  IT security is a responsibility of each member of the UW – Green Bay Community and therefore we are required to safeguard the information assets entrusted to us.

UWSA Policy 1032 Information Security: Awareness requires all students be notified annually of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents policy document 25-3 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources. Students are encouraged to read the full policy located at: Please note that by simply using the IT systems and resources, provided to you as students, you are acknowledging acceptance of the policy.

Furthermore, the policy also requires that we provide students with access to information security awareness training. You are encouraged to review the Internet Safety and Cyber Security Awareness for College Students website ( provided by Cyber Degrees.

If you have any questions or concerns about IT security please contact the IT Security Officer, Travis Albrecht,

Email Policy

E-mail is an important method of communication at UW-Green Bay. Every student is given a University e-mail account to use. The UWGB student e-mail account is an official medium for University communication. Most important university information about registration, billing, financial aid and other important matters will be relayed to you via e-mail. Your professors may also communicate class information to you via e-mail, and information about campus events, programs of interest and federally mandated "right to know" reports will be sent to you electronically. Please check your university e-mail account regularly. Your failure to read and/or respond to official university e-mail communication does not absolve you of responsibility or consequences. Abuse of e-mail privileges such as sending unwanted messages to large groups (spamming) or sending hurtful e-mails to specific individuals is not acceptable and will be dealt with by the proper University officials. For more information, see the University Information Security Policies.

Finally, keep in mind that e-mail is but one form of communication, and not always the best or most appropriate one. There are times that face-to-face meetings are the best way to communicate.

Emergency Contact

Each semester, when you login to SIS, a Personal Information Review page will show automatically. This screen is temporary and will go away once you have filled out your emergency contact information. Please make sure we have the correct information by updating or reviewing: emergency contact, phone numbers, addresses and parent/guardian email addresses. This information may save crucial time if it ever becomes necessary to contact family members, or other loved ones. You can add, edit or delete your emergency contact information at any point by logging into SIS and clicking the Emergency Contact tab under the Personal Information Section.

Freedom of Expression - FAQs

What is Free Speech? Per the Unites States Constitution, “Congress shall make no law…abridging freedom of speech”. This provides us the freedom of religion and the press as well. Free speech gives everyone the right to profess their beliefs either by words or actions without restriction or retaliation by the government. The Universities of Wisconsin are committed to upholding that Freedom of Expression and has confirmed that commitment in Board of Regents PolicyRPD 4-21.

Are demonstrations allowed on campus? Yes, the University as a public place is required to allow for open expression and therefore anyone can use the public space to hold a demonstration. The University will have demonstrations throughout the year and sometimes there will be counter demonstrations. While the demonstrations are permitted on public spaces, the demonstrations may only take place so long as they do not interfere with anyone’s ability to conduct their daily business, such as learn in class or enter/exit buildings freely. If you are planning a demonstration, we recommend consulting with the Dean of Students Office and the University Police to prevent any unnecessary conflicts and so they are able to support your right to free speech.

Is offensive speech allowed on campus? While difficult to hear, read or feel, speech which may be offensive towards different groups based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc., can also be considered free speech. The Constitutional Freedom of Expression does not make general exceptions for such speech, making it allowable on campus. However, when such speech incites lawlessness, threatens bodily harm or creates an immediate breach of the peace, this speech is not protected. If you believe that you have been targeted by speech which incites specific action or breached the peace, please contact the Dean of Students to report the incident.

How can I express my opposition to a campus event or speaker? There are many ways to express your concerns or feeling regarding campus events. This can include organizing a counter demonstration adjacent of the event. Attending the event with a sign (protected speech so long as you do not disrupt the event intentionally). Engaging with the speaker, but only when invited to do so. Sending a letter or email to the organization hosting the speaker. What you cannot do is prevent the speaker from speaking as scheduled, or students will face misconduct charges.

What are “time, place and manner” restrictions?The right to speak on campus is not a right to speak at any time, at any place and in any manner that a person wishes. Courts have long recognized that public educational institutions have the right to impose certain restrictions on the use of their campuses for free-speech purposes. Simply put, this means that the “when, where and how” of free-speech activity may be reasonably regulated if such regulation applies to all speech and allows for the speech to occur without unreasonable encumbrances.

How to I avoid speech which makes me uncomfortable? While the University is a public place which allows for freedom of expression, you do not have to engage with any speech which you believe is offensive or makes you uncomfortable. If the speech is occurring in a public place, you have the right to leave or not engage in the speech. If you are required to be present during an event, demonstration or presentation, because of an academic or work obligation, you should communicate with your Instructor or Supervisor as early as possible to discuss your reasons for not wanting to be present and determine if options exist.

How can I report my speech being limited? If at anytime you feel your freedom of expression is being limited as allowed by the first amendment or Board of Regents policy, contact the Dean of Students Office to discuss what is happening and your options.

Accommodations of Religious Beliefs

In fulfillment of UWS 22 Wis. Admin. Code, a student who wishes to practice their religious beliefs must be reasonably accommodated with regard to the completion of their academic work. A student requesting an accommodation with regard to a date dependent academic requirement, such as an exam, quiz, or presentation, must notify the Instructor within the first 3 weeks of the course (1st week for accelerated courses). Faculty must accept at face value the sincerity of a student’s religious beliefs. The Instructor may schedule a make up date for the academic requirement either before or after the regularly scheduled date. Such requests for an accommodation are confidential.

Students believing they have been denied an appropriate accommodation by an Instructor, should file a complaint with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will assist the student effecting their rights and provide additional procedural guidance.

Policy 136

UW-Green Bay Policy 136 Review/Approval/Appeals Process

The Universities of Wisconsin policy requires disclosure of the following prior to being granted permission to live in university housing or before participating in university-sponsored study abroad programs:

  • Any prior felony pleas or convictions in which the student was treated as an adult during the proceeding; and
  • Non-academic postsecondary disciplinary violations that resulted in expulsion, dismissal or suspension.